What's in your mouth? Version 2.0
thought it would be interesting to track snus usage throughout the day. See how long I used it, what I was reaching for and when. How long each one stayed in. And if I truly was chain-snusing.
Elixyr Energy In@8:30 AM, Out@10:00AM (Wake up snus)
1hr 30min
LD White In@10:30AM, Out@12:15PM
1hr 45min
02 In@12:45PM, Out@2:55PM
2hrs 10min
Roda Lacket In@3:15PM, Out@5:00PM
1hr 45min
Fellinni Mint In@6:30PM, Out@7:35PM (just wanted the flavor, as it tastes like an after dinner mint (Andes Mint), I used it after dinner.)
1hr 5min
02 In@8:00PM, Out@9:00 PM (ate a little snack, had to remove early).
LD White In@9:30PM, Out@10:50
1hr 20min
02 In@11:05PM, Out@12:00AM (end of the day snus)
Anyone else interested in taking part in this little experiment? Might be fun.
Each post keep in a timeline like this so we don't have a bunch of randoms like with the original "What's in your mouth?" thread. And it's easy to see what your day usage looks like. Track it on your computer in a document, a piece of paper, or go back and edit each post with time as you change it out, and note your times.
thought it would be interesting to track snus usage throughout the day. See how long I used it, what I was reaching for and when. How long each one stayed in. And if I truly was chain-snusing.
Elixyr Energy In@8:30 AM, Out@10:00AM (Wake up snus)
1hr 30min
LD White In@10:30AM, Out@12:15PM
1hr 45min
02 In@12:45PM, Out@2:55PM
2hrs 10min
Roda Lacket In@3:15PM, Out@5:00PM
1hr 45min
Fellinni Mint In@6:30PM, Out@7:35PM (just wanted the flavor, as it tastes like an after dinner mint (Andes Mint), I used it after dinner.)
1hr 5min
02 In@8:00PM, Out@9:00 PM (ate a little snack, had to remove early).
LD White In@9:30PM, Out@10:50
1hr 20min
02 In@11:05PM, Out@12:00AM (end of the day snus)
Anyone else interested in taking part in this little experiment? Might be fun.
Each post keep in a timeline like this so we don't have a bunch of randoms like with the original "What's in your mouth?" thread. And it's easy to see what your day usage looks like. Track it on your computer in a document, a piece of paper, or go back and edit each post with time as you change it out, and note your times.