So, I'm sure most of you got this email, and I was wondering what you all think. Buysnus says V2 will be releasing an even cheaper snus, the least expensive on the market. With as inexpensive as Offroad already is, are they going to have to sacrifice quality for this one? I'm just interested in what everyone thinks.
An even cheaper snus?
It would be really cool if it had the same taste as the 'pure tobacco' long cut they just released. Hopefully quality will not suffer, but it is up in the air I guess. With the tax hikes in sweden they could really get in on some of Swedish Match's market with this. It may not even be under the Offroad brand name. I'll probably toss in a tin on my next order just to give it a try!
Did anyone here submit a snus story to try and win the General flash drive?
It's also pretty cool that they mentioned free gifts will be shipping! I just read in another thread that Soft Morning, City! just order 36 tins, I think that man will be getting some free stuff for sure :lol:
Yeah, it probably won't even be Offroad. If they did a taste like the original long cut, but not so damn long, that would definitely be my new everyday snus.
Yeah, I did submit a story, we will all have to report if we win anything. It will be interesting to see how many of the forum members win something.
The long cut taste in a portion format would make an awesome everyday snus since it is so mild, but I imagine the portions would taste different. It always seems like portions are more 'harsh' than loose, even if there is better taste and nic in the loose. Must be some chemical process to aid in nic absorbtion from portions.
I procrastinated too much and didn't enter the contest quick enough. It would be cool as hell if someone on the forum wins!
I did, as a matter of fact, submit a story. If I win anything, I'll be surprised. I never win anything. :lol:
And also, those 36 cans were from Northerner, only because I wasn't ordering any entire rolls. I only bought between 1-5 cans of certain brands. I did a side by side price comparison for the exact same order, and Northerner actually came out about 5 bucks cheaper, so I just went with them.
However, after I go through that stash, I'm definitely buying some rolls from Buy Snus. There were just still some kinds I had wanted to try but hadn't yet, and so I ordered from Northerner.
I can't wait until that order gets here. I used the REK, and with any luck I'll keep up my streak of not getting hit with customs fees.