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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by chadizzy1

    what's the old phrase? "everytime you smoke chuck norris punches a child in the face?" and you don't want that.
    Depends on which child :^P


    • Ainkor
      • Sep 2008
      • 1144


      And throw those cigs you got stashed in the freezer away! Ditch the temptation! Or do something cool like blowing them up with a twelve guage....

      ....At least that's what I'd do [/quote]

      That would be awesome! Although, if the choice was mine I would use a stick of dynamite :P

      Welcome aboard Xmoker! Glad you came out of the "closet" here

      make sure if you have any questions to ask away, or even better, take what you've learned in your quiting and share with the community!



      • Maahk
        • Jul 2009
        • 75

        Awesome! It's always nice to read these stories. Snus is the only thing that worked for me in my quest to quit a 20+ year smoking habbit.

        Ocasionaly I do get the urge, but cie la vie...I go for a walk, or work out, and pop a snus and viola urge is ze gonso. No other method, and belive me, I tried em all, has had this level of success for me. It rocks.

        Keep up the good work and spread the good word of smoking cesation through snus...and the joys of!


        • Owens187
          • Sep 2009
          • 1547

          Originally posted by Ainkor
          Originally posted by Owens187

          And throw those cigs you got stashed in the freezer away! Ditch the temptation! Or do something cool like blowing them up with a twelve guage....

          ....At least that's what I'd do
          That would be awesome! Although, if the choice was mine I would use a stick of dynamite :P
          I don't think I have any dynamite laying around. At the moment <Looking>.....Nope, have to use the 'guage. :lol:


          • captncaveman
            • Jul 2008
            • 924

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            Originally posted by chadizzy1

            what's the old phrase? "everytime you smoke chuck norris punches a child in the face?" and you don't want that.
            Depends on which child :^P
            Its funny when ginger kids get hurt, now a Ginger man punching a ginger kid would be priceless.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Welcome to Snuson. Glad you finally joined us, and quit the smokes.

              Originally posted by joshua
              Look at my sig. You're the woman. I'm the bear.

              That's what's going to happen if you smoke again.

              I've been meaning to ask you, where is your sig from??


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