Okay, I'm a wee bit confused. Until today, the only original portions I'd had were the General ones that came in one of those little sampler packs. They were sopping wet -- if you touch it your fingers turn brown.
Today's order included both some white portions and some originals, and all of the originals don't look much different than the whites except they're tan colored. The pouch itself feels fairly dry, meaning it won't get your fingers wet if you pick one up.
One exception - the Oden's Kanel ES is sopping wet like the General sample was. The Oden's classic regular ones are more .. ? normal ?
I thought maybe the sopping wet ones were fresher but the expiration dates on all of these -- sopping wet and not -- are around the same, in May or June 2010.
Today's order included both some white portions and some originals, and all of the originals don't look much different than the whites except they're tan colored. The pouch itself feels fairly dry, meaning it won't get your fingers wet if you pick one up.
One exception - the Oden's Kanel ES is sopping wet like the General sample was. The Oden's classic regular ones are more .. ? normal ?
I thought maybe the sopping wet ones were fresher but the expiration dates on all of these -- sopping wet and not -- are around the same, in May or June 2010.