Flavor Problem

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  • deeanne59
    • Oct 2009
    • 321

    Flavor Problem

    I am a very green snus newbie here, been using snus less than a week...and my problem is- I am using a Catch Dry Violet/ Licorice mini portion right now...and I can taste the salt, and the violet, but not the licorice. How long will it be before I can distinguish the various nuances and layers of flavors in snus and snuff?

    I know it took me a while to be able to even taste after I quit smoking, but I don't know about adjustment period for snus and snuff.
  • Sigg
    • Sep 2009
    • 161

    No idea when it comes to snuff, but I think the general consensus for snus is roughly 10-14 days (varies from person-to-person). Once you get acclimated to the salt content all those flavors should start popping out for you.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I agree, at least 2 weeks for snus, maybe a month for snuff.


      • deeanne59
        • Oct 2009
        • 321

        Thank you both. I guess I will have to "up" my snus use and give it more time.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          The more snus you let yourself use, the less you will vape. Takes time,is a process. But as I just posted on another thread for you, the snus WILL win. It always does.


          • deeanne59
            • Oct 2009
            • 321

            OK sagedil....I am going to have to get the mindset to "transition" from having to get throat hit from vaping to getting nic from snus (and possibly snuff)...and maybe just use vaping (no nic) just for the "smoke" I emit (until I can break myself of that habit as well).


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090


              I ran across this yesterday and thought it might apply. The pH of snus is very similar to cigars. So some of what is said here will apply. Just substitute the word snus for cigar and see if it makes sense.


              Have you ever smoked a cigar you know is good, and it just tastes "off"? Usually we just blame the cigar maker, tobacconist, or our humidor, but, maybe it wasn't the cigar. It is very likely that our mouth can be "off". The balance between Acidity and Alkalinity affects our lives in innumerable ways; from the environment, soil, and our bodies, to the food we eat and the liquids we drink. "pH" is a measure of Acidity and Alkalinity [of a solution] on a scale where 7 is neutral; lower numbers are more Acid (down to 0), and higher numbers are more Alkaline (up to 14).

              We learn in Tobacco and Taste Colleges that cigars are more Alkaline and cigarettes are more Acidic: this effects the consumption method (i.e. inhaling for cigarettes), nicotine absorption, and therefore the addictive differences between the two.

              As it pertains to luxury tobacco, pH monitoring is critical for the soil and even the water used for irrigation and fermentations. But, the greatest impact of pH does not necessarily come from the product (cigar or pipe tobacco), but rather from your mouth. Your palate's (tongue, mouth, saliva) neutral pH setting is around 7. Lemon juice is around 2, tomatoes are around 4, and milk is around 6.5. Anything we consume will effect the pH level in our mouth, and subsequently, the way we perceive the taste of a cigar or pipe tobacco.

              Fortunately, our mouths/palates have the ability to restore their neutrality within a short period of time. You can expedite this process by drinking water, milk, or eating plain bread, to bring your mouth closer to neutral. If you just finished smoking a cigar and want another, you can eat a little lemon sorbet to restore some Acidity to your palate. Ultimately, maybe you like the contrasting Acidity of coffee with the Alkalinity of a cigar; if so, great - it's up to you and your personal taste. But it is good to know the facts and be aware of how our senses can be biased.
              I noticed that a lot of snus reviews like to include "drink pairings"... (what to drink while snusing). I always thought it was kind of silly but I can see that what you are drinking can affect the pH of the mouth and in turn your ability to taste different flavours from your snus.

              When I was a cigarette smoker I drank a lot of Coca-Cola. Now that I snus, I drink mostly water and coffee.


              • deeanne59
                • Oct 2009
                • 321

                Great info justintempler, I am a coffee drinker...and drink it all the time. I very rarely drink plain water. My coffee is almost 24/7. that might be affecting my tastebuds, because I can feel a type of "film covering" on my tongue quite often, and have actually brushed it off. I don't know if that is from the coffee, but it could explain my taste disfunction.


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  Licorice is a funny flavor. There are many snus that have licorice flavor, and I don't taste it at all. Sometimes I'll only taste it after I spit it out. It's a weird one...


                  • deeanne59
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 321

                    You are right RobsanX...I think I tasted just a little bit of it when I was removing it. The flavors might get better with extended use and experience. Right now I am coming from a world of "vaping"...using an electronic cigarette- those flavors are strong and clean, with the burn of the nicotine...but no tobacco taste, so the taste of snus are totally new and foreign to me right now. Plus, my first attempt at snus was disasterous...causing me to be a little leary about "jumping right in" full force with snus- so I am stepping into them gradually, until I see that I no longer get sick (shell shock I guess).

                    I do see, though, that snus and snuff is FAR LESS expensive than cigarettes or vaping supplies. I don't know if I will ever be able to move away from the mini white portions to regular or strong portions...but I might have to try, because my addiction is heavy. If I progress far enough, I would like to make my own portions with los....but that is way in the future.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by deeanne59
                      OK sagedil....I am going to have to get the mindset to "transition" from having to get throat hit from vaping to getting nic from snus (and possibly snuff)...and maybe just use vaping (no nic) just for the "smoke" I emit (until I can break myself of that habit as well).
                      Or, just do what I do. I smoke a green herb when I want that "smoke" feeling in my lungs. :wink:

                      You won't get much nicotine from most snuff, not enough to satisfy. The snuff is just a "bump" for me, my nicotine comes from snus.

                      Seriously, try some Thunder, you will be happy.


                      • deeanne59
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 321

                        LOL!!! I don't do green herbs, but I know what you mean. I think I am going to include some Thunder in my next order...and possibly some Roda Lackett to try (if that isn't jumping the gun a little). I have a "wish list" of snuffs I want to try...if this weeks' samples go OK.

                        In my other thread, a list of 10 snuffs was recommended to me for beginners...I might try some of that as well as my list, don't know yet.

                        You have been helping me so much, as well as the help I am receiving from SheilaLynn and Tropical Bob and MANY others too numerous to name....I appreciate it soooo much. I will probably continue to lean on all of you through this, but I am learning so much. Thank you.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          deeanne59, it's just what I do here.

                          My payment, if you will, is in a few months, you will be able to do the same for the next one going through exactly what you are now. Just makes what is Snuson.

                          Don't over-expect on the snuffs. What I love them for is the blast of flavor I get. I also love the feeling of the nicotine, but it really does last only a moment. No way could I ever survive on just snuff.

                          Just given where you are, and your really wanting to break the nicotine need cycle you are on. Please, please, invest in the strongs before you worry much about the snuffs. Right now, some good strong snus will just be SO much more helpful in your immediate need.

                          Rodda Lackett is a good snus. More flavor than I want for a regular snus, but yummy every once in a while


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by sagedil
                            deeanne59, it's just what I do here.

                            My payment, if you will, is in a few months, you will be able to do the same for the next one going through exactly what you are now. Just makes what is Snuson.
                            Sage: "Payment from Chad has yet to be received."


                            • deeanne59
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 321

                              Originally posted by sagedil

                              Don't over-expect on the snuffs. What I love them for is the blast of flavor I get. I also love the feeling of the nicotine, but it really does last only a moment. No way could I ever survive on just snuff.

                              Just given where you are, and your really wanting to break the nicotine need cycle you are on. Please, please, invest in the strongs before you worry much about the snuffs. Right now, some good strong snus will just be SO much more helpful in your immediate need.

                              Rodda Lackett is a good snus. More flavor than I want for a regular snus, but yummy every once in a while

                              I will sagedil. I am not really looking for anything "nicotine wise" in the snuff...just the yummy flavors. I am trying to stay with "flavors" in snus right now...hoping I can find some good ones in the strongs. I have been told that many of them taste terrible, so I want to hold off on the straight unflavored ones. The ones that I am using now have great flavors to me...but not enough nic punch to stop the crazy nic train.

                              I am using a General White portion right now...good flavor, even though it is what I call "unflavored" (ie peppermint, cinnamon, etc.), and i understand it is only 8 mg....but my other snus is only 4 and 6 mg!

                              With everyones' help, I will find my "nic level" in snus...so that I can then concentrate on maintaining it easier. I am trying to use SheilaLynn as an example...but it seems she has taken to everything quicker and easier than I am.


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