Lucky Strike Tins

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Lucky Strike Tins

    Anyone know if the Lucky Strike tins have the "ashtray" lid? The pics on Northerner and Buysnus seem to show they do not.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    No they don't. They have a painted metal top, printed metal bottom, and a plastic insert that the snus is actually in. They're also hermetically sealed when new, which is nice for longer term storage.


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      Thanks. And while we are here, does anyone know if the stronger nicotine snus like Skruf are available in mini whites? The Northerner and Buysnus sites indicate minis but not clear if they are originals or not.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I don't have first hand experience, but it does look like the standard portion in mini size to me.


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          Thanks. I like the mini whites 'cause they stick well and are discrete at work and so on. A higher nicotine white mini would be ideal.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            It seems to me that the minis, and particularly the white minis are geared towards women. I think you may have some trouble finding a strong product in that form.


            • mwood72

              Originally posted by darkwing
              Thanks. And while we are here, does anyone know if the stronger nicotine snus like Skruf are available in mini whites? The Northerner and Buysnus sites indicate minis but not clear if they are originals or not.
              Darkwing - The only strong white minis that I've heard of are Wise Strong Portions ( They come with 6mg nicotine per portion as opposed to 4mg per average white mini portion.


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                Isn't the amount of nicotine given in mg/gram of snus?
                Otherwise those mini pouches would be pretty powerful considering they only contain HALF gram of snus. 4 or 6 mg per pouch would be 8 or 12 mg per gram of snus.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  ^ which is basically what regular and strong pouches are


                  • mwood72

                    On Northerner it says 6mg/pouch as opposed to 3mg/pouch for Wise normal portions. Of course you would only absorb about 0.9mg of the 6mg. As far as I know eg. a General white mini portion contains 4mg/pouch from which you would absorb about 0.6mg so I would imagine these are kind of between eg a General White mini portion and a General large white portion. Sort of the difference between a General large original portion and an N&J Large original portion but in minis and so 1/2 the tobacco and nicotine.


                    • darkwing
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 415

                      Has anyone here tried the Wise minis? Any good?


                      • Master Chief
                        • May 2007
                        • 46

                        I haven't, but I expect them to have a great feeling under the lip if its as strong as they say it is


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          There have been some posts here on the forum, from people, who like Wise.

                          Personally, I think, Wise is worth a try, but as much as Wise is aimed at people, who are scared of using tobacco at all, I'm more one of those, who are scared of using any "denaturalized" pure-nicotine - no tobacco- stuff. If I'd search for a high-nicotine mini-portion, I'd try them, though.

                          The only high-nicotine minis, I've used, are the Mocco Mandarine miniportions, with 5mg. They're worth a try. At the moment, I'm using Knox minis, which I have bought, because I like Knox, but also to meet the weight-limit on my last order. They have circa 4,5 mg. I must admit though, that I'm always using two of them at a time.

                          I'd exspecially suggest to try General Original miniportions. Despite of having only only 4mg of nicotine, they somewhat hit. I used them, when I was new to snus and they left a good impression.



                          • darkwing
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 415

                            So the Wise minis are not pure tobacco, but contain some sort of extra nicotine as an additive?


                            • rustic
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 54

                              I don't know that the Wise minis use a non-tobacco nicotine, but they're definitely not just tobacco.. you can see white powder in both the original and the citrus/menthol. I assume the powder is a mixutre of AceK (sweetener) and flavorings.

                              Regardless, they're not bad at all. I prefer something that's more tobacco-tasting, but I like their flavors. The original is a artificial orange flavor with a background of anise (licorice). The citrus/menthol is (drumroll, please) orange flavor with menthol

                              - Jeff


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