Gotlands gul

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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Gotlands gul

    On the passionate recommendation of Jimbo, our resident Gotlander, I've finally tried gotlands gul (yellow) loose - the one with "the taste of Gotland" :lol:

    I'd only ever tried the green prior and in portions at that - it was good, but nothing that struck me as amazing. The yellow, though, is surprisingly great stuff! As weird as it sounds, and though I've never been there, it does have what I imagine to be the "taste of Gotland". :shock:

    Having been only on the west coast of Sweden, the one thing that stuck out was how similar the geography of the place was to Canada (specifically, the Canadian Shield region (click)). Lots of the same animals, trees, shrubs, and general outdoorsy characteristics. At any rate, opening the tin of Gotlands gul gave me a smell that reminded me of fall in northeastern Ontario - the peaty sphagnum mosses, the smell of falling tag alder leaves, and a hint of balsam fir sap. It tastes like autumn outdoors! Amazing!

    Jimbo - I take back any jokes I made about your crazy love for Gotlandssnus, this is great stuff.
  • Starcadia
    • May 2008
    • 646

    Re: Gotlands gul

    Interesting description, Zero. I'm towards the end of my first Gotlands Yellow loose experience and I would describe it similarly. However, it reminds me more of spring than fall. It is certainly complex and subtle, and definitely earthy, but the green earthy as opposed to brown earthy. It hearkens images of strolling in a garden, or even a graveyard, on an overcast, even misty, moody day, with age-worn and mossy classical sculptures in grottoes.

    Practically speaking, I don't know exactly what this snus is made for. I don't see myself using it regularly because it doesn't really fill a niche in an average day like a strong snus or a classic snus. It's enjoyable, though, in a more cerebral way, which is fascinating, and I'll be sure to keep a can at all times for those particular moments.

    And maybe because it's fresh I had little difficulty hand-baking it. No fuss.


    • Kerprodo
      • Apr 2008
      • 138

      Just received my order today with all Gotlands "original" flavors (loose and portion)- not the Jakobssons, ordered one day too early.

      Based on the fan club it has here I had to try the yellow loose first, and I am definitely impressed, everyone should try this at least once, totally unique flavor from any others I've tried. Odd how it has a stong flavor that is subtle at the same time, nothing overpowering , but instead combines for a very smooth, rounded flavor that I am completely enjoying right now. I think this will probably definitely become a staple snus for me.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        Yeah, the great thing about Gotlands snus is that it, somehow, tastes... cleaner or more natural than most other snus. There's a character of lightness, crispness and freshness about it that other brands just don't have. It's just great stuff 8)


        • Kerprodo
          • Apr 2008
          • 138

          Odd, I was going to put fresh in my description but I wasn't sure if any one would understand what I meant, also echo the It's just great stuff


          • MelangeMan
            • Mar 2008
            • 139

            I got yellow and green in portions, and to be honest I found them disappointing. Smelling and tasting them, there seemed to be two layers there. A very "fresh cut grass"/raw vegetation smell which I would describe as thin and ghostly. The tobacco was very dark, bitter, and harsh. It was basically Offroad, to me.

            The thing I noticed most was that the cans weren't sealed in any way. Maybe they don't keep as well?


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I am pretty sure that Gotlands cans have a thin seal (like a hot glue) inside the lid that pops open when you open the can for the first time. I may just be talking out my ass though.


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                The tobacco was very dark, bitter, and harsh. It was basically Offroad, to me.
                I have no idea what Gotlands portions are like, but the loose is like the antithesis of Offroad. You've got some weird freakin' tastebuds man :lol:


                • Kerprodo
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 138

                  I received a can of yellow portions with my last order, so I opened it to try one. Flavor is definitely more subdued than the los, but seems to be same profile as los, no harsh notes, bitterness, etc noted. I'll probably only order in portions on occasion, while good, they aren't as spectacular to my taste as the los, a definite mainstay for me now.

                  As far as sealing, I could not detect any type of glue seal, but the tongue in groove plastic seal on Gotlands cans seems to keep the can tightly closed, seems a better design than smooth plastic faces on most cans sealed with perforated paper. I would guess this design would keep moisture in much longer in fact. Had no problems with freshness or drying out, last order traveled in the high 90 heat this past week here with no detectable loss of quality.


                  • itchystiches
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 194

                    Originally posted by MelangeMan
                    I got yellow and green in portions, and to be honest I found them disappointing. Smelling and tasting them, there seemed to be two layers there. A very "fresh cut grass"/raw vegetation smell which I would describe as thin and ghostly. The tobacco was very dark, bitter, and harsh. It was basically Offroad, to me.

                    The thing I noticed most was that the cans weren't sealed in any way. Maybe they don't keep as well?
                    I can echo melange's comments. I've tried all the Gotlands varieties (had a full roll of both the Yellow and Julesnus ones) and found them all to be nice at first, but gradually fell into disappointment as I used them further. They just don't seem to have that same 'kick' that I get from Skruf and SM products?


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      They're some of my favorite portions, and definitely my favorite lös. There is a bitterness, but I find it quite pleasant. Gotland's products have a fresh taste that reminds me of the outdoors. Gul tastes like spring to me, while the Grå tastes like a cool fall day :^) I also dig the tins. They seal very well, and I like the low budget labeling. They look like something you'd get at the local farmers market.


                      • itchystiches
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 194

                        The tins are awesome... I was about to say this also, they are very smooth inside, which makes them perfect for storing other valuable things which you will want to loose none of (I'm thinking of the Skruf cans here... with their little lip at the bottom which catches a lot of stuff -- never to be released again :P)


                        • Gideondark
                          • May 2008
                          • 33

                          I have only tasted the Green so far, in portions, and love it! The smell in the can is so fresh, and the taste is superb. If the others smell/taste like this, I can see this becoming my favorite brand of snus.

                          They just seem "clean" for lack of a better word. If this is truly a representative of that region in Sweeden, then I see a trip in my future!
                          Maybe they do tours of the factory. Wouldnt that be great to watch, and then taste some snus fresh off the line?

                          Road trip anyone? I'll bring the beer!


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            Subtilo is going to check out the factory this summer. Lucky!


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