N&J Black!

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  • Qor
    • May 2009
    • 197

    N&J Black!


    N&J Black = N&J in the Onyx portion material. I got an email from Buysnus and immediately ordered 2 cans. I included 2 cans of Thunder Frosted los to it as well.

    I am very excited about this.

    Anyone have a tester of this that they have tried? I will post my review when it arrives.

    Oh, here is the link.


    Sorry if this is old news. And can anyone translate what this means? I know it may not be out for a bit, but what is week 45?

    Available week 45 but you can preorder it and get it as soon as it is released.

  • african redbush
    • May 2009
    • 80

    i think it means week 45/52... so sometime in november?


    • Anthony
      • Jul 2009
      • 249

      Yeah, early November. Northerner is estimating a week earlier... Just depends on when they get their shipments.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        From what I heard, first week of November.


        • Asquar
          • Mar 2008
          • 256

          I think I will give this a shot. Even since all of the new stark portions such as Odens and GES eclipsed N&J as the strong of the strong, I still like N&J more in a way. It's really the perfect portion snus.

          Their E & W maybe didn't turn out so well, but I still think it's exciting that they're coming out with this.

          Would it taste like Onyx? I've only had one can of Onyx ever, and didn't know quite what to think of it. I still don't. That stuff is really its own breed of cat.


          • NorSnuser
            • Sep 2009
            • 153

            Originally posted by Asquar
            Would it taste like Onyx? I've only had one can of Onyx ever, and didn't know quite what to think of it. I still don't. That stuff is really its own breed of cat.
            I don't think so, I'm guessing it will taste like N&J in an Onyx bag. At least I hope so. Does anybody know if this is the case? Is the N&J Black identical or was there a formulation change?

            I do find it interesting that their listing regular N&J as 12 mg. of nicotine and N&J Black as 11 mg. I guess the portion material is having an effect on the amount released, or the sites are incorrect.


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              BuySnus lists them as both 11mg.

              Just think of N&J Black as the "white" version of regular N&J.
              Less drip, same basic flavor, will take longer to juice up...etc etc.


              • NorSnuser
                • Sep 2009
                • 153

                Thanks, justintempler, you made my night. That's what I wanted to hear.

                I prefer white sterks so I was glad to see N&J Black coming out. I'm looking forward to trying it out.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Nick and Johnny (Black) Review. 4 Nov 09.

                  The long awaited Nick And Johnny (Black) has arrived! I haven't actually reviewed Nick & Johnny (Strong Portion) as of the date of this writing, but I can say it's a great snus. And alot of die hard snus fans swear by it. Although it's not a regular for me, I will say that it's a very good one. And I really enjoy General Onyx, so I was quite curious to see what Swedish Match had up their sleeves for this one!

                  Upon opening the can, it looks much alike to General Onyx. Black portions arranged in the star pattern. As we discussed in the General Onyx review - Black portions are White portions in the black teabag like material. Nick and Johnny Strong Portion is a very moist snus, so I was curious if any of that would translate to Nick and Johnny (Black). This portion is slightly moist, but not as moist as N&J Strong. N&J Black portions have 11mg of Nicotine, and pack just as good of a kick as N&J Strong.

                  Upon opening the can, the aroma is clearly different from N&J Strong. Whereas in N&J Strong, the aroma of citrus is very strong, but in N&J Black, it's not as strong as the aroma of N&J Strong, and is very balanced with the other elements of this portion. The flavor of N&J Black is slightly similiar to N&J Strong, but there are differences that seperate the two. The flavor of N&J Black is strong, but seems to be more balanced than N&J Strong. Of course, flavor is in the mouth of the snusholder, so your results may vary. The flavor of citrus isn't the familiar bergamot I'm used to, but reminds me more of a grapefruit, it's rather tangy, and is perfectly balanced with the salt and pepper notes which mellow in with the smooth tobacco flavor. I can't get over the citrus in this one though, it's very tangy - more so than any snus I've had in a while, and I really enjoy it. This is one of the most balanced snus in terms of flavor that I've had in a while. Add that with a great nicotine kick, and N&J Black is a much welcome addition to it's older brother N&J Strong.

                  In case this review is a bit confusing, I'll try to clarify a tad. N&J Strong has a strong taste. So does N&J Black. But the N&J Black has a very tart, stronger citrus flavor. The flavors seem alot more balanced than in N&J Strong, but that doesn't mean that N&J Black's flavor is weak. N&J Black reminds me more of Onyx than Grov Black, but it doesn't taste much like Onyx, it's just the closest thing I COULD compare it too.


                  • bakerbarber
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 1947

                    ddoes it taste like liqorice?


                    • Snusophile
                      • May 2008
                      • 531

                      yuck, not another licorice sterk!


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        No licorice taste at all.


                        • Snusophile
                          • May 2008
                          • 531

                          Does it taste like Grov Black?

                          I had trouble reading your review because you kept saying Nick and Johnny Strong has a strong taste but not as strong as nick and johnny black which is stronger in taste than nick and johnny strong LOL :lol:


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            It's hard to explain.

                            N&J Strong has a strong taste. So does N&J Black.

                            But the N&J Black has a very tart, stronger citrus flavor. The flavors seem alot more balanced than in N&J Strong, but that doesn't mean that N&J Black's flavor is weak.

                            If that makes sense?

                            It reminds me more of Onyx than Grov Black, but it's not TOO much like Onyx.


                            • daruckis
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2277

                              Originally posted by Snusophile
                              Does it taste like Grov Black?

                              I had trouble reading your review because you kept saying Nick and Johnny Strong has a strong taste but not as strong as nick and johnny black which is stronger in taste than nick and johnny strong LOL :lol:

                              hahaha yeah i struggled with that too.


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