Offroad Limited Now In Stock

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I have found the portion material to be rather soft and good in the latest V2 snus I have gotten. The Thunder was super soft, and the Phantom Blue was good and the Offroad Original. I think I have read they changed the portion material in the past, and these new cans I have are all comfortable, to me anyhow.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by tom502
      I have found the portion material to be rather soft and good in the latest V2 snus I have gotten. The Thunder was super soft, and the Phantom Blue was good and the Offroad Original. I think I have read they changed the portion material in the past, and these new cans I have are all comfortable, to me anyhow.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        I'm going to be passing on this release. I don't dig the whole concept of buying the roll.

        I understand the concept. Just in case one or two particular flavors don't go well they still unload them.

        Maybe in while one of the shops will offer singles lke they did with the Nordstrommens loose set.


        • Owens187
          • Sep 2009
          • 1547

          Originally posted by tom502
          I have found the portion material to be rather soft and good in the latest V2 snus I have gotten. The Thunder was super soft, and the Phantom Blue was good and the Offroad Original. I think I have read they changed the portion material in the past, and these new cans I have are all comfortable, to me anyhow.

          Thats what I am curious of, the material. The Thunder material is great, nice and soft, thats why I can't understand why the Offroad is so hard and rough and cardboard like. The Thunder flavor is great too, while the Offroad is damn near flavorless. They obviously have good portion material, but just don't use it on the Offroad, maybe a cost issue? The new flavors sound great, but if they are close to flavorless, and with that crappy material like the rest of the Offroad, then its a no go for me. So I'm waiting for some reviews before I order any. I'm sincerely hoping for the best, as I'm tired of hating on V2 products. I just wish all their products were as good as Thunder.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Owens187. Did you read the reviews I was so nice and went and found and gathered so people could see what ALL the testers said about them when they were tested here 6 months ago?????

            Two things folks unanimously raved about.

            The flavors. Flavors so unlike you ever tasted in snus before. Flavors so right, so strong, so fully capturing EXACTLY what they were supposed to be

            The portion material. Some of the best V2 had ever made, better than even the new stuff they had recently put out,

            Seriously. Read the reviews. A bunch of folks put a whole bunch of time and thought into testing those. And big reason V2 wanted the public test, and made use of snuson is so folks, today, like you, are thinking about if maybe they should get it.

            So do please read them. :wink:


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077


              Originally posted by sagedil
              Originally posted by asnider123
              Sorry fellas, I just don't like Offroad, and I've tried many of their flavors. :shock:
              These are unlike ANYTHING Offroad has ever made. Most of these were tested her, and folks LOVED them


              • Owens187
                • Sep 2009
                • 1547

                Well, I guess since all of your previous suggestions to me didn't do no wrong and were spot on,exactly how you said they would be, I may just have to order them. I just really wanted to see some first hand reviews by the trusted folks on this board first.

                So Sage says, so shall it be.............. :wink:


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Why V2 was so smart and had a pretty good cross section of folks here. Never trust just one but when there is general agreement about something, that is different.

                  If you read through those reviews, we certainly didn't all like the same flavors, but there was general agreement about how good the flavors were, how strong, how true, etc.


                  • mlkramer
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 393

                    well....had the roll for a few days and finally opened it up. Sent someone here 1/2 the roll...mixed em up in the tin and decided to try what came out first. the winner....Moonshine. This being the least favorably reviewed on the trials I read in previous threads, I guess it's a good one to get out of the way.

                    Smell took me a bit to figure out...then it hit me. Smelled like my Dorm room the day after a party. You know, the cheap booze spilled all over the place and allowed to settle for 24 hours or more.

                    Taste is no where near as bad as I had set myself up for. Same boozy taste with a hint of sweet. Lil salt in the background. Kinda an aftertaste after a shot of said cheap booze. Slight hint of Elixyr taste to me as well for some reason. Not so bad I won't finish the can eventually.


                    • STINKBOTO
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 76

             got em for $25.00 a roll!


                      • sheilalynn
                        • May 2009
                        • 1103

                        Tried them all today and here's the opening thoughts:

                        Sweet Clove: I was told I was going to love that one, and the person that told me that was right. It does taste and smell like cloves! There's a little bit of a weird aftertaste with it, but it was still very good and different.

                        Chocolate Raspberry: Tried this one second since I am a chocolate raspberry freak. It's sweet, it's chocolately, it's rasberry-ey, 3 things that I like all rolled into one. Yummy!

                        Mango Cream: Also very sweet and a lot of mango flavor more than the cream flavor. But I'd rather have the fruity taste since I do seem to be drawn to fruity and minty snus anyways. (might explain why I love Discreet so much). Another winner.

                        Mandarine: Not quite as good as the Discreet Orange that I tried, but it is right up there. Orange slices is my favorite non-chocolate candy, and this would take the place of those very nicely when I don't have any of those laying around. Once again, it's on the sweet side.

                        Moonshine: Like I said on Twitter, I've had just one hangover in my life, and this one reminded me of that hangover-mouth taste in the morning. I've never tried moonshine, but it reminded me of whiskey. It might grow on me by the time I finish the can...or it might not.

                        Overall, it's a pretty good series of snus and the flavors are different from any others I've tried, so I'd call it an Offroad win.


                        • MojoQuestor
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 2344

                          Thanks for the review, sheilalynn. I'm really sitting on the fence about buying these.


                          • sheilalynn
                            • May 2009
                            • 1103

                            Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                            Thanks for the review, sheilalynn. I'm really sitting on the fence about buying these.
                            If you like sweet snus, then you'd like these. That Moonshine one is definitely the only really funky tasting one out of the batch. It probably would go good with Jack & Coke if you drink that though! :P


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Alright, after a great night of trying these out... put together a review recently. Great job V2, these were awesome.

                              Offroad Limited Edition 2009 Review. 30 Oct 09.

                              Let it never be said that V2 isn't creative. In 2008 they released a limited edition with flavors such as Hot Honey, Wild Strawberry, Brandy Alexander, Eucalyptus and Orange. In early 2009, under the Nordströmmen line, they released a great lös collection with flavors such as Brandy Alexander, Mandarine, Dark Vanilla, and Chocolate Raspberry. And now, Offroad Limited Edition 2009 with flavors such as Chocolate Raspberry and Mandarine (returning from the Nords line, this time in portion), and adding on Mango Creme, Moonshine, and Sweet Clove. Alot of creativity went into this - and the snus was tested by actual snus users, and V2 listened to the response that was given to formulate this new line. You won't see that with cigarette companies, one of the things I love most about snus is the fact the snus makers LISTEN to their customers.

                              This year, they come in a very cool shiny metal tin with the Offroad logo on the outside and "Limited Edition 2009" underneath. It makes for a great collectors item, because we know snus lovers keep their cans. We know about that stash of old cans in your closet. Now, about the snus. First of all, this is a great line. I mean, it's really good. I thought the Nord's los line was great, but this takes it to the next level. Alot of research, testing (with real snus users), and love went into making these, you can tell from the moment you open the cans, to the time you take the portion out. About the portions - wow. These are among the most comfortable I've ever had from V2, let alone the most comfortable snus portions I've experienced in general. The snus is very soft, no fluffing necessary! Just out of the can, and into the mouth.

                              Mango Creme. Upon opening the can, a fresh, sweet smell of fruit grabs your attention. It is one of the most pure, great smelling snuses I've ever had. I couldn't wait, I immediately grabbed a portion and put it in. Amazing! The flavor hits immediately. These portions are different from anything I've ever had before. I've never had a snus with a flavor that hits so quickly! V2 has captured the flavor dead on. It tastes just like fresh mango. It's not overly sweet, and the flavor of mango is very pure - very natural. It is slightly sweet, but it is not overbearing, and a portion you can keep in for a long time.

                              Mandarine. My second portion I tried was just as good as mango. I was very excited to try this one. It has a slightly sweet, but pure and simple smell of fresh oranges. The flavor is amazing. Not overly strong, but very pleasant and mild, the taste of pure orange captures your senses from the moment you open the can, to the very end. It reminds me alot of the Nordströmmen mandarine, and that's a good thing! Because that was one of the better ones out of the los collection, I found myself reusing this one more than the others! Just like with Mango Creme, the flavor was hit dead on - a very enjoyable orange flavor.

                              Choc Raspberry. This was the one I was looking forward to the most. This was my absolute favorite out of the Nordströmmen los line, so I couldn't wait to try this one. I am pleased to say everything I loved most about the los carried over into the quality, aroma, and flavor of the Offroad Limited portion. The aroma is very pure, and not too sweet - but smells of chocolate with soft notes of raspberry. The flavor comes on strong from the very beginning, no holding back! A mellow flavor of chocolate mingles gently with the pure taste of raspberry - first as subtle notes in the background, but then mixing into a full, pure mix of chocolate and raspberry - carrying on strong until the very end. Great job, V2. The flavor of this was also captured very accurately.

                              Moonshine. I was very wary of this one. And sad to say, I didn't like this one. The smell...the just wasn't for me. The aroma is strongly of alcohol, I want to say bourbon, because that's what it smelled like most to me. The flavor had no sweetness, was slightly bitter, and in my mind tasted mildly of bourbon. But it just....I dunno, didn't feel right. Not to say alcohol flavored snus is bad - because I like Probe Whiskey. But this one just didn't do it for me. Not to say others won't like it, but in my opinion the weaker one of the line.

                              Sweet Clove. I was quite excited about this one. As many of you know, recently the FDA banned clove flavored cigarettes. Which was quite sad to me - because although I quit smoking, Djarum Black is a cigarette that I can occasionally enjoy, much like a fine cigar. I love the flavor of cloves. I like them in incense (the aroma is almost intoxicating), in Chai Tea, I mean...anything. Cloves are great. Upon opening the can, I was surprised to see that the snus actually did smell of cloves. Not of pure, straight up clove...but a sweeter clove. And I like that! This, in my opinion, had the most pleasant aroma of the whole line. The flavor of this comes on quickly, and is one of the best flavors I've ever had in a snus. I SERIOUSLY hope V2 adds this flavor to their regular line. It's THAT good. The flavor is - of course - of cloves, pure and simple. Not as strong as the cigarettes I've had in the past, or of the flavor of just cloves, but of a more simple, pure clove flavor, slightly sweet, but not overly sweet. It's hard to fully explain, but V2 did a great job of capturing the flavor of clove and translating it in such a way that it makes a great flavored snus.

                              V2, kudos to you. Always releasing great new products, keeping it original, and continuing to be innovative with these lines of snus that come out under the V2 company. It's sad, knowing this is a limited edition. Granted, I could do without Moonshine, but the others I could definitely see myself ordering again. Sweet Clove, for instance, should definitely stay around. Offroad Limited Edition 2009 is a great line, and a great way to end out the year.


                              • MojoQuestor
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 2344

                                Originally posted by sheilalynn
                                Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                                Thanks for the review, sheilalynn. I'm really sitting on the fence about buying these.
                                If you like sweet snus, then you'd like these. That Moonshine one is definitely the only really funky tasting one out of the batch. It probably would go good with Jack & Coke if you drink that though! :P
                                As it happens, I don't care too much for sweet snus. I'd like to try them, but curiosity killed the cat, and since I already bit off for the Kardus I think I'll just have to give these a pass. Thanks again :O)


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