G_Jones, sorry I missed your post above. I am in a use up my 60+ cans I have, not gonna order for a long while stage, so not really following this thread. But let me say now, welcome to Snuson.
And yes, I agree, a very fine order.
Again, standard advice I tell every new person. Be prepared for a shock when you first try the Swedish. ALL you will taste at first is the salt, please know this is just temporary. Will take at least 7 -10 days for your body to acclimate to the salt. So will take a week or two for you even to begin to taste what the snus really is supposed to taste like.
And yes, I agree, a very fine order.
Again, standard advice I tell every new person. Be prepared for a shock when you first try the Swedish. ALL you will taste at first is the salt, please know this is just temporary. Will take at least 7 -10 days for your body to acclimate to the salt. So will take a week or two for you even to begin to taste what the snus really is supposed to taste like.