A letter to the Senators.

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    A letter to the Senators.

    I dont mean to stir up the whole PACT ACT thing, but I thought I should post this in case anyone is interested.

    BurningChrome shared this letter he wrote to his Senators, over on the GetSnus forum. He has given permission for others to use it.

    I sent it to both my senators, and everyone should do the same...every little bit might help, who knows....


    I am writing you regarding S. 1147, The Pact Act. The bill was introduced in the Senate on May 21, 2009, read twice, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

    This bill aims to protect states revenue, prevent sales of tobacco to minors, and provide law enforcement the necessary tools to prevent cigarette trafficking. These are noble goals and essential to protecting America's youth from the harms caused by smoking. In addition, the bill aims to protect all American's by preventing terrorist groups and other criminal organization from receiving revenue from cigarette trafficking created by inconsistent tax laws. Although do not favor this approach to prevent cigarette trafficking, I understand that trafficking is a difficult problem and instead would like to address the bills inclusion of smokeless tobacco.

    Specifically I would like the bill to exclude Swedish snus. Swedish snus is a form of smokeless tobacco that has been in production and use for over 200 years, like specialty cigars, currently Swedish snus is difficult to find in retail stores and often must be acquired through mail order. Many American smokers have discovered Swedish snus and have used this product to dramatically reduce cigarette use or to quit smoking altogether. Senator, I am one of those Americans. I quit a pack a day cigarette habit in favor of Swedish snus, improving my overall health and the health of my family. As I understand the PACT act, this legislation will prevent me from purchasing snus through the mail and make snus unavailable to many Americans that have quit smoking using this product.

    In addition to helping smokers quit, several studies have concluded that the health risks associated with snus use are 98% lower that the associated risk of cigarettes. One example is, Systematic review of the relation between smokeless tobacco and cancer in Europe and North America, published May 2009 in BMC Medicine. You can read the study on-line using this URL: http://www.biomedcentral.com/content...-7015-7-36.pdf .

    Senator, please review this information and consider an amendment to S.1147 that excludes Swedish snus from the provisions of this bill.

    Thank you for your time and consideration,
  • stubby2
    • Jun 2009
    • 436

    Another small thing to do is leave a comment on this site. Also, on the right side is a place to vote on if you favor the bill or not.


    I know there are those on this site that have an aversion to the political side of things, and I resect that, but this is a small thing to do. Who knows, it may even make a difference.


    • dupee419
      • Aug 2009
      • 398

      i'm pretty sure PACT is dead in the water at this point in the session. there's just too many more important things on the slate for them.


      • aj01
        • Jan 2008
        • 149

        PACT letter

        That letter, I fear, will do more harm than good.

        If snus were available at every corner shop and gas station in the US, we would be perfectly happy to drive down the road and buy it, and pay state, local and federal excise.

        PACT affects us not because we want exemption from legal US excise taxes on snus, but because snus is almost completely unavailable in traditional retail outlets. We are required us to use the web, and we essentially break the law every time we open a pouch from Sweden or the US without paying tax.

        The letter should address the complexity of paying the tax, and how you, the US consumer, want to have a simple process of paying it. If you buy the product at a Texaco, you buy it duty paid and go home. If it's shipped to you duty not-paid, according US law, you owe, since you ordered it. When you open the package, you are breaking State and Federal laws.

        The letter should state "I want to pay the tax, but I want the process to be simple."

        I am pretty sure that the era of web-shops is short-lived. Better to pressure the manufacturers to produce and distribute in the US than to ask one's senator for a free pass on legal tobacco taxes.


        • elmos
          • May 2009
          • 84


          Don't you know they can't read


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            and i take it back to what i posted in the canadian tax thread...sites could sell us a candle(hollowed out but thick enough not to break) and have the snus cans we ordered packaged inside them w/ a wax seal on the bottom thats about an inch thick..it would weigh about the same as a regular candle that size and ship it as crafts/gifts.... :idea:


            • Asquar
              • Mar 2008
              • 256

              I at least voted in the washingtonwatch site survey, but I'm not silly enough to believe that my opinion counts.


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