Need Suggestions

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  • CivicSI
    • Oct 2009
    • 17

    Need Suggestions

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and a fairly new snus user. I quit smoking a few months back with the help of some Camel Snus and have began to look more into Swedish Snus. So far, I have only made one purchase from which was for a roll of General Wintergreen. I will never go back to Camel Snus again.

    Anyways, I need suggestions on what to include in my next order. With my limited knowledge about snus, hopefully you all can help. This is what I know so far:

    Camel Snus Frost was good but you can tell it was highly flavored/sweetened
    Camel Snus Mellow was horrible
    General Wintergreen has a pretty good taste
    My free can of Thunder Extra Stark Snus - Blue was horrible

    From what I can tell already, I don't like the taste of plain, straight tobacco (I think). I like some flavoring such as the ones that go into the Camel Frost and General Wintergreen. So anything mint/wintergreen/etc. would be great. I was also thinking that some fruity and/or exotic flavors would be good too (I have seen many people talking about the Skruf Cranberry).

    Lastly, I seem to like the white portions. I don't know what the exact differences are between original, white, strong, black, etc. but the portions in my free can of Thunder looked, felt, and smelt disgusting. Not something that I really wanted to put in my mouth.

    Given all that junk, what suggestions would you guys have?

    If it makes it easier, this is what I'm looking for:

    1) Flavored snuses
    2) Information on the differences between the types of portions (white, original, black).
    3) Suggestions for both mini and regular portions (minis for work and in class)
    4) Best website to buy from. I was happy with my order from BuySnus but I would be open to suggestions

    Sorry for making you read all that and if this is information that is readily available in another thread. I have been reading through these forums and don't see anything directly related to my questions. Hopefully you can help the newbie out!

  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to Snuson CivicSI

    We are a unique site, please ask every question you can think of. Searching for info doesn't work that well here, so we welcome questions from new users, even if they have been asked before.

    Please, please, let me make this suggestion. Go to and buy their Top 10 box. It is the best tryout box of snus available.

    You DON'T know yet that you will prefer flavored snus. that is the most common misconception new folks have, and 90% of them eventually discover they love straight tobacco flavored snus.


    In addition to the try out box, get these flavored snus as well.

    LD Black, if you like licorice.
    Thunder Frosted

    The most important thing with Swedish snus is just be patient. You will be overwhelmed with the salt at first, one reason you think you prefer flavored. But this is temporary. Takes a week to ten days for your body to acclimate to the salt. So keep using, and within a few weeks, you will begin to taste what the snus really is supposed to taste like.

    Again, welcome. And ask everything, truly what we exist for

    EDIT. Regular snus has a last step of being soaked in fluid. Whites skip this last step. Regulars will juice up more than whites. White flavors are slower to come on, a bit more mellow. I prefer whites. But for now, try everything.

    Black snus is just the portion material, nothing else. Some "black" snus, is really a white, Oynx for example

    EDIT 2 - again, another common error of folks who are new thinking they need minis for discretion. You don't, I promise you don't. Especially as a new non smoker, stay away from minis, they really won't satisfy in the nicotine department.

    However, if you really want, look for Thunder Extra Sterk mini, Thunder Frosted Extra Sterk mini, and Taboca strong mini. These minis will give you the same nicotine as a regular snus


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Welcome to SnusOn!

      If you like Camel Frost, or "mint" flavor, I'd suggest checking into Thunder Frosted. The nicotine in that is a bit strong, so maybe try Thunder Frosted Mini+?

      On the Wintegreen, I can't help you much, I'm not a big fan.

      When it comes to mint - as I said, Thunder Frosted is good, Triumph (if you can find it) makes a good mint. I remember I liked General Mini Mint when I started, but it turned quickly, but it may be something you might want to throw a can of on your order.

      Fruity/Exotic? If you order Skruf Cranberry, I'd suggest Offroad Cranberry as well/instead, because I found it to be better than the Skruf offering. Goteborg's Rape and Rape#2 are good, they have a taste of lingonberry (which I didn't know what it tasted like until I tried those), and they are very good. Mocca Pomegranate is a good one, I still use it from time to time.

      Best website to buy from is all relative. It depends on what you're looking for, how quick you want it, what you're buying with it, each have their advantages.

      The difference between white and original is that the original portions go through an extra step to wet them while in the bag, the white portions are wetted/moisture added before being put into the portion bag. Original portions, in my experience, run/drip before white portions do. It's all about personal taste though, some like originals, some like whites - you'd just have to find what works for you. The white portions seems to hold on to the flavor longer and it is released slower, while the original portions release it early on. Black portion (Onyx, LD Black, Grov Black) is just a black colored white portion. I myself, prefer white portions. Mini portions are simply smaller than regular portions. There are also maxi portions in a few products that are bigger than regular portions.

      Remember, keep an open mind. We all offer suggestions, but in the end, you will find a taste that will be uniquely yours.

      As sage said above, "You DON'T know yet that you will prefer flavored snus. that is the most common misconception new folks have, and 90% of them eventually discover they love straight tobacco flavored snus."

      I started EXCLUSIVELY using flavored. Now? I use mostly unflavored/"traditional" snus. Why? I discovered I love straight tobacco flavored snus. It took 5 or 6 months to discover that, because my tastes matured and changed, as alot of peoples do. So you will find your taste.


      • TheOneandOnly
        • Jun 2009
        • 616

        hey... I have a Civic Si too...

        Welcome to Snuson


        • Karanya
          • Oct 2009
          • 402

          Welcome to Snuson!

          I started out preferring white portions but within a few days started liking original portions slightly better. My husband at first found original portions kind of off-putting but now strongly prefers originals to whites. Go figure.

          That said, here are some flavored white portions that I like:
          Roda Lacket (mild, with dried fruit flavor)
          Goteborgs Rape #2 (juniper & lingonberry)
          Catch Eucalyptus (menthol-y)
          General Onyx (very salty, lemony, peppery)

          Minis come in a lot of flavors but, in most cases, the nicotine is sorely lacking. Discreet is worth a shot -- it's inexpensive and it does taste good. Unfortunately it simply doesn't have enough nicotine to be worthwhile for me, even though it's supposed to be 7.4 mg. It hits more like a 4mg mini in my experience.

          If minis are sufficient, there are loads of flavored white minis out there. They're about as potent (maybe more so) than the Camel Frost/Mellow. Off the top of my head, there's Discreet (strawberry, peach, peppermint, spearmint), Mocca (Macchiato, Pomegranate, Mint, Anis), CatchDry (Eucalyptus, Licorice), Fellinni (chocolate-mint)...

          Good luck!



          • CivicSI
            • Oct 2009
            • 17

            Thanks for the quick responses! I didn't think anyone would get back to me for at least a couple hours... especially with it being 1:00 in the morning!

            Sagedil - Thank you for your thorough response. To be honest, I was considering trying some unflavored portions because I saw that many people were fond of brands like Nick and Johnny. I will probably order that Top 10 from Northerner. Any idea how long shipping would be to the Midwest and what prices would be like for shipping? $30 isn't too bad for a 10 pack. As for being discreet, I don't want the ladies in my classes to see a lump in my lip 8)

            Chadizzy1 - Thank you for your input too. I think that the most useful suggestion that I got from you guys is to keep an open mind. This sounds like a real newbie question, but when do I know exactly that a portion is spent? When it starts to run/drip? Is there any strategy when it comes to eating and drinking with a portion in? It seems like they don't last as long when I'm doing those things. Could you also elaborate on the advantages of some of the different snus websites?

            TheOneandOnly - Yeah I just bought an Electron Blue 1999 Honda Civic SI before I went off to college. I think I'm the only one in my area that still has a 100% stock SI and I love it. I get a lot of compliments on my car and it's great for commuting too.

            Thanks again, everyone!


            • BabaBooey
              New Member
              • Oct 2009
              • 6

              While I agree with the first reply to your question, you might just want to get a sample box of portion snus. Since that is what you seem to enjoy if I remember correctly. As fer my own personal favorite white portion. It is without a doubt Goteborgs Rape #2 white portion. It seems to have everything you are asking for. It tastes great, has a mix of a medium tobacco flavor, but it also has multiple different berries mixed in for a nice added taste!!

              First try out the box, and if you want, just order one can of GR2. That is if it doesn't already come in the box.

              Later and good luck finding your favorite brand!!


              • Karanya
                • Oct 2009
                • 402

                I'm not Sage or Chad, but I can answer a few of your questions.

                Shipping time from Northerner seems to run about 10 to 14 days on average. Make sure you pick Swiss post (not UPS!) unless you are filthy rich -- otherwise shipping cost will be insane. I believe shipping on the Top 10 box is around $8 for Swiss post.

                With a little practice, and as your mouth adjusts to having snus in there, you'll find that regular-sized portions really don't show. Trust me

                How do you know when a portion is spent? Well, you get almost all of the nicotine you're going to get in the first 30 to 45 minutes, then it slows to a trickle. A lot of people like to leave the portion in place for much longer periods of time, but I'm a fiend and switch mine out after 30 to 45 minutes. Basically, it's "spent" when you feel you're done with it and want it out of your mouth

                Definitely drink while snusing... I eat as well, but that can be trickier. If you don't drink anything, you're a lot more likely to get a sore throat and/or hiccups. (Niccups!) You can lick the portion to rewet it or move it around to get more mileage out of it.



                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Usually when the drip becomes real heavy, I take them out. It's something you'll eventually just notice, and you'll "know" when to take it out. It just clicks with me when it's in that I know to take it out. I'm sure you notice with Camel Frost or others you've tried, at some point, it just drips more than usual, and you take it out. It becomes instinct.

                  I drink with a portion in all the time. I never eat with one in. Never have. When I drink with one in, I try not to "swish" or let the liquid near the top of my mouth, I drink and swallow and leave it at that. However, some mixes pair well with drinks, and you will find your own combinations in time.

                  Everyones opinion varies, but I'll voice my opinions on stores. Now, your results may be different. But this is what I have gathered and what I guage on when I order. Northerner and BuySnus have a large selection, usually when I do a big varied order, I use one of these two. Northerner, however, offers Nasal Snuff. (don't know if you've looked into that), but if I want snuff and snus, I always use Northerner. Before, when I first started, if I was close to running out of snus, I used GetSnus, because they ship from PA and that makes them slightly quicker. There is a new website called that has fast shipping as well, and his selection is growing, so it's one to keep your eye on as well.

                  Where are you in the midwest?


                  • MojoQuestor
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 2344

                    Hello, welcome, and congrats on kicking the butts.

                    Please don't judge all portions by one can of Thunder. They can vary from flavor to flavor, and even more so by manufacturer. The wintergreen can make portions like that especially oily. General was smart to put it in white portions, in my humble opinion.

                    I love Buysnus, and order from them regularly, as well as Northerner, though that takes a little longer for me. Since you're in the USA, I would drop by You can save some money and get stuff faster. They just don't have the selection, but they have a lot of the popular stuff.

                    Try just plain General--the gold standard (some will disagree), a very balanced flavor of bergamot and a sort of peppery zing. The white portions are excellent, firm, among my favorites.

                    Röda Lacket portions--these are also firm, nice whites, with a very subtle, kind of dark fruit hint that I find awesome. It's one that grows on me.

                    If you really want something that brings the flavor, try Gotlandssnus Classic (yellow) or Fläder (green).

                    It's funny about whites and original portions; it depends on the snus. I like Grov whites a lot, but not so much with Ettan. With General I like them both, and take them according to my mood.

                    Anway, see my sig for further important instructions!


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                      Please don't judge all portions by one can of Thunder. They can vary from flavor to flavor, and even more so by manufacturer. The wintergreen can make portions like that especially oily. General was smart to put it in white portions, in my humble opinion.
                      I, personally, would love to see V2 embrace white portions.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by CivicSI
                        Thanks for the quick responses! I didn't think anyone would get back to me for at least a couple hours... especially with it being 1:00 in the morning!
                        We are a strange, strange bunch here, and folks are so well trained now in responding to someone new, something I can't say enough how much it pleases me.

                        But yes, I think you are getting the message. Just keep an open mind, try everything, and as I said before, be patient the first few weeks.

                        Most important advice I can give you being brand new is don't assume you don't like something the first time you try it.

                        Snus is funny that way. So try everything, and if you find you don't care for something at first, put it aside. Try it again in a week or two. Still not liking, put it aside and try it again in a month. Snuson is filled with stories of folks who fall in love with snus they hated on first try.

                        And there is a related phenomena as well. Don't overuse what you do like. The worst mistake you can make is liking something, and thinking you will just use that. I promise, you do, soon it will turn on you and you will hate it.

                        So try and use as wide a variety of snus as possible. And know your tastes will change many times over the first couple of years even

                        As far as shipping times.

                        Getsnus is the fastest, ships from the US, but selection is a bit limited.
                        Buysnus averages about 6 - 8 days
                        Northerner is a bit slower, more like 9 -13 days.

                        But all are great companies, all have fantastic reputations. I still like Northerner's Top 10 box as the best introduction to the wide variety of snus that is available.

                        Once you have been using for a month and are getting a clearer idea of what you are liking, our recommendations will be more focused for you


                        • teeotee
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 251

                          Hi and once again welcome to snuson. I Started using Snus back in April. I still haven't quite settled on any one brand or flavor. Although i'm getting close.
                          Personally i wouldn't be ordering rolls of anything yet. I've had cans i've opened and hated, only to go back to them a few days later and liked them. It has also gone the other way, opened a can, loved the first few then by the end of the can i hated it and have never ordered again. Your tastes will change. my first order was Skruf Cranberry, Offroad Coffee/vanilla, Catach Eucalyptus, and a coule of other cans i don't remember. I don't like any of them now.
                          Not sure if any of this helps, try out lots of different flavors/types and you'll find what works for you.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Welcome to Snuson. If you prefer flavored go with Thunder Frosted, Roda Lacket, Skruf Cran, General Dry Mini Mint is a good one to hide, "for the ladies" I'm opposite than what Chad posted. My portions tend to drip less after I leave them in for a while. Granted my usual time in is in between 1-2 hours. If I were you, I would order a small sampler from Getsnus as they have fast shipping, (just remember to order 5 cans and you'll get a free one!) while you wait for the larger Northerner sampler to come in.


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