Swedish Match under fire....

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  • MojoQuestor
    • Sep 2009
    • 2344

    Originally posted by justintempler
    Next the anti-tobacco Nazis will do an expose on Anheuser Busch and release a report how they secretly add more sugar and yeast to raise the alcohol content of beer. :roll:
    lol, perzactly.

    Before they ruin our fun, pour me another Duff Heavy, will you?


    • TheJR
      • Jul 2008
      • 57

      Here´s a programme about this, shown yesterday in Sweden.


      Some parts are in English.


      • CoderGuy
        • Jul 2009
        • 2679

        Every time I get addicted to something, someone somewhere tries to take it away. Argh!!!

        I am sure the anti-tobacco nazis will turn their attention full bore on snus as their agenda with cigarettes takes hold and spreads around the world.

        It would be nice to think common sense would prevail, but we know THAT's not gonna happen LOL You'd think the anti-smoking groups would be advertising snus to help people stop or cut down on smoking instead of saying, "What? Another product people can use to enjoy themselves? We must stop this now!"

        I wish I was being overly dramatic but current events prove otherwise.



        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432


          I shared this on Twitter yesterday, I should let you guys in on the secret too....


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            LOL Chad, you know that is just an artificial sweeter right??? Acesulfame K is often blended with other sweeteners (usually sucralose or aspartame). These blends are reputed to give a more sugar-like taste whereby each sweetener masks the other's aftertaste, and/or exhibits a synergistic effect by which the blend is sweeter than its components.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              yeah haha. but i had to mock the idiocy of the situation. and how they handled the information that was available to them.

              Rupini Bergström made a post on Twitter and said, "We opened our doors and our files and treated them like intelligent people. What they made of it all portrays themselves, not us."


              • Veganpunk
                • Jun 2009
                • 5381

                must buy Windows 7
                must buy Windows 7
                must buy Windows 7
                must buy Windows 7
                must buy Windows 7
                must buy Windows 7

                Seriously the guy at Best Buy was hardcore trying to sell it. I kept telling him it didn't matter, we were installing Linux on it anyway.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Originally posted by TheJR
                  Here´s a programme about this, shown yesterday in Sweden.


                  Some parts are in English.
                  That construction worker at the beginning of the show makes some big prillas!


                  • skruf_mcgruff
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 267

                    I only undestand about 50 words of swedish so I'm not entirely sure what the video covered exactly, but it did remind me to put a portion of ettan in.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by skruf_mcgruff
                      I only undestand about 50 words of swedish so I'm not entirely sure what the video covered exactly, but it did remind me to put a portion of ettan in.

                      Anti Cigarette commercials used to always make me want to smoke.


                      • skruf_mcgruff
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 267

                        It really scares me to see anti-snus campaigns when I live in a land where smoking is popular, and drinking is almost a must. I guess I just don't get it, are they in denial of the bigger problems? Or are they aware of what is right and wrong, and just know they can't change the past, so they'll ban the future?


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          It's like the EU "Quit or Die" program. They can't accept it as the "Harm Reduced" alternative it is, though many DOCTORS have embraced this and understand it to be what it is.

                          "We should not delay in allowing snus to compete with cigarettes for market share," Dr. Jonathan Foulds of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Dr. Lynn Kozlowski of the University of Buffalo said in analyzing two studies published in The Lancet.
                          "For a smoker, quitting all tobacco use is best, but failing that, switching to snus is a good idea," said Dr. Peter Hajek, professor of clinical psychology at Queen Mary University Hospital in London. Hajek was not involved in either study.

                          People won't embrace what they don't understand. Does snus help people quit smoking? Absolutely. Members here can attest to that. But the media and alot of the health establish (alot, not ALL) won't embrace it as such, and therefore it remainds on the "naughty" list.


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