Originally posted by Roo
Kardus Superior Blend 2009
Originally posted by NorSnuserLet's just move or delete the off topic posts and move on. Or just move on and stay on topic.
Back on topic......
Being made from lamina is a big deal and part of what makes Kardus special. Your everyday snus has a lot of stem tobacco and doesn't look like the pretty pictures you see in the PR photos.
If you want to see a real photo.
Swedish Match has a supplier that supplies some of their inplant equipment called Palmstiernas. Palmstiernas did a news story in their company newsletter with real pictures from inside SM.
Look at the picture of the tobacco on page 4. The caption reads:
Tobacco entering the process to become a tobacco flour.
Kardus is different. 8)
Originally posted by Poo-DiddyOriginally posted by RooDude if you continue to spend this kind of time writing critiques of other people's posts and apparent personalities, character flaws, etc you aren't going to enjoy the forum much, nor are you going to make many friends. Just let it lie, you don't have to like chad, or even care about him. He's here, he likes it, and his enthusiasm for the forum shows. The same cannot be said of you. So, if you like snuson, stay here and enjoy it without railing so hard against other members, and if you don't like it because of a few members, I guess you'll have to piss off. btw I like your handle. makes me want to grow a poo manchu.
I've definately carried it too far and apologize.
Chadizzy, much respect to you for biting your lip at my harsh posts and not fueling the fire here.
Actually makes you a very good forum member in that regard by avoiding the flame war I started.
My apologies....I'm the azzhole here no doubt....
Poo-Diddy, actually, there was much good in what you wrote. Yes, perhaps the delivery wasn't all that up to it. But there was much validity in what you said, something I made use of in some private conversations Chad and I had because of it.
But you really did have a point, even if some of the way it was handled I wouldn't do. But I want you to know that we really are strong enough here at Snuson. So if you need to say something, always feel free to do that. I promise, I have pissed people off before when I have been blunt. And I have tried to learn to do it better the longer I am here. But I will always be honest on Snuson, as I hope you will continue to be as well.
I think we have killed this topic to death now. But needed to say what I said above.
ChaDizzy, seriously look at my post count, I contribute very little to this forum, you should seriously take what I say with a grain of salt.
Like I said, I got a bit pizzed when I was looking forward to reading about the snus I had just purchased and instead found basically the same thing I had just read at buysnus.
That in no way means you should stop being a contributer to this forum. You are lucky enough to recieve information that most of us are not priveledged enough to get.
Sure I think you can relay the information in a better way but so what?
The bottom line is I am a nobody contributer to this website. In fact my biggest claim to fame is obviously being a jag-bag in this thread as you can tell by my what 15 posts in a year?
I love to read this forum and that is about it, especially since I enjoy snus, but know very little about it...
Chad, continue to share your valuable info, please don't stop on my acount, plenty of people have already expressed how much they appreciate your posts.
and if I'm being perfectly honest, I to enjoy reading them and most times laughing to myself since for whatever reason I find them sometimes annoying, but seriously, you can't please everybody. And I am a nobody when it comes to contiributing to this website.
This time was just a bit different as I had just plopped down a bunch of money on a snus and was really looking for something to tell me I had made the right decision, stupid on my part to be such an azzhole about things.
Originally posted by NorSnuserLet's just move or delete the off topic posts and move on. Or just move on and stay on topic.
I want to post my thoughts on Kardus in this thread once I receive it. I also hope the merchants have read about the lid problem and will secure the boxes better to avoid shipping mishaps.
. If this rum really is more like cognac I'll be in heaven.
Originally posted by Bigblue1Sorry rum is not and cannot be like cognac.
French and Brazilian Rum (cachaça, although Brazil might argue with us on this) is generally funky and usually lighter in body that it's English counterpart. If this rum is aged it smooths out and mellow much like Cognac. The French motto was "Let rum be Cognac."
Aged rums are as complex as any Cognac, Scotch or Bourbon, as good on the rocks as in a cocktail.
Also, give El Dorado 21-Year-Old Demerara rum a try. This baby goes for $110 bucks a bottle and is worth every penny.
This is a superb, complex, opulent spirit from Guyana, dark amber in colour, almost viscous in texture, sweet and lingering in the mouth. The smells and flavours are of toffee, toasted coconut, vanilla, milk chocolate, hazelnuts and orange peel. I served it straight up in brandy snifters at a recent get-together, and it blew everyone away.
From the description I would expect that the Guatemalan rum in Kardus is in this class and that makes the $65 dollar price tag more reasonable. Kardus is a fine snus made with fine ingredients.