Triumph Mint

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Triumph Mint

    I know it's talked about alot in various threads, but I haven't seen it's own in a while.

    I sure do love Triumph Mint. It's so good.

    Is anyone in an area that sells it, or knows of any online places that sell it? (I haven't seen any since the place I got it stopped selling it.)

    Let's share info.


    My review from 15May09 of it.

    The best way to describe Triumph is an American flavored Swedish Snus. This product is made by Swedish Match, and by my estimation, made for those who have had their taste buds ruined by Camel Snus. My snus of choice right now is General Mini Mint. It's a quality Swedish Snus, and the only one I frequently reorder other than Mocca Pomegranate, which I use in between every 5-10 portions of General Mini Mint.

    Upon holding the Triumph can, I notice it looks like a Swedish Snus can. From the used snus compartment on top, to the way the snus is positioned inside, much like a regular General portion. The portions are white, and about the regular size, same as a white portion traditional Swedish Snus. The portions are only slightly moist, and are a better quality than Klondike or Nordic Ice. I consider Triumph to be the Ligget/Basic/USA Gold of the snusworld.

    On to the product. For Triumph being a Swedish Snus, it has NO Swedish Snus smell. It's interesting. I popped in a portion and immediately was greeted with a nice, clean mint flavor. This doesn't have any cheesy names like "Peppermint Explosion" or "Icy Extravaganza", it's just straight up Triumph MINT. No games, no BS. Would you expect less from Swedish Match. That being said, this is a mild snus. Nothing too strong, overbearing, just a mild, smooth, mint taste. This would be a great step between Camel Frost and real Swedish Snus.

    This has a clean, mint taste all the way through. The other two had no drip, this is the first one out of the 3 I got today that has a drip. It has a strong, mint drip. Very good taste though, Swedish Match should put this as the next step up General Mini Mint and call it "General Mint" and make it just a little stronger and a little more Swedish. For people in the states not quite ready to order a Swedish Snus, I suggest trying it if you see it. It's a good product.
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Very interested in this as well. There's no snus like it.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      It's alright. Too sweet for my tastes, but it's better than Camel.


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        I really want to try this one. How does it compare to the Discreet "Cool Mint" ?


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          It is in a class all of it's own, my friend. I really can't compare it to anything. It's just....good.


          • Karanya
            • Oct 2009
            • 402

            Re: Triumph Mint

            Originally posted by chadizzy1
            I consider Triumph to be the Ligget/Basic/USA Gold of the snusworld.
            Wait... and this is supposed to be a compliment? :shock:

            Seriously, though, Basics are okay but Liggett and USA Gold are the awfulest and lowest-quality cigarettes I've ever encountered. Even Austin is better, and that's pretty sad :P



            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              I smoke Basics.

              I think I made that reference because even though Basic is considered an "off brand", in my eyes/mind - they're just as good (IMO better) than their big brother, Marlboro.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Any members in Ohio/Georgia here that can get this?


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by chadizzy1
                  Any members in Ohio/Georgia here that can get this?
                  I'm a 20 minute drive from Youngstown, OH here in western PA. Any suggestions on where to look for in the area?


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Most gas stations had it.


                    • JPono
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 415

                      You could always call and find out where it is..

                      "For assistance in finding your favorite brand, you may contact Lorillard's toll-free customer service hotline at 877-703-0386. Please call during regular business hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. "



                      • LaZeR
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 3994

                        Originally posted by JPono
                        You could always call and find out where it is..

                        "For assistance in finding your favorite brand, you may contact Lorillard's toll-free customer service hotline at 877-703-0386. Please call during regular business hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. "

                        So I've called the 1-877 number and got transfered to several different people then ultimately an Eastern Ohio branch number (330) exchange where I spoke with yet 2 more Lorillard reps. The best I could do was to find out some retail chains to call such as Sheetz, Circle K... as they couldn't or wouldn't tell me any specific ones. Something to do with contractual agreements as to not favor one chain over another. :roll:

                        Guess I will start calling these stores directly once I find their locators online. I almost feel like I'm on a mission now to figure this out. :lol:


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Sheetz is probably your best bet. In MD at least, they tend to carry the oddities and promotions more than other stores do.


                          • RRK
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 926

                            In Columbus its at every Sunoco. I'm not a mint fan but I love the original Triumph. It was my first snus. Thankfully I have still not had the Camel snus.


                            • Ainkor
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1144

                              Once a month I drive to my local circle k (ok, not even close to local, 2 hours away) and stock up on Triumph. I was bummed that this month they only had Mint. It is my favorite Triumph, but I like original too.

                              He'll, might as well pop one in now


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