I wasn't sure where to put this. Just looked at the site numbers - check this out, from the bottom of the forum page:
Our users have posted a total of 99346 articles
We have 1969 registered users
So we are 31 users from 2000 and only about 650 posts (new topics maybe?) from 100,000!
Maybe Ice can christen the new site upgrades when we hit 2000 users and 100,000 topics? (See his post in Site Announcement section).
Our users have posted a total of 99346 articles
We have 1969 registered users
So we are 31 users from 2000 and only about 650 posts (new topics maybe?) from 100,000!
Maybe Ice can christen the new site upgrades when we hit 2000 users and 100,000 topics? (See his post in Site Announcement section).