New rules for posting reviews, please read

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Come on Chad, that's not far. You have at least 15 posts worth keeping here. :wink:


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Sage - this ones for you.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947


        I officially want to go on record saying this is a sad day.

        While in theory the idea of a single thread for each brand might sound good, in practice it is really just a bloated mess.

        Factor in a newb writing most of the initial reviews and shotgunning his opinion out as the first one to be read doesn't serve the world of snus well.

        I would have liked to see each brand thread be a Poll with four or five consistent options such as.


        Then everyone who felt strong enough about a particular brand could vote and present an accurate consensus of a snus' popularity.

        The fact that Chad's avatar is annoying as all get out is the icing on the cake. While his reviews are passionate they are unrefined and severely biased by his own perspective.

        This is SnusOn not Snubie. If I wanted an uninformed perspective and biased review I could go to Chad's website or SnusCentral.

        I want to be clear that I appreciate Ice and everyone else who has put in so much effort to make SnusOn so great. Even Chad. I'm really impressed by the dedication and time Chad had to put in to do all the writing he's done. I'm not posting this to belittle or attack him.

        I don't spend the majority of any of my posts putting in the effort to review products or help other people like a lot of you have. So any improvement to SnusOn Ice is willing to do is his choice to make.

        I'm not much older than Chad, I haven't been using snus much longer than him in the grand scheme of things. I do know the difference between providing factual well thought out information and blurting out hurried, opinionated, poorly thought out initial impressions.

        If we want to help people coming to snus we need to give them quality information. I don't have the time to do it. No one could ever do it perfectly either.

        I feel the reviews should begin with descriptions that help people make their own choice. Telling someone the base flavors and maybe nicotine content along with the style of snus, eg. loose - portion- white portion, should preface all threads before anyone's reviews.

        So in the interest of keeping everything organized are we supposed to limit our reviews to not comparing brands and styles? That's how I've seen many threads evolve here over the years.

        I hope everyone who has the time and passion will include their reviews so we can provide well rounded information. Hopefully sooner than later. If all I had to go on was one person's opinion I might have never tried some of the snus I really enjoy today.

        Obviously I'm not a big fan of change.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I'm not sure the point of reviewing something that isn't available. Maybe I will wait until it comes back, if it does


          • Solarist
            • Oct 2009
            • 36

            There perhaps should be some sort of guidelines/consistency between how certain aspects of reviews are written (e.g. main categories to review/rate, etc.). Also, some form of "baseline" would be good - as different people's tastes are different - the greatest thing for one person might be a steaming turd for another. Perhaps a category of "Similar Snus" or even one that talks about the reviewers favorite/least favorite 5 Snus currently...


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              I think it might be good to standardize the reviews by categories like:

              Initial taste
              Ongoing taste

              Of course holding people to a standard set of categories would be a lot like herding cats. Maybe you could put some thought into it Chad...


              • JPono
                • Sep 2009
                • 415

                Originally posted by RobsanX
                I think it might be good to standardize the reviews by categories like:

                Initial taste
                Ongoing taste
                I agree. Just moving reviews into a "review section" doesn't change much, but organize said opinions.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  BB has given me an idea that might help. Instead of a straight poll, it would be great if we could reconfigure it a bit. Have 4 categories at the top of each review thread to be voted on like a poll. Each category would have three options (or you could uses 4 stars like a few other sites do). This would help folks get an overview of the snus at a glance. For example

                  Nicotine hit: () low………….() average……………….() high

                  Bakeability: () low………….() average……………….() high

                  Flavor: () low………….() average……………….() high

                  Recommended: () low………….() average……………….() high

                  Note: nicotine hit is different from nicotine level. Probe hits me harder than many snus brands with a higher reported nicotine level. Thus we are giving first hand impressions of the snus and not just repeating info that is already readily available

                  In the same way, bakeability is different from grind. Kronan and Phantom have comparable grinds. However, Kronan is one of the hardest brands for me to bake

                  For portions, the category "bakeability" might be replaced by “moisture” or “drippiness”

                  Anyway, I am glad to see the review section and think it is long overdue.
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    I went through and removed all my reviews. If it's going to cause issue, until we get it resolved and figure out how we're going to do it, I may post some in the future, or do it differently (mine), but I don't know. I don't want any conflict. It gets old.


                    • RobsanX
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 2030

                      Originally posted by chadizzy1
                      I went through and removed all my reviews. If it's going to cause issue, until we get it resolved and figure out how we're going to do it, I may post some in the future, or do it differently (mine), but I don't know. I don't want any conflict. It gets old.
                      No conflict. If we categorize reviews, there can always be an "additional comments" category that your reviews would fit right into. I wouldn't want the reviews to just be robotic, but maybe have something standardized that people can read "at a glance". Then, if they are interested, they can read the more detailed review. This is pretty common in product reviews, and it works well IMHO.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by chadizzy1
                        I went through and removed all my reviews. If it's going to cause issue, until we get it resolved and figure out how we're going to do it, I may post some in the future, or do it differently (mine), but I don't know. I don't want any conflict. It gets old.
                        What? For crying out loud. Say what's on your mind and then give others a chance to say what is on theirs. It works for my 3 year old and it will work for the snus reviews.

                        The review section will take on its own personality and develop its own code of conduct just give it time.

                        Posts back up please
                        Big dumb smiley face back up please

                        Shouldn't you be using your time as a moderator in more productive ways, like changing sage's avatar to something pink
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Snusdog
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 6752

                          Originally posted by RobsanX
                          Originally posted by chadizzy1
                          I went through and removed all my reviews. If it's going to cause issue, until we get it resolved and figure out how we're going to do it, I may post some in the future, or do it differently (mine), but I don't know. I don't want any conflict. It gets old.
                          No conflict. If we categorize reviews, there can always be an "additional comments" category that your reviews would fit right into. I wouldn't want the reviews to just be robotic, but maybe have something standardized that people can read "at a glance". Then, if they are interested, they can read the more detailed review. This is pretty common in product reviews, and it works well IMHO.
                          That is exactly what I meant!!!!

                          No No No I had no intention of doing away with the review posts. That would weaken the whole thing immensely. It’s just nice to have an overview before you read for specifics

                          Sorry ol boy if I caused confusion.

                          Thanks RX for the clarification.
                          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            I just have to make one comment, and then will leave this. I have always thought snus reviews were just plain dumb. We are all so different, there is almost no agreement among different people about what snus they like or dislike, snus reviews just don't help anything. Look how many posts I have, have you ever seen me do a straight snus review???

                            The closest s my articulation of what I found trying to find a replacement for Retro. But that was a unique flavor profile I was trying to replicate, and really only relevant to me, and maybe a few other people who had found they had very similar tastes.

                            But in general, almost 6,000 posts in, I have never bothered.

                            I know I might be n the minority here, and I fully support Ice and Snuson's attempt to make the forum a bjt more user friendly with a review section. But I still will say I think it is all mostly a waste of time.

                            You can have your thread back now, I feel better. :wink:


                            • fedora
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 251

                              Hi guys!!

                              I'm not a noob - BUT - I have not found my standard go to snus, the one or 2 maybe 3 that I will settle in on. I have 15 different types of tobacco in my drawer, all but 2 or 3 open. Trying all until I get the few I like. I know many of us change around and switch up - but I will probably settle on a few mainstays.

                              Why am I saying this: Because I am sort of like a new guy when it comes to actually trying snus - and what this means to me is: I need reviews.

                              Now I hope I am a big enough boy to know that no matter the review, I still need to try it myself. And I do try them (that's part of the fun). But reviews are a vital part of me getting different snus(s) and trying things out.

                              I like all the ideas you guys have. I think we need: basic data like size, white/regular, nic level, basic flavor profile. Really the things no one can argue about. Then we need a flavor section - with minimal amount of subjectivity. Then a final comments type section for opinion and other random input.

                              What then happens, if enough people follow that basic idea is we get many people reviewing the snus and then one can read all the reviews and get a general idea.

                              Rarely have I NOT bought a snus because of the review. But it HAS dictated the order in which I purchase and try.

                              These are simply my views from someone who has been reading and posting for a year or so (with a bit of a break in between) and hasn't got the courage to write a lot of reviews (maybe just a small few) because I am still trying things out.

                              So that's my view - sort of an "end user" view of reviews!


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                Yeah, reviews are just opinions. And I would not over complicate the structure. I would just have the specific name stickys, and anyone can write a full review, mini review, or just comments, only "rule" is just stay on topic about that specific snus.


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