New rules for posting reviews, please read

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  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Originally posted by tom502
    Yeah, reviews are just opinions. And I would not over complicate the structure. I would just have the specific name stickys, and anyone can write a full review, mini review, or just comments, only "rule" is just stay on topic about that specific snus.
    I agree, myself personallt probably won't spend much time in that area of Snuson, unless I'm curious about a new snus.


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      Personally I love reviews. I'm not the guy who has to jump on the latest "pre-order". Rather I like to read what people say about a snus before I get some. I agree that nuances of flavor is something very personal, but most here have a good idea of what is quality snus and what is complete rubbish. If enough people like it, then it's worth it to me to get a sample. This method has worked for me all but one time re: JTI Camel.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Originally posted by tom502
        Yeah, reviews are just opinions. And I would not over complicate the structure. I would just have the specific name stickys, and anyone can write a full review, mini review, or just comments, only "rule" is just stay on topic about that specific snus.
        This is exactly how they handle Pipe Tobacco reviews over at Smokers forums. Yes, there is a section for reviews. But no structure to the reviews themselves


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Originally posted by tom502
          Yeah, reviews are just opinions. And I would not over complicate the structure. I would just have the specific name stickys, and anyone can write a full review, mini review, or just comments, only "rule" is just stay on topic about that specific snus.
          This is exactly how they handle Pipe Tobacco reviews over at Smokers forums. Yes, there is a section for reviews. But no structure to the reviews themselves
          I agree, this is exactly what I think. No structure, don't set rules on it, just write a review.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752


            I want to make it very clear that I was not in anyway piling on concerning your reviews. I have wanted a review section on the forum for a long time and I feel very bad that my post may have contributed to this mess.

            Do the review section, if nobody likes it, then nobody will read or contribute to it. It will all just fizzle out. My guess is that it will be appreciated by the large majority of folks on the forum. Those that don’t like it do not have to read it. If people think they know how reviews ought to be written or if they feel that they can write better reviews than someone else then let them show us. Just hit that little “add comment” button and start the clinic.

            Now as far as the recommendation for a summery section at the top of each thread (like the poll results are currently shown here on the forum) I cannot for the life of me figure out how this would hinder the review portion of the thread. We do this sort of thing all the time with straight up polls and it has never seemed to hinder the comments that follow. If anything it provides fuel to the fodder.

            I think the best way to demonstrate what I am talking about is to give you the link to the pipe review page on which I am basing my suggestions. Before, I do let me highlight a couple of things

            First I will be using the review page for G.L. Pease’s Odyssey

            Second, notice how the top left hand portion of the page contains a summary or overview of the blend. It’s called “Average Ratings”. This overview is based on votes each reviewer placed for specific categories (you can find those categories as well as how the specific reviewer voted at the top of each individual's review)

            I do not think we need something this elaborate. I think a poll like format will serve the same function in a much more concise fashion.

            The point is that for each brand there is a summary AND there are in depth individual reviews that follow. I think both of these components are vitally important and mutually complementary. That is all I was ever trying to say.

            Anyway here is the link

            So, can the day of the long dark avatar be over? Can we get the reviews back up? Can we just give the new section a try and see if it works?

            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • mlkramer
              • Jul 2009
              • 393

              my quick 2 cents....I found reviews to be very helpful in my quest to find what I liked. Read a dozen reviews on a Snus of particular interest and I have at least an idea if I might like it.

              Any review is taken at face value....I've seen movies, read books etc etc where reviews had no bearing on my opinion of their quality but it was nice to know what I might expect.

              I for one love that fact that they are being categorized here. When I started snusing, Snuson was my favorite place for all my Q and A but not so good for reviews mainly cause they were so hard to find. I could care less about how they are laid out as long as I can go to specific snus and peruse the postings. Poll, paremeters etc are ok but not needed.

              mountain..mole hill anyone? keep it simple and it will find it's way to work.


              • LaZeR
                • Oct 2009
                • 3994

                Originally posted by mlkramer
                my quick 2 cents....I found reviews to be very helpful in my quest to find what I liked. Read a dozen reviews on a Snus of particular interest and I have at least an idea if I might like it.

                Any review is taken at face value....I've seen movies, read books etc etc where reviews had no bearing on my opinion of their quality but it was nice to know what I might expect.

                I for one love that fact that they are being categorized here. When I started snusing, Snuson was my favorite place for all my Q and A but not so good for reviews mainly cause they were so hard to find. I could care less about how they are laid out as long as I can go to specific snus and peruse the postings. Poll, paremeters etc are ok but not needed.

                mountain..mole hill anyone? keep it simple and it will find it's way to work.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Added a review area for Offroad Coffee Vanilla.


                  If you're going to place a review and you don't see a category/thread for it, please let me know so I can add one. Trying to keep up to date, but may miss a few from time to time. Thanks!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    BTW Chad, nice job getting that all set up. Just in case no one has said that yet.

                    Having said that, and keeping to what I posted a few months ago, i have yet to even ever set foot in that section. But happy the reviews are segregated now so i don't have to waste my time with them. :lol: :lol:

                    But seriously, nice job Chad. KUTGW.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      I'm just glad everyone is pitching in. So it didn't seem like I was trying to run all over them, I only posted reviews in ones that set there for a while without any reviews in them. But, I'm glad people are coming in and reviewing everything. It makes all the work worth it


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Harsh Int'l added to reviews area for Chaini Khaini Spice/Mango.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Re: NEW RULES FOR POSTING REVIEWS, PLEASE READ

                          Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                          Hi all, SNUS REVIEWS area is the place to post your snus reviews and to learn what others think about all the different snus available. You find own THREAD of every snus available under the brand owners own forums, e.g ALL Swedish Match products are listed under the Swedish Match.

                          PLEASE post your reviews in the PROPER FORUM under the PROPER THREAD provided. THE Snus & Accessories Talk forum is not for reviews, It's place for general talk.

                          If there is a new snus that doesn't yet have a thread please let Chad know so he can start the new thread. Thanks & enjoy
                          Currently, all that is in the review area is now the "Official" review threads. Please post all reviews in these areas, so we can keep this area clean and organized.

                          All snus related topic discussion that isn't a review - let's try and keep it in this area, so we can keep the review area clean, uncluttered, and organized.

                          Thank you all, also, for all your input in the review area. It's great to see everyone chipping in and adding their two cents!



                          • Owens187
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 1547

                            Great job on "cleaning up" the review section guys! Looks much mo' betta' !


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Gellivare & Landstrom's now posted in review section.


                              • LaZeR
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 3994

                                Originally posted by chadizzy1
                                Gellivare & Landstrom's now posted in review section.
                                Cool, I just got me some Landstrom's but put it on ice for now as this Oden's ES lös is kicking my ass bad.


                                Anywhere I can purchase a 3ml icetool cheap? This 5ml Walgreens's syringe is a big no no for ES lössnus. ops:


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