General snus the best snus? or not?

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  • will the bill
    New Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 4

    General snus the best snus? or not?

    hello everybody i love general snus i think that it is the best one the taste is sooo good i wounder what do you guys think?

    hate göterborg rape :wink: haha
  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    General is good although I prefer Ettan. Not a big fan of the G. rape either...


    • Kindrd
      • Oct 2007
      • 266

      It is in my top 5 for sure. Love the Maxi portions. When I want the best though, I grab my can of Gotlandssnus Gra. The layers of flavor in that stuff is amazing and last forever. It has a very special bitterness to it that I just can't get enough of. G. Rape I find is a good morning snus. It is soothing to wake up to.


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        I love General loose, but the portion version just doesn't thrill me. General Silver was alright at first in terms of flavor, but the lower nicotine content doesn't suit me so much any more. I adore the Onyx though. Definitely in my top five in terms of portion snus. If it came in loose, I'd probably be inclined to purchase a roll.

        Ettan is definitely one of my favorites, the portions and especially the loose. The portions are one of my "day to day" brands for certain.

        Going against the grain here, I love Goteborgs Rape. The portions are another of my "all day" brands and I love the loose at home, especially in the morning as Kindrd said before me. The No. 2 portions are excellent as well. I love the sweet/tart flavor and the way it melds with the tobacco and slight herb notes of the original G.R. is beautiful.


        • Stargazer
          • Aug 2007
          • 225

          general igood, but not fantastic.
          I'm talking about the loose now, as the portions are terrible.

          all of the portions that swedish match has to offer a breaty horrible
          for my taste. Overly salty and they start to run in minuttes.
          Nick and Jhonny is the only one I can stand to use as it tastes
          good enough to not get that "have to get rid of this snuns NOW" feeling
          when it runs.


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Don't feed the troll!


            • TheInsulator
              • Oct 2007
              • 65

              General portions are my 2nd favorite. Goteborg's rape takes the #1 slot. I ordered a can of general loose too. i'm looking forward to trying it.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Stargazer
                general igood, but not fantastic.
                I'm talking about the loose now, as the portions are terrible.

                all of the portions that swedish match has to offer a breaty horrible
                for my taste. Overly salty and they start to run in minuttes.
                Nick and Jhonny is the only one I can stand to use as it tastes
                good enough to not get that "have to get rid of this snuns NOW" feeling
                when it runs.
                I like runny snus :lol: I'll keep it tight to control it a bit at first, then loosen up on the portion so it'll start to run.


                • rawker75
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 28

                  General portion is my favorite. I have tried a bunch of different portions and I always seem to go back to General Portion. I do love Nick and Johnny too. I bounce back and forth between those two. I have not tried Skruf. Does anyone think it's worth a try? I have heard great things so far.


                  • Lanci3250
                    Banned Users
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 48

                    I like general, but can't run thru a whole can without changing it up with something else like Catch. It becomes a little overpowering with it's peppery taste and salt level. It's like having one of those paper salt and pepper things in your mouth after a while. I really disliked Onyx, which I wanted to like. I do order it, regularly, but wouldn't say that if I was trapped on an island with only one brand of Snus that it would be General.


                    • victoryredchevy
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 303

                      General original portion is my favorite. I'm into the salty, peppery taste, though. Some people arent into that. Gustavas original portion is a very close second for me. Plus, the Gustavas is cheaper. General is absolutely awful when it dries out, though. I got an order of several different brands, including 3 cans of General portion, in a couple of weeks ago and all 3 of those cans had best before 1/4/2008 on bottom. They sent me 3 cans of stuff that would expire in appx. 2 weeks! They're dry and not very good.


                      • Stargazer
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 225

                        General is very good.
                        But it's a bit to salty for me, so I din't use it that often.
                        General portion is terrible, both white and regular.

                        G.rape is probably the worst snus for my taste. :lol:

                        ettan or grov is better.


                        • RealmofOpeth
                          • May 2007
                          • 407

                          general loose rocks. i'm not finding what people consider it to be 'strong'. i find it a rather subtle snus. with hints of lemon, pepper, salt, etc. It's just a well rounded snus though, and an 'everyday-er'. I tend to like the not-so-absolutely-fantastic brands for more often use. The unique and thrilling brands I tend to save for a change of pace. General isn't 100% badass, but it's 100% badass in the department of (what snus to use? i'm confused...**** it...general it is then)
                          The portions are pretty bad at first. It takes getting used to. Much like Kronan portions. They have that pasty taste/feeling to them. I like to use two portions at a the flavor overpowers the taste of their low-quality teabag material.
                          Goteborgs rape is definitely not an everyday snus for me. At least when it's first opened. I have to get through half of it before the flavor dies down a bit so I can use it everyday. That's a strong snus. But it is one of those unique flavored snus's for sure, which I can love, but can also be overwhelmed by.


                          • Anti
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 140

                            Originally posted by victoryredchevy
                            General original portion is my favorite. I'm into the salty, peppery taste, though. Some people arent into that. Gustavas original portion is a very close second for me. Plus, the Gustavas is cheaper. General is absolutely awful when it dries out, though. I got an order of several different brands, including 3 cans of General portion, in a couple of weeks ago and all 3 of those cans had best before 1/4/2008 on bottom. They sent me 3 cans of stuff that would expire in appx. 2 weeks! They're dry and not very good.

                            Are you sure it isn't April 1st, 2008?

                            It looks like they list it: day/month/year or at least from the ones I have and that threw me off when I first noticed it.


                            • lota lota
                              New Member
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 9

                              It's not the #1 snus brand in Sverige for nothing! All the Swedes I know prefer General. I like it better than Grov, Stark, och Etan, but I haven't tried all the rest.


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