General snus the best snus? or not?

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  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    Originally posted by Anti
    Originally posted by victoryredchevy
    General original portion is my favorite. I'm into the salty, peppery taste, though. Some people arent into that. Gustavas original portion is a very close second for me. Plus, the Gustavas is cheaper. General is absolutely awful when it dries out, though. I got an order of several different brands, including 3 cans of General portion, in a couple of weeks ago and all 3 of those cans had best before 1/4/2008 on bottom. They sent me 3 cans of stuff that would expire in appx. 2 weeks! They're dry and not very good.
    Are you sure it isn't April 1st, 2008?

    It looks like they list it: day/month/year or at least from the ones I have and that threw me off when I first noticed it.
    It is, we do it backwards (forwards?) in europe As for general I like it, I snused that and skruf for about a year straight. Although they are not the best snuses I'll always have a soft spot for them.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Regular General's not bad, though I think the Onyx is stellar. That said, everybody knows the best snus is Gotlandssnus :^P You can't go wrong with any of the varieties :^)


      • victoryredchevy
        • Jan 2008
        • 303

        Originally posted by phish
        Originally posted by Anti
        Originally posted by victoryredchevy
        General original portion is my favorite. I'm into the salty, peppery taste, though. Some people arent into that. Gustavas original portion is a very close second for me. Plus, the Gustavas is cheaper. General is absolutely awful when it dries out, though. I got an order of several different brands, including 3 cans of General portion, in a couple of weeks ago and all 3 of those cans had best before 1/4/2008 on bottom. They sent me 3 cans of stuff that would expire in appx. 2 weeks! They're dry and not very good.
        Are you sure it isn't April 1st, 2008?

        It looks like they list it: day/month/year or at least from the ones I have and that threw me off when I first noticed it.
        It is, we do it backwards (forwards?) in europe As for general I like it, I snused that and skruf for about a year straight. Although they are not the best snuses I'll always have a soft spot for them.
        Ya, I guess yall are right. I thought they were almost expired cans. Maybe it's my fridge? I put this last shipment of snus that I got yesterday in a zip-lock bag and in the crisper. By the way... I don't know how yall feel about Phantom, but I personally don't like it at all. Very weird smell and the flavor is just the same.


        • Anti
          • Dec 2007
          • 140

          Originally posted by victoryredchevy
          Originally posted by phish
          Originally posted by Anti
          Originally posted by victoryredchevy
          General original portion is my favorite. I'm into the salty, peppery taste, though. Some people arent into that. Gustavas original portion is a very close second for me. Plus, the Gustavas is cheaper. General is absolutely awful when it dries out, though. I got an order of several different brands, including 3 cans of General portion, in a couple of weeks ago and all 3 of those cans had best before 1/4/2008 on bottom. They sent me 3 cans of stuff that would expire in appx. 2 weeks! They're dry and not very good.
          Are you sure it isn't April 1st, 2008?

          It looks like they list it: day/month/year or at least from the ones I have and that threw me off when I first noticed it.
          It is, we do it backwards (forwards?) in europe As for general I like it, I snused that and skruf for about a year straight. Although they are not the best snuses I'll always have a soft spot for them.
          Ya, I guess yall are right. I thought they were almost expired cans. Maybe it's my fridge? I put this last shipment of snus that I got yesterday in a zip-lock bag and in the crisper. By the way... I don't know how yall feel about Phantom, but I personally don't like it at all. Very weird smell and the flavor is just the same.

          I didn't like the Phantom at first, but the flavor grew on me. That seems to be the way it is with most of the snus I try, I'm either neutral or don't like it, and then it grows on me.

          The only one that I couldn't get into is the Gotland Christmas snus.


          • TBonehawk

            I got a roll of General loose back when the SM site was selling rolls for ~US$35, including UPS shipping. (Too bad they ended that offer...) I really enjoyed it as it was a great everyday snus. I feel the same way about Knox, Grov, LD Gold, and Goteborg's Prima Fint.
            I had a tin of Onyx last April and really enjoyed it, too. General is good, but not my favorite. In all fairness, however, I have no idea what IS my favorite snus. Not knowing my favorite doesn't bother me.

            What I am sure about are my dislikes so far: RL loose (runny) and Level loose (nasty taste). I was also unimpressed with Gustavus Classic portion (brown tin).


            • Smarvy
              • Nov 2007
              • 86

              I like General quite a lot, especially the loose. I can't say if it's the best snus or not, but it's definitely one of my fav's. Also, even though I am relatively new to the snus world, I tend to consider General as one of the few "representative" snus'; that is, if someone asked me what snus was all about, General would be one of, if not the first brand I recommend them to try.



              • victoryredchevy
                • Jan 2008
                • 303

                In my opinion, it always comes down to the individual. I think debating about which brand or flavor or if loose/portion is the best is pointless. If someone likes a brand that I can't stand, I wouldn't tell them how awful their brand is to degrade them. I would just state my opinion of the brand, but be glad they have found a brand they like. I can't stand the smell/taste of Phantom, but it does offer something very different that some people actually enjoy. That's fine by me. For me, personally, General is the best brand. I've also tried many different brands of portion snus, inlcuding Ettan, and I always find myself craving General when I don't have any. Therefore, I always end up with more General on my next order. I have found that the Ettan portions are growing on me, much like Lucky Strike did. Ettan isn't a snus I would use consistantly, but it does offer some things. In this last tin of Gustavas portions I went thru, the portions actually all stayed together as I got to the bottom of the tin and didn't dry out and come apart. I'm still pretty pleased with Knox, although it does have quite an uncomfortable burn going down. I think I've found my personal favorites and I'll keep them as the majority of my future orders to avoid wasting money, although I will keep a variety to avoid burning out on General and Gustavas.


                • Zofryer
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 66

                  I'm simply not in love with the general taste at all. Right now I'm in the process of working through every brand of loose you can buy, and so far I've liked most of them more than general. I'm really digging the Granit loose right now. It's a heck of a lot better than general to me. The only brands so far I don't like more than general are gotlands (although I heard the yellow rocks, it's on order), and grovsnus which just seems completely and thoroughly boring. I'm kinda giving a nod to Gustavus for favorite right now, but I keep windmilling between it and 5 other brands. If I was forced at gunpoint to order two rolls of loose, and I could only use those brands, I'd get a roll of Etttan and Gustavus, but then over the space of a week wish I had ordered skruf stark, diplomat (no idea why people hate this), or roda.

                  For portions, I'm a complete snob now and it's N&J for out and about, and Wise 6mg menthol/citrus for work.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    I like General - I think it's a flavour with universal appeal and it's something you can always go back to. It's not my favourite, but I buy a few tins or a roll now and again. Loose I would have to say that Gotland Gul (yellow) is one of my favourites, as are Ettan and Grov...probably in that order. I generally think of General as the Coca Cola of snus - the biggest and most popular, but for good reason.


                    • masssnus
                      New Member
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 12

                      I like to look at General as the Marlboro of Snus. Its like the gold standard. I prefer Skruf as either a loose or portion or Goteborg but a can of General never dissapoints.


                      • masssnus
                        New Member
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 12

                        Originally posted by masssnus
                        I like to look at General as the Marlboro of Snus. Its like the gold standard. I prefer Skruf as either a loose or portion or Goteborg but a can of General never dissapoints.
                        I generally think of General as the Coca Cola of snus
                        Sorry Zero, we came up with almost the exact same analogy. Didnt see your post before I wrote it :lol:


                        • victoryredchevy
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 303

                          I'm really more of a portion snuser, but here the last few days I've been going thru this tin of General Los like crazy. This tin has been open for about 2 weeks and stored in a zip lock bag in the fridge and its still fresh. It still packs fine and tastes pretty good. I guess now I've made a transition. Looks like I'll be using portions at work and when I'm out in public and at home I'll use loose. I really like the General los. It's not too strong or salty at all to me and it keeps its form in the upper lip for quite awhile. It does start to run after awhile, but I don't mind. This tin is almost gone and the only tin of loose I have coming in the next shipment is Gustavus. I hope its not crappy. I've heard good things about it, except that its hard to bake. Anyway... I really like the General Los. Very quality snus.


                          • perique
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 75

                            I pretty much think the general maxi's are among the best. The Gustavus XL is very satisfying. I'll be trying the Granit maxi's soon. When push gets to shove, I think the General Maxi's are great !!



                            • Harry
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 213

                              General is strange because while being the most popular snus around, it also has a distinct, complex flavor. This was the first snus I tried and thought that this stuff (snus) must be pretty a strong/ flavorful tobacco product. Then I googled snus and found the wide world ahead.
                              I then placed a large order and found the wide spectrum of flavors available. I have since forgotten about the tobacco shop (6 bucks a piece) because General has fallen far behind about five other loose brands.

                              Neat though, was that they carried General wintergreen, original white, and Catch peppermint. Since no one was buying the loose, when I bought a couple tins of the Catch (not my favorite whatsoever) he said I could take the loose for free. So I bought the remaining 6 cans for 2 bucks a piece. They remain frozen.


                              • llewelynt
                                • May 2007
                                • 61

                                General is not the best in my opinion, but it is my backup, as I can get it locally.


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