Frozen Snus

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  • CthulhuDawn
    • Sep 2007
    • 16

    Frozen Snus

    Hey everyone. I ordered a sampler not that long ago and I put the tins I haven't opened inside freezer bags and threw them in the freezer. I guess the seal wasn't that great though because I just opened a tin (I am moving to the fridge for a day to thaw, but I just wanted to smell it) and there is some ice that has formed inside. Is this okay? Do I just need to let it sit in the fridge until tomorrow to thaw? Thanks!

    You can see the ice forming there at the top.
  • Dave***t
    • Aug 2006
    • 104

    I can't see the photo from this computer, but I've never had a problem with freezing snus, even if a little ice does form. Just let it defrost and it should be fine.


    • matwho
      • Oct 2007
      • 18

      I take it you don't like your whisky on the rocks.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        A bit of ice is normal - that's what freezers do, they freeze stuff :lol: The longer the snus is in the freezer, the more ice will crystallize out of it, mind you. As long as the taste is fine once it thaws you're good to go.


        • alex
          • Jul 2007
          • 226

          I know that is ice, but it looks disgusting in that pic. :?


          • CthulhuDawn
            • Sep 2007
            • 16

            Originally posted by matwho
            I take it you don't like your whisky on the rocks.
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

            Originally posted by alex
            I know that is ice, but it looks disgusting in that pic.
            Yeah, the picture makes it look quite a lot like cheese, but it doesn't really look that gross. Anyhow, I let it thaw out and loaded up a pris a few minutes ago and it seems good to me. Probe feels quite soft and nice on the gums. It's really mild, but I can still taste the whisky quite well. Yum! I like this one!


            • alex
              • Jul 2007
              • 226

              Is it a whisky alcohol taste, or just the whisky smokey flavor? I am curious to try Probe but I'm not a whisky fan, no matter how hard I try an like it :P

              I did soak a loose pris of Offroad Longcut in scotch whisky overnight once and had it the next evening, and after an hour I felt pretty good. Still tasted horrible though, and my throat went completely numb. :roll:


              • Dave***t
                • Aug 2006
                • 104

                In my experience Probe is more like a sugary whisky taste than anything else, certainly nothing like actual whisky.

                It certainly can't hurt just to tag a can on to your next order and try it though. It's a while since I had any Probe, actually, so that's what I'll be doing.


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Originally posted by alex
                  Is it a whisky alcohol taste, or just the whisky smokey flavor?
                  Probe Lös is somewhat like a praline with a whiskey-cream-filling, complemented with a fine tobacco-taste and slightly smokey. It's certainly not for everyone and I really needed some prillas to fully appreciate the taste. But since the first can it is a regular snus for me and absolutely worth a try.



                  • bcsiegl
                    • May 2006
                    • 23

                    Probe Lös is my evening (sometimes afternoon) snus when i like a good hit of nic. It's easy to bake and i like the flavor - kinda sweet but not overpowering the good tobacco flavor.
                    Chainsnuser, you got the description just about right. (Tho i don't eat pralines, so i'm not 100pc sure.)
                    CthulhuDawn, you have nothing to worry about IMO. I keep my snus - including the probe lös - frozen except for the few cans that have been opened which i keep in the fridge. Haven't pulled out a bad can yet. But i do let the lös defrost in the fridge before opening.
                    Alex, i tried the same thing with adding a few drops of whiskey to some portions that had partially dried out. Wasn't terribly impressed with the result. Now i leave all the snus experimentation to the experts in Sweden. I think they know something about what they're doing, since they've been doing it for at least 200 years.


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