Don't Like Gotlandssnus

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  • Smarvy
    • Nov 2007
    • 86

    I just ordered the Götlands green, yellow and julesnus from buysnus last night. I don't think I would be interested in the gray as I'm not a huge fan of licorice, but eventually I will have to try it. I'm very much looking forward to trying them, and I will let you know my opinion when they arrive. I was torn about how many tins of the julesnus to order, because of it's limited availability, but I try to stick to my rule of ordering only one of something I haven't tried yet. I suppose if I like it I will have to place another order before the month is out.

    I've read people's comments that it is very "christmasy". Is it full of spices like clove and nutmeg kind of flavors? Juniper/Pine scent? I'm just not sure what the christmasy flavor is, although I can imagine quite a lot. Is it a snus that you could see using year round; what I mean is, would it be worth it to have a roll in the freezer and use a can a month or something?

    As a side note, I chose the UPS shipping option from buysnus, as I am traveling for the holidays next week, and I want to make sure I'm stocked up before I leave home. I'm curious to see exactly how fast the snus makes it to me here at the antipode of Sweden (well, near enough regarding shipping times).

    Aloha all!

    And don't be jealous of our weather, it's crappy here too, just not crappy and cold.


    • RealmofOpeth
      • May 2007
      • 407

      The deal with the Gotlands grey being so that it's 'anis' from aniseed. It says this on the side of the can. they should put this on the descriptions online.
      Personally I find gotlandsnus to kick ass! Their licorice variety is the best implementation of licorice to tobacco I've ever had. It's rich, but not the kind of rich that makes me sick.
      The yellow is awesome...very distinguished flavor. a definite regular. and the makes one think of spring. Tastes like apples and fresh cut grass. I had a portion the day after Christmas...and it thrust me into springtime, bigtime. The sensation/emotions felt were pleasant, but a little weird during the holiday season.
      The Julesnus is great too, but it can be a little 'dry' tasting. Like you're constantly eating gingerbread.
      I was trying to get my maximum effect of 'holiday cheer' from having the appropriate snus flavors...julesnus does that well...especially nice with an alcoholic drink and a fire nearby.


      • databat
        • Dec 2007
        • 66

        I have a tin of grey on order. Now I can't wait for it to get here. I love licorice! Woohoo! I love the Julesnus as well. Too bad I'm already out of it. I also enjoy the green, but so for I've found that snusing too much of it can turn into the flavor tasting too sour. Usually I just do one portion a day or so, just as a treat, or to cheer myself up. (esp since it's rainy and gloomy outside)


        • jqlynch
          • Sep 2007
          • 132

          I was going to order some Gotlands varieties, but the $100 I was given for Christmas went into a Visa gift card, because I was trying to make it easier to use online. Folks, let me tell you -- don't waste your time with those, because:

          a) they don't work internationally
          b) they are non-returnable
          c) they are non-transferable back to any other medium

          On top of other things happening in my life, this was enough to drive me to the brink of suicide.

          So if I ever get more money, you can bet I'll be ordering Gotlandssnus.


          • rawker75
            • Oct 2007
            • 28

            Yellow rules. I just finished a can of loose and I have ordered a roll. I also ordered a can of Julesnus too before it was too late. I tried the yellow based off of everyones high opinion of it and it just plain rules. Thanks again for leading me in the right direction guys and gals!!!


            • databat
              • Dec 2007
              • 66

              Originally posted by jqlynch
              I was going to order some Gotlands varieties, but the $100 I was given for Christmas went into a Visa gift card, because I was trying to make it easier to use online. Folks, let me tell you -- don't waste your time with those, because:

              a) they don't work internationally
              b) they are non-returnable
              c) they are non-transferable back to any other medium

              On top of other things happening in my life, this was enough to drive me to the brink of suicide.

              So if I ever get more money, you can bet I'll be ordering Gotlandssnus.
              Try the greendot visa or master cards. They do work internationally, but you can't use them to pay for telcom services. It's also like using cash so if someone gets your card number and chews through your money, unless you can get the merchant to refund it you're SOL. However, if greendot makes a mistake, it's pretty easy to get them to fix it.

              So far we have only had one shady merchant charge for stuff we never ordered. I got the merchants number from a greendot customer service rep on the fone, then called the merchant and told them I had already contacted my credit card's fraud department, demanded a refund, and asked if I needed to get my lawyer as well as the FBI involved as it was interstate commerce. The merchant caved like a shoddy house with explosives inside.

              My wife and I use the greendot cards when we are making online purchases with a merchant we have never used before and don't fully trust them. We put just enough on them for the purchase (as close as we can get to the amount), then close the account after we receive the merchandise. They do charge a $4.95 monthly fee though, and for the basic card you can only put up to $500 on it unless you opt for the more expensive premium card. You can also buy recharge packs for them in various stores, or do direct deposit on them but we haven't gone that route. You can also use the ATM with it to withdraw funds off the card but they do charge a fee for that. I don't remember how much though, never did that. Anywho, check their website to see if they have it in your area. When you get it, you'll have to go online to activate it, and they will tell you your account number, and all that other info you'll need so you can use it right away for online purchases while you wait for your card in the mail.

              For merchants we trust we just use your debit card as those can be used just like a credit card.

              The AMEX gift cards work as well as long as the merchant accepts AMEX. What brand of Visa gift card were you using? (So my wife and I will know which ones to avoid hehe)

              I'm sorry to hear you didn't get your Julesnus. If I had any left I would send you some.) *puts in a portion of skruf stark to mourn your bad luck*

              It really is a treat. I wish I had bought more than 1 tin. I think next year I will buy a roll to stash in the freezer. I really love it. Usually around Christmas time I tend to get colds and whatever crud people are usually passing around. The Julesnus makes my throat feel better. I purposely do my best to get the portion to run just so I can swallow the juices. I was gonna try Catch Eucalyptus but somehow I forgot when I placed my order. I ordered the gray though, so I hope this will do just as well. If that doesn't work, I also have some Mocca Anise in the order.


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                or you can try buying something popular/high demand/not available everywhere with the $100 card...selling it on ebay..for a little less (to cover the most or all of shipping cost, luring buyers in).
                then you have at least most of your money back in regular form.


                • Smarvy
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 86

                  Well, I got my Gotlandssnus and I am impressed. So impressed that I ordered a roll of the yellow. It is my favorite Gotlands, possibly my favorite snus; the Julesnus is very, very good as well, but I'm not sure how I would like it through the rest of the year, so I didn't order more of that. The green is also good, but has a bit of a sour taste that I need to be in the mood for, whereas the yellow I can just go for whenever. I highly recommend Gotlandsnus to everyone. Sitting around the woodstove with Julesnus in was quite pleasant.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Julesnus is great. I wouldn't order a ton of it though, because it wouldn't be special anymore. It would just be another snus. I'm keeping that as a special xmas snus, and I'll have something to look forward to next year :^) I agree with Gotandssnus being good though. They're my favorite snus maker, though I think my preference is the gray label. It reminds me of Jägermeister, just better tasting ;^) All of the varieties are favorites though.


                    • Kindrd
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 266

                      Originally posted by Smarvy
                      Well, I got my Gotlandssnus and I am impressed. So impressed that I ordered a roll of the yellow. It is my favorite Gotlands, possibly my favorite snus;.
                      The Yellow Loose is my favorite kind of snus by far. Love it. I like the portions as well.


                      • Smarvy
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 86

                        The Yellow Loose is my favorite kind of snus by far. Love it. I like the portions as well.
                        Glad to hear it Kindrd, because that's what I ordered, a roll of the yellow loose.


                        • jqlynch
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 132

                          My personal experience to date with Gotland Green and Gul:

                          Green -- It's well named. I never thought you could find a substance that tastes "green", but this is one. The dominant flavor as far as I can tell is mainly apple, kind of crabapple, actually, but not quite as bitter. There's kind of a grassy undertone (the kind you mow, not the kind you smoke). It's an acquired taste, but after only three portions, I think I'm really starting to enjoy it.

                          Gold -- If Green is the grass, then Gold is the soil. It's very rich and earthy (it doesn't taste like dirt, for the record). I'm using the loose -- it's not too fine and not too coarse. At first I thought it was a stronger-flavored Ettan, but I'm picking up other flavors now that set it apart from Ettan. The one thing that it reminds me of, actually, is a flavoring used in a locally-produced beef jerky (of all things!). Again, I think I'm getting accustomed to it and starting to really like it.

                          My personal review, of course; YMMV.


                          • deadeye
                            New Member
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 4

                            I recently ordered grey, green, yellow, and jules...
                            The jules tastes like pumpkin pie, and is really good after a meal. The yellow and green are fairly similar, but the yellow seems to have a slightly cleaner taste.
                            The grey was an utter disaster. It smells and tastes exactly like nyquil cough syrup, which makes me wonder if they use anise too. It kind of makes me sick to my stomach, but this could just be because I have come to associate it with the most disgusting over-the-counter cold remedy in existence. I would recommend limiting your order of grey to one can if you're determined to try it, but I don't think it plays well with an American palette.

                            Another thing I noticed is that these varieties are very unpredictable when it comes to nicotine content. They all seem to have the advertised level, but occasionally you get a portion that makes your jaw hurt, which is usually a sign that a lot of nicotine is making its way to your blood stream.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Like everyone else, after all of the positive comments, I added Gotlandssnus to my order. I got one of each.

                              So far, I have only had the green. The first thing I noticed is how wonderful it smelled. Now a lot of snus, even good snus, doesn't necessarily smell that great from the tin. But the Green just smelled wonderful, and you can definitely smell the apple. When I first put it in, I am hit with this wonderful complex taste. I taste the apple immidiately, but there is more to it then that. It feels perfectly balanced, nothing overwhelming anything else. And it lasts forever. I usually will keep a portion in until it starts to break, or looses it's tatste. These just keep going and going.

                              I find though, that it is not a snus I want to chain snus. The taste can almost get too strong after a while. Not necessarily the snus I would would work all day with, but rather something i would want to look forward to 3 - 4 times a day. I suspect from what I have read that yellow might be more fit for an all day snus. I will be trying that in a week or so.

                              I love licorice, so can't wait to try the Grey. I always get at least three licorice out of every 10 tins I buy, and suspect that the Grey will probably become a regular. I am also trying Metropol Licorice for the first time and that is an excellent implementation of licorice. Definitely my favorite licorice so far. Curious how the grey will compete.

                              The Julesnus will be a special treat. I am saving that for the end, so I have something happy while I am waiting for my next order.


                              • chainsnuser
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2007
                                • 1388

                                Originally posted by sagedil
                                I taste the apple immidiately, but there is more to it then that.
                                Elderberry and some other, less noticeable flavors.

                                I agree, that it is a perfectly balanced snus and it's one of my favorites, BTW. Many other flavored snuses have overpowering aromas added, but this one is aromatic and still can be called traditional. The way, the salt is mixing with the other flavors and the tobacco is a real treat.



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