New to the forum and wanting to learn about Swedish snus:

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  • JPono
    • Sep 2009
    • 415

    Hi jread,
    Don't know how I missed this thread, but welcome. Nice order you have going!


    • jread
      New Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 9

      Well, I've tried them all and definitely am enjoying the Swedish snus!

      The General Mini Mint is my favorite by far... LOVE the flavor! It does say that it has sweeteners in it, though, so I wonder if it's bad for the teeth like the sugary American snus are. Any thoughts on that?

      The General Wintergreen white portions are good, but they're a little too big and the ends of the portions tend to come undone, getting tobacco all over your mouth. Still, I'm a fan of this one.

      The CatchDry Mini Eucalyptus Portion are just ok. The eucalyptus part is a little weak and they are really more of a basic tobacco taste than anything else. They're good, but not my favorite by any means.

      The Thunder Frosted Minis just don't do it for me. The mint taste is overwhelmingly strong and always made my throat burn. They're also extremely "wet"... as in soaking wet in the can, which really grossed me out. I definitely prefer drier portions.

      The Lab Series 01 didn't do much for me as far as flavor.... I just couldn't get into it.

      My free mystery can ended up being Ettan white portions, which weren't too bad at all. It's not my favorite as I prefer more flavoring, but it wasn't bad.

      So, looks like General Mini mint is the one for me so far. I do wonder about the sugar content, though, and if that is bad for the teeth. Maybe it's an artificial sweetener or sugar substitute?

      A coworker has also ordered a General variety pack and I was surprised to find that I enjoy the other stuff they make, such as the Onyx, etc. I really do think that General is my favorite brand of all and I've liked all their stuff that I've tried so far.


      • Karanya
        • Oct 2009
        • 402

        Neither American nor Swedish snus contain sugar. Camel Mellow/Frost has sucralose (Splenda) and General Mini Mint has... erm, I'd have to look. I believe it's sugar alcohols (maltitol, sorbitol, xylitol, etc.) Discreet uses saccharin.

        Snus won't give you cavities, even if it seems sweet, and it may actually protect against cavities by raising the pH in your mouth.




        • CultLeaderLettuce
          • Nov 2009
          • 97

          You seem to like flavors a bit... you oughta give the old Goat Rape #2 a try.

          Whether you like it or not is up to you, but I think you should give it a try at least.

          Also, I haven't tried the Discreet snus flavors yet, although I really need to. You probably should give them a try as well as the flavors are nice and sweet from what I read. Getsnus carries the Discreet flavors, and they're nicely priced.


          • Redbeard
            • Sep 2009
            • 390

            Originally posted by CultLeaderLettuce
            You seem to like flavors a bit... you oughta give the old Goat Rape #2 a try.


            Whether you like it or not is up to you, but I think you should give it a try at least.

            Also, I haven't tried the Discreet snus flavors yet, although I really need to. You probably should give them a try as well as the flavors are nice and sweet from what I read. Getsnus carries the Discreet flavors, and they're nicely priced.
            Great suggestions.



            • Christi
              • Dec 2009
              • 2104

              I would have to suggest the julesnus flavors. I am a mint fan and started with CSF as well. I have tried several of what you have and the Thunder Frosted is my favorite. With that said, I think you might enjoy the Christmassy flavors from the julesnus. You should give it a try.


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