My 01 review

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  • jackolantern
    • Dec 2008
    • 198

    My 01 review

    I just my order from Sweden including 2 cans of 01 (a pity that as soon as I made the order, got it in-stock). I am on my 2nd portion of it, and I am liking it a lot.

    The shape is quite nice. As has already been pointed out, it is much closer to Camel snus size than standard General size. While standard size snus never really showed much under my lip, what this does do is prevent the "brown corner smile", where you show a bit of the portion when you smile. Some people proudly display their use of snus, but there are some times when I would rather not, such as at work, school, etc.

    I am not exactly sure what the "no drip" means, because it is producing about a normal amount of juice for me. The no drip did have me a bit worried because I was wondering if the snus was going to have no flavor. I was definitely wrong. 01 has much more of a natural tobacco taste than General and many other Swedish-Match snus. I remember the first time I tried General, it tasted a bit like Nestle Instant Lemon Ice Tea. While I don't get that anymore, my first impression of 01 is tobacco, through and through. There are light notes of cedar and minerals to it, but overwhelmingly, it is a natural tobacco taste. I am quite fond of it so far. The salt is just right for me, which means that I can taste it, but it is not over-powering like even General can be every once in a while.

    Even with the "no drip" design, I am noticing some momentary teeth browning as the juice does its thing, just like I experience with General original portion. I would hope that SM is planning to release an 01 white portion snus in the near future.

    All in all, I enjoy it a lot. I will be waiting to finish these 2 cans before I would ever consider buying a roll, but I think this one does have a lot of potential. It could even became a daily snus for me.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    You are wise to wait until you finish the two cans before you decide that for sure. for whatever reason, many folks who initially liked it very much, myself included, really seemed to grow tired of it quickly. I am not 100 percent sure I understand why, but the taste just grew stale VERY quickly for me.


    • jackolantern
      • Dec 2008
      • 198

      I could see the "interest" just not being there. While I prefer snus that is vastly more tobacco flavored than anything else, I do sometimes like hints of other flavors, like General, Roda Lacket, etc. General is my go-to, every-day snus, and I order it by the rolls from getsnus. It has a complexity that still has not gotten old for me. I guess I just had a 10 months itch to have something different, so I made a Swedish order for about 10 cans of varied things. I guess I will just have to see how it grows on me.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        It's not a question of being "tobacco" flavored. 95% of the snus I use is just tobacco flavored. it is that the taste of tobacco doesn't seem to hold up right.

        Use the whole can, see what you think as you get to the end of it. Just a strange little snus in how many folks take a dislike to it after they think they like it at first try.

        Not everyone, some still absolutely love it can after can.


        • Tin Man
          • Sep 2009
          • 210

          I've only had the 02, and liked it at first, started to dislike it real quick, and just recently had a few portions and enjoyed them. I think my initial expectations weren't met, but now, knowing what to expect, can appreciate it for what it is. A few times a week snus.


          • TBD
            • Jul 2008
            • 817

            I'm on my fourth can of 01 in a month and can say for me its one of the few that hasn't turned boring to me. It's not spectacular, it's just nice and stable, much like Tre for me. A great middle of the road snus that I can use all day.


            • daruckis
              • Jul 2009
              • 2277

              im almost finished with my first can of 01 and not yet sick of it. its a staple of my daily snus diet.


              • BrianC
                • Dec 2008
                • 463

                I'm on my last can of the roll I ordered and it still has not turned on me a bit. I still feel that there are options that I like the flavor of more, but this one just has no adverse affects on me so works out to be a great daily snus.


                • TheOneandOnly
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 616

                  I recently got 2 cans of each, and am starting to get tired of them.. Only on my 2nd can.


                  • Snusophile
                    • May 2008
                    • 531

                    Ya'll aren't lying when you say it turns on you's almost like eating rice every night for a week. It's okay at first but by the end you want to barf every time you have it.


                    • MojoQuestor
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 2344

                      I got most of the way through a can of 02 and stuck it in the freezer. I haven't cracked open the 01 yet. Maybe after I get over this crud I have.

                      Snus (some more than others) seems to actually help my sore throat, or maybe that's just wishful thinking.


                      • pweiaholic
                        New Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 12

                        I like 01, but don't think it's great. And it's not really a staple of mine. But I do love the portion shape.

                        It's a 1 can a month brand for me.


                        • stubby2
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 436

                          Just finished my first can of 01 and I like it. On the mild side which is okay. Ettan white is another favorite so that may give you some idea of my taste.

                          I can see this one becoming a work-hourse snus.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            Is it just me being wrong, but it seems like my N&J Strong have a narrower pouch than regular.


                            • Veganpunk
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 5381

                              I finished off the whole 01 can last week, and it does get old quick. I still have an unopened 02, but I'm gonna wait awhile before using it. It started out so good, but I reached for it less and less.


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