Originally posted by Snusdog
Los with a less 'mud like' texture?
Originally posted by daruckisroda lacket los is pretty bland, and too finely ground. i dont understand the recomendations for it.
The less muddy ones I tried were Gotland, Montecristo and Offroad. These all hold together extremely well but the Offroad holds together so well that it actually hurt my gums.
As far as flavour goes my favourites were Granit and Phantom Classic brown. These can be muddy but the muddiness tends to give a better nicotine hit.
The worst I had was Ettan for sticking to my teeth and I hate that.
I'm still not converted and I know I never will be - certainly not with the convenience, quality and choice of portions that there are available.
I think it's mostly inexperience, and you're lacking pris control. Röda and Prima Fint as you know are both fine, and more inclined to run than other brands. As you use more lös you'll be able to handle them better, and be able to use them for 1 hour+
It's hard to give guidance in this matter, as it's mostly a feel thing. You'll figure out what you can get away with over time, and how to hold the pris in your mouth so it doesn't slide at the edges. I'm fairly rough with my lös, and I don't have much trouble with any of the brands. Things get out of control on occasion, but ya can't be perfect all of the time :^D
Snuff makes using lös trying sometimes. I'll Have to blow my nose sometimes, and end up mushing my snus into my teeth :^D That might be something to keep in mind with your experimentation.
Btw, flavors are going to be more muted at first. It took me quite awhile to be able to discern the flavor in some of the more subtle brands. Röda is on the milder side, and Prima is as close to nothing with body as you'll get :^D
I'd suggest some brands with stronger flavor at the start, and revisit the milder varieties later.
Gotland Gul
Gotland Grå
Offroad licorice
Phantom Classic
Grov maybe
Grov definitely
Phantom Brown
Originally posted by LaZeRI'm currently revisiting this Roda Lacket Los yet again. Baked one at 9:30 (been in 10 minutes, so far so good). I'm only spending about 30secs to 1 minute hand baking = Is this part of my problem?
That said, the catch with Roda is that the tighter you bake the pris the less flavor you get. The looser you bake it the more flavor but the more likelihood of a mudslide.
The solution is time and technique. Over time your gums will acclimate to having a pris in. Until then they will by instinct want to push the pris out. In turn you will want to push up on the pris (either from the outside with your finger or from the inside of the mouth with your tongue). The result = pressure on the pris = mudslide.
As your gums acclimate the pressure on the pris is reduced. This allows you to vary your baking technique from snus to snus and mood to mood. Thus you will be able to bake Roda a bit looser (I actually just pinch it and toss it in) this in turn allows more flavor yet without the slide.
For now I would bake it pretty firmly, put it in and leave it alone. It will set up in 15 or so minutes (until then you will feel like you have a small plastic lego under your lip). Don’t play with it. Do your best not to push it back up or hit it with your tongue. After 15-20 minutes gently press it from the outside until it conforms to your gum line ever so slightly. Then just touch it with your tongue every now and then to get flavor. If it starts to run, or if it starts to taste a little bitter, take it out. It’s done.
Also, during the set up period try not to drink anything (you will not always have to do this). Or drink freely, just use a straw.
Check out page 6 of the dipper’s guide on how to put a pris in without it breaking up. If you smash the pris putting it in, it will break down and slide more readily.
Finally, remember this is for Roda. All this will be less necessary for other more coarsely ground brands. Also remember, once your gum acclimates (a month or so depending on how often you use los) you will forget all of this and just go by feel.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Thanks for the added tips both Snusdog & lxskllr! I think I'm on to something else I might be doing wrong. Things were working alright tonight until about the 1 hr mark and about the time I was getting the flavor the friggin mudslide insued and I had to extracate.ops:
Being an ex-cope dipper, I'm finding myself grabbing an initial 'fat' 3-fingered pinch and by the time I'm done molding and forming in my hand, I still have a pris the size of a bear turd. I mean I seriously look like a hairlip who's been punched in the mouth. Could this be part of my problem = baking too big of a nugget?
Originally posted by LaZeR
Being an ex-cope dipper, I'm finding myself grabbing an initial 'fat' 3-fingered pinch and by the time I'm done molding and forming in my hand, I still have a pris the size of a bear turd. I mean I seriously look like a hairlip who's been punched in the mouth. Could this be part of my problem = baking too big of a nugget?
When handbaking I tend to use too much. With the IceTool I use 2 clicks with the 3ml, and that's perfect for me. If you shot that into your hand it wouldn't look like anything. Try making the pris "too small", and I bet that'll be closer to right.
Originally posted by LaZeRThanks for the added tips both Snusdog & lxskllr! I think I'm on to something else I might be doing wrong. Things were working alright tonight until about the 1 hr mark and about the time I was getting the flavor the friggin mudslide insued and I had to extracate.ops:
Being an ex-cope dipper, I'm finding myself grabbing an initial 'fat' 3-fingered pinch and by the time I'm done molding and forming in my hand, I still have a pris the size of a bear turd. I mean I seriously look like a hairlip who's been punched in the mouth. Could this be part of my problem = baking too big of a nugget?When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
As I ran out of time last night to do my nightly practice with 'los'. I took my can of roda out of the fridge and brought to work with me. I might actually get brave and give it a try here since I'm just itching to see if a smaller pris will give me a better experience. I even have a couple of those mini-portable toothbrushes on hand in case this gets ugly. :lol: wish me luck!
There is a 'pouch' of sorts between your upper lip and upper gum. I do one click with a 3 ml Icetool and pack it well. Then I shove it as far up into that 'pouch' as possible, then leave it alone. Over time, as it softens, if I feel it starting to slide downward, I shove it back up with the tip of my tongue. I can usually keep it in now for upwards of an hour, but it took a few tries at first, to get to this point.
I actually prefer los over portions (well mini-portions in my case) because the los seems to have MUCH less 'burn' and MUCH less salt than the portions. I also never get the niccups from los, since I can shape to the size that works best for me, which is smaller.
Originally posted by snupyThere is a 'pouch' of sorts between your upper lip and upper gum. I do one click with a 3 ml Icetool and pack it well. Then I shove it as far up into that 'pouch' as possible, then leave it alone. Over time, as it softens, if I feel it starting to slide downward, I shove it back up with the tip of my tongue. I can usually keep it in now for upwards of an hour, but it took a few tries at first, to get to this point.
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