Getsnus order arrived today!!!

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  • sandman1911
    • Jun 2009
    • 394

    Getsnus order arrived today!!!

    The usual fast shipping which I love so much, and the mystery can was????

    General loose for the 3rd time in a row , but you won't hear me complain about it. What is so special about this order you ask? Well in this order a got a can of Oden's ES Kanel which I have never tried. So what do I think about it, well let me tell you.

    First the can itself. Nice packaging as far as the lettering and everything else, a really attractive can and it's plastic. Most of my snus I use comes in paperboard (see sig). But I honestly prefer plastic.

    When I opened the can I could immediately smell cinnamon and rich tobacco. Smells like heaven, and this can was PACKED FULL TO THE TOP. Nice.

    Pulled out 2 1/2 clicks on the Icetool, pressed and popped it in.

    It has a nice burn to it and the cinnamon flavor is there, but not overbearing. Perfect combo of cinnamon and tobacco. I love it. I've only had it in for about 15 minutes so I can't say how well the pris will hold and the drip is minimal which I also like. This is definitely going to be a regular order me.

    Did I mention I love it???
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    They did a nice job with the Kanel. The flavor's strength is perfect to compliment the tobacco, but not over power it. That said, I don't care for it much :^D I really only like cinnamon in baked goods, or maybe a little sprinkled on top of some cappuccino, but otherwise I'm not big on the flavor. V2 executed the flavor perfectly though, and I'd like to see them take the more subtle approach with more of their flavored snus.


    • sandman1911
      • Jun 2009
      • 394

      The grind of the tobacco is really excellent also.

      I popped it in almost half an hour ago and the flavor is really starting to kick in, still good to me. The nic hit from it is really good also. I don't think this is a snus that people who haven't used Starks before should start out with, I can see it overwhelming them.

      I also picked up a can of Skruf cranberry, which I've never tried.
      Any thoughts on it? Some like it some don't.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by sandman1911

        I also picked up a can of Skruf cranberry, which I've never tried.
        Any thoughts on it? Some like it some don't.
        I haven't had it in a long time, but I wasn't crazy about it. Keep in mind that I don't care much for Skruf products in general. I do enjoy the stark lös, but that's the only one from them I like.


        • sandman1911
          • Jun 2009
          • 394

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Originally posted by sandman1911

          I also picked up a can of Skruf cranberry, which I've never tried.
          Any thoughts on it? Some like it some don't.
          I haven't had it in a long time, but I wasn't crazy about it. Keep in mind that I don't care much for Skruf products in general. I do enjoy the stark lös, but that's the only one from them I like.
          I didn't care for the Skruf los, I did at first but half way through it turned on me. I like some flavored snus so it will be interesting how this will turn out. As long as the flavor doesn't overpower the tobacco I think I'll be good.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by sandman1911

            I didn't care for the Skruf los, I did at first but half way through it turned on me. I like some flavored snus so it will be interesting how this will turn out. As long as the flavor doesn't overpower the tobacco I think I'll be good.
            I remember the flavor of the cranberry being pretty mellow; not overbearing. The stark lös I use as a dessert snus. It's a little too rich to use all of the time, but once or twice a day is good for me.


            • Tristik
              • Jan 2009
              • 654

              How's the los compare to the portion kanel? I've had the kanel sterk once or twice (and originals more so), but I think the cinammon flavor isn't strong enough to overpower the tobacco funk (that's how I explain the non-cinamon aroma in it, it's just kinda 'funky' :P ). I still buy it sometimes since it's the only snus in that flavor though.

              Is the cinammon a little more noticeable in the los?


              • sandman1911
                • Jun 2009
                • 394

                Originally posted by Tristik
                How's the los compare to the portion kanel? I've had the kanel sterk once or twice (and originals more so), but I think the cinammon flavor isn't strong enough to overpower the tobacco funk (that's how I explain the non-cinamon aroma in it, it's just kinda 'funky' :P ). I still buy it sometimes since it's the only snus in that flavor though.

                Is the cinammon a little more noticeable in the los?
                I've never had the portions, but the cinnamon flavor is noticeable in the los.
                I think it's a perfect balance, not too much, not too little.
                I really enjoy it, nice taste and a good nic hit.
                If you like los snus I would definitely give it a try. It's one of those I wish I had tried sooner.


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