I would suggest the right shade of yellow if you decide to change it.
Yellow is the most common backround used on advertising signs, it might make your font more readable too.
1yr, 8 days after 38 years of smoking,
I started on portions and am now using about 80% lössnus
8 portions/prillas a day.
What brands of snus are you using? General, Ettan, Grov?
roughly 6 months, 19 days off cigs. somewhere around there after 9 years of smoking. still slip up and have maybe one a month or so, but i'm glad to be to the point where i don't need them.
mostly use portions, i do los at the end of the day when i'm home.
i didn't smoke that long, but it's really cool to see people who had long term smoking habits and quit with snus.
Snusdog is probably right about the font, but I love art deco fonts(and style in general). If I had my way, the world would look like Rapture(from Bioshock), and riced out Hondas would be blasting Fats Waller when they stopped at a traffic light :^D
i loved everything about rapture. game was so dope.
Its a good forum for finding things out. I don't understand how anyone could be a "regular" of a tobacco forum. If tobacco is someones main focus, god help them.