might be going back to portions?

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  • dirtyjersey
    • Dec 2007
    • 19

    might be going back to portions?

    okay let me give you the quick and dirty: I've been snusing for 3-4 years and for the longest time it was portions (tried almost all the older brands), then i started going through tins fast then my brand "knox portions" becomes unavailable and I switch to phantom los with a prismaster, I was doing entire shots of it until the side effects (dizziness upon standing, soreness, and most importantly extreme tiredness bothered the hell outta me.)

    For the last 3 months I've been shooting half shots of phantom but I'm sure I occasionally pack it too tight and my upper lip is all raw and I still get annoyingly tired from snus. I've had little of these side effects from portions.

    My question is, with half shots from a pris master, will I require 2 portions at all times for my tolerance?

    I already know I'll be finishing tins more quickly but roughly how many portions is half a prismaster?
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    I haven't used my prismaster much (it was a freebie with an order) and tend to use an Icetool so I can't give you an accurate answer.

    But for reference I find that a two click pris with an Icetool is about equivalent to a original portion. Perhaps a bit stronger. Note: I am referring to regular strength lös.

    I'd suggest going for original portions at first to see how they work for you. No need to double up. Perhaps just up your usage a bit.

    If that doesn't work perhaps go for a middle of the road stark - N&J, Onyx, General Sterk

    And if that still doesn't do the trick bring in the big guns - General Extra Sterk, Skruf Stark, Claq Qui (Personally I won't recommend Thunder as I didn't enjoy the portions but your experience might differ. Also, Thunder along with Oden's is highly rated by a lot of people on the forum)

    I've gone back and forth between starks and regular strength portions and to be honest it really doesn't make much difference IMO. There doesn't seem to be the big difference you would have between going from 20 cigarettes a day to 10 cigarettes a day for example.

    But that's just me.


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      If you made the switch from portions to lös and you like it then stick with it, invest in an Icetool. It will more than pay for itself compared to the cost of portions. You can customize the size of your prillas 1-5 clicks, so upping or lowering your dosage is a breeze and something you can't do with portions. 8)


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        I do not understand what part of these symptoms have to do with snus? This sounds like a hey doctor moment! I am a recovering heart patient, and what you are describing is not normal by any means. Check your blood pressure! Nicotine raises mine, I have to moderate my uptake, but being tired sounds like a warning sign of something more serious.

        Hope I am wrong, but I do have a brand new 14 inch scar right down the middle of my chest, I do know what to look for as far as symptoms are concerned. Trust me, you do not want one of these! The facts are like this, at 40, an American male has a 1 in 2 chance of heart disease , not good at all. I only survived because I did something right away as soon as I realized something was wrong, I was facing sudden death. Its all good now-
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          V2 lös has more usable nicotine than many brands. Their portions might also, but I can't keep them in my mouth long enough to find out :^D You're getting too much nicotine, hence the tiredness.

          I'd suggest handbaking the Phantom, and see if that's more agreeable to you. I use an IceTool with almost all of my snus, but I handbake V2 lös, because it packs too tightly using snus tools. I find IceTooled V2 very uncomfortable as you described, but I don't have any problems when it's handbaked.

          Alternatively, try a different brand. I suggest Gotland, and they still come in a 50g tin. It's like getting a free tin of snus with every roll you buy ;^)


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            I handbake everything, I don't even own an Icetool yet. ops:

            The Icetool just makes it easier to dose the snus for those that get carried away with the size of their prillas and are concerned about controlling how much they use.


            • Gizmer
              • Jun 2009
              • 103

              I've recently decided to try los and got a prismaster to play around with. I only got SM and v2 brands and I must agree that handbaking the v2 is far better. I almost made myself sick with nicotine with the prismaster and v2. But I'm a los dummy


              • StiffUpperLip
                • Nov 2009
                • 86

                A prismaster loose packed makes a pris roughly the same size of a standard large portion.


                • Kvlt
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 197

                  In regards to portion size, check with the nicotine content. For example, General Extra Sterk portion has more nicotine per gram than loose. Might be because loose snusers use bigger portions (usually 2 grams). If you use 2 gram portions, you will get 2-3 less servings per can (not taking into consideration "lost" snus than falls out of the can, etc.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Re: might be going back to portions?

                    Originally posted by dirtyjersey
                    might be going back to portions?
                    Just sounds to me like you are just getting smarter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                    • Owens187
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 1547

                      Re: might be going back to portions?

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      Originally posted by dirtyjersey
                      might be going back to portions?
                      Just sounds to me like you are just getting smarter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

                      I Agree. :wink:


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