Welcome OlderThanDirt. You found a great forum to learn about snus. Did you start snus to quit/cut back on smoking? I have not tried the Probe snus yet because I am afraid it will give me whiskey breath at work.
I haven't tried the e cigs before but they seem pretty popular. I quit for a year once using nicotine lozenges but was craving smokes the entire time and eventually went right back to smoking. I haven't found that with snus and other than first thing in the morning, I really don't want to smoke anymore. In fact, I like the snus even better than smoking at this point. That's good though as I have yet to see one person using smokes to quit snus! :lol:
Welcome. I'm guessing portions? It seems that people who've tried both find a real difference, although I have yet to try the lös. I've had a few of the portions, and find them good, although they are sweeter than I like.
As far as the topic goes, I can't remember my after-turkey snus. That was on Wednesday, the "office party". Thursday was chicken & rice and cabbage, which I actually enjoyed better than the traditional meal. I can't remember what I snused after that, either :? It was probably either some form of Röda Lacket, Taboca, General, or LD. Or ... ?
Quit a few folks have a "something missing" feeling with the e-cigs, much as with the other NRT's. Snus fills that void very well!
I've never tried the e-cigs, but snus sure fills the cigarette void for me. If I were to add up all the cigarette tobacco I've smoked in the last two months, it would come to about one stick.
By the way, congratulations very much on quitting.
I was with my family and a couple of them are militant anti-tobacco-types (in some part due to being ex-smokers). So, in order to stay discreet and keep things pleasant, I was using a variety of mini-portions throughout the weekend (Thunder/General/Discreet). ...at one point I managed to get away with a 01 portion, as well.
Well, I commented on these portions earlier, but it was a quick summary. Here's a little more in depth now that I've had a couple portions of them. ...