new snus'er

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  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    new snus'er

    breaking myself in with a can of general dry mint portions.. not shabby, fairly enjoyable... have a tin of camel mellow & camel frost in teh fridge waiting..

    wife things it's disgusting, but she's got the "you're dipping now?" prejudice going on... i laid a big sloppy kiss on her after spitting out a portion and she while she could taste something it wasn't horrible... she doesn't even realize i have one going unless she sees me put it in or spit it out...

    trying to decide if i wanna try los or not.. portions are certainly convenient..

    anywho, just introducing myself, hello!
  • cj
    • Jul 2009
    • 1563

    hello hello and welcome!!!!!! los is awesome you should try it


    • MojoQuestor
      • Sep 2009
      • 2344

      Hello and welcome from me as well. Agree on the los, might as well give it a swing. Consider trying a non-sweet snus or two as well, just to see what it's all about.

      Anywho, enjoy and have fun!


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        Welcome RedMacGregor

        Since your wife has a problem with the dip thing, give the lös a go. You can always use it as a bargaining chip. Then the portions won't bother her as much. :wink:


        • gear.h34d.2012
          • Nov 2009
          • 72

          Aw sweet I'm not the new guy anymore! Howdy bro. Still considering los myself. Just haven't decided. In the same boat as well. Fiancee can't stand it. Didn't mind me smoking cigars, but this horrifies her. :/

          Anyways, welcome bro.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Everyone should give lös a try, if for no other reason than connect with snus' roots. Whether you stick with it or not is personal preference, but it should at least be tried.


            • RedMacGregor
              • Dec 2009
              • 554

              if i do the lös, i'll have to go the whole 9 yards and get an icetool, it's just the way i roll....


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by RedMacGregor
                if i do the lös, i'll have to go the whole 9 yards and get an icetool, it's just the way i roll....
                Well, that's your call. I took the stance that I wanted to do it in the most traditional method possible, so I handbaked my first tin of Ettan. I ended up getting an IceTool for a couple brands that were virtually unbakable, and started using it for everything. It's certainly nice, but a big expense if you aren't sure you'd like using lös.


                • desirexe
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 1170

                  Welcome to the forum! I don't have a problem with a "wife" disapproving of my snusage...I am the wife!!! Now, my husband on the other hand doesn't love that I use snus but he doesn't mind because I have made him this way! Meaning, any bit of scientific evidence I ran into in support of snus was passed along to him during normal conversations. I did the same with nasal snuff and now he will try a pinch or portion from time to time.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Welcome to Snuson RedMacGregor

                    Go for the Icetool regardless. I am famous here for my love of portions. Have tried to like los three times, still not even close. But I love my Icetool, will do los at least once a year just so I have a chance to use it. The folks that created Snuson make the Icetool. So for that reason alone,it was well worth it to me.


                    • MelangeMan
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 139

                      I've tried los snus once with a pristool, and cope once with my fingers. It's not my thing. Too messy, on my fingers, on my teeth, on the can of los, on the surface beneath the can. Portions are great. Its weird. The only time I remember that snus comes los is when I pop into the forums here.


                      • fedora
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 251


                        Do try los - as said lxskllr - you hafta try it regardless of whether you stick with it.

                        if i do the lös, i'll have to go the whole 9 yards and get an icetool, it's just the way i roll....
                        Or go with the poorman's icetool - syringe, cut the needle of and you're good to go. Then decide if you want to put out the $30-$40 for the tool.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Welcome to Snuson. I agree, you should try the los. It hasn't replaced my portion use, but I handbake at least one pris a day. It's a nice change.


                          • burningcow422
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 183

                            Welcome to the forum! Happy snussing.


                            • Christi
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 2104

                              Originally posted by desirexe
                              Welcome to the forum! I don't have a problem with a "wife" disapproving of my snusage...I am the wife!!! Now, my husband on the other hand doesn't love that I use snus but he doesn't mind because I have made him this way! Meaning, any bit of scientific evidence I ran into in support of snus was passed along to him during normal conversations. I did the same with nasal snuff and now he will try a pinch or portion from time to time.
                              I am in the same boat. My hubby is a smoker of 20+years and gives me hell. I have told him all the facts and he has laid off a bit. I had him try one and he wasn't impressed. He is using Chantix to stop smoking but it isn't working. I think he should give snusing a try!


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