Are Grizzly products okay for first time trying?

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  • RobertC
    New Member
    • Dec 2009
    • 3

    Are Grizzly products okay for first time trying?

    I am not an active snus user, but I would like to get familiar to it. The reason why I’m asking about the Grizzly snus, is that Grizzly is having a give away campaign for people in Alabama. As I live there, it seems like a good opportunity to try out this weird (for me) way to consume tobacco. The thing is of cource, that the first impression is often the most important and I don’t want to spoil it with trying out the wrong blend. So is Grizzlys tobacco okay and how is it’s quality?
    If you are interested in the free offer thing, then I also wrote about it here:

    I thank you in advance for the information.

  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    According to your link, this is for Grizzly Longcut, which is American Dip and not I'm not sure what the question is.


    • Tristik
      • Jan 2009
      • 654

      I didn't even know they were making one. I used to chew grizzly exclusively. Never had any issues with their tobacco being bad. I actually liked it better than Skoal. It was also a good 2 dollars cheaper to boot.


      • RobertC
        New Member
        • Dec 2009
        • 3

        chadizzy1, I don't know much about either the snus or American dip. What's the difference between them? I am looking for these pads, which have tobacco in them.

        Thank you in advance.


        • Liandri
          • Jul 2009
          • 604

          Well without getting into too much detail:

          Snus is steam pasturized
          Chew/Moist Snuff is fire cured

          Snus is normally kept between the gum and upper lip
          Moist Snuff is normally kept between gum and bottom lip

          Snus is normally spit free
          Moist Snuff is usually spit... full?
          (User determined, you can do what you want with either product)

          Snus normally comes in traditional flavors
          Moist Snuff has a wider variety of flavors

          Any claim on which product is better for you or healthier for you or whatever is all user determined, for we are all made differently and any tobacco product (or any product for that matter) handles differently with each person.

          Both are tobacco products and each carry their own respected health related procedures and precautions. If you never heard of either product you either are from the moon or you really haven't gotten into tobacco that much to begin with. If the case is true then I would advise you to stay away from any tobacco product all together.

          EDIT: I don't normally hear them refered to as "tobacco pads" But if they're just the pouches, then they are finely cut american style moist snuff in a pouch in a tea bag type pouch. Roughly around the size of.... erm... *looks around the room* probably around the size of a male USB connector.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            Sounds like you mean "Grizzly Pouches", I bought some of these, and tried them in the "snus" upper lip method. To me, it wasn't terrible, but it was not as good as snus. I can't recommend it.


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Originally posted by Liandri
              If you never heard of either product you either are from the moon or you really haven't gotten into tobacco that much to begin with. If the case is true then I would advise you to stay away from any tobacco product all together.
              This, basically. It's your life, but the nicotine knot is hard to untie.


              • RobertC
                New Member
                • Dec 2009
                • 3

                Actually, I have smoked for 4 years and am looking for some change. The fact that I don't spesifically now much about this kind of tobacco consuming, doesn't mean, that I am not familiar with tobacco at all.

                So far I have understood, that it's not worth trying these Grizzly products out. The reason why I'm asking is because if I order these free cans, I probably will try them out first. If you say, I shouldn't, then I will not order them at all and buy something better instead! What would you reccomend?




                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by RobertC
                  Actually, I have smoked for 4 years and am looking for some change. The fact that I don't spesifically now much about this kind of tobacco consuming, doesn't mean, that I am not familiar with tobacco at all.

                  So far I have understood, that it's not worth trying these Grizzly products out. The reason why I'm asking is because if I order these free cans, I probably will try them out first. If you say, I shouldn't, then I will not order them at all and buy something better instead! What would you reccomend?


                  Rather than getting going on American "dip" tobacco, I highly recommend you trying out snus. Snus is a much cleaner (no need for spit cups, ect...) & considered to be a safer healthwise way to get your nicotine and enjoy tobacco as opposed to chewing and definitely much safer than smoking. Check the "Online - vendors" section here for many good companies which offer mixed samplers and similar try-out packs.


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    Originally posted by LaZeR
                    Rather than getting going on American "dip" tobacco, I highly recommend you trying out snus.
                    Wholeheartedly agree!


                    • Liandri
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 604

                      Once again, those statements are completely dependent on the user.

                      4 years is not entirely a long time. Have you ever considered just giving up on all tobacco products? Especially considering you have the best chance of kicking the habit. You'll save alot more money and its the safest way to be.

                      EDIT: But if'n ya must. Grizzly moist snuff is rather goof, and for the price of the brand it competes very well with the more expensive brands. Personally not my choice, but free is free either way.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Originally posted by RobertC
                        Actually, I have smoked for 4 years and am looking for some change. The fact that I don't spesifically now much about this kind of tobacco consuming, doesn't mean, that I am not familiar with tobacco at all.

                        So far I have understood, that it's not worth trying these Grizzly products out. The reason why I'm asking is because if I order these free cans, I probably will try them out first. If you say, I shouldn't, then I will not order them at all and buy something better instead! What would you reccomend?


                        I think as far as American moist snuff(dip) goes, be it fine cut, long cut, or pouches, Grizzly is fine, and has many users. But personally, I would recommend Scandinavian snus over that.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Order yourself a sampler from Getsnus. If you want free, click on the banner on Getsnus's website for a free can. Snus is much safer then smoking.


                          • LaZeR
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 3994

                            Originally posted by Liandri
                            Once again, those statements are completely dependent on the user.
                            I must disagree (I think if I understand you correctly). Just like many of the Ex-Smokers on here who have discovered the beauty of snus and the "harm reduction" benefit of using it as opposed to lighting one up, I to have found this to be the case for me personally to have kicked the "Copenhagen" dip habit. I've even tried other forms of American chew/dip in my lip over the years both loose and pouch. They all require me to spit and I still occasionally suffered from heartburn. I would occasionally get mysterious sores in my mouth and constantly had "leather ridged gums", sometimes a bit painful. With snus, I get none of these detrimental effects.

                            Also, I believe it has been documented numerous times that the current American Smokeless dip tobacco(s) have various questionable additives that aren't exactly considered 'food grade' and far from health safe as opposed to the cleaner and more refined swedish 'snus' standards which as mentioned, a lot of this very fact has to do with the pasteurization for snus production vs.s the chew/dip "fire cured" process.

                            So it is my opinion based on much research and my own first hand experience that swedish based snus is MUCH safer being the less harmful form of tobacco for anyone 'hooked' or 'requiring' nicotine consumption. Nasal snuff arguably could be ranked right there at the bottom with snus also - I'm still looking into that one.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090


                              I don't know anything about Grizzley pouches but some of the other dip pouches are aimed at beginners and purposely deliver less of a nicotine kick.


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