Snus Misconception

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  • clubsnus
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2009
    • 142

    Snus Misconception

    So I was on a trip back east to KY and have been spreading the word about Snus. While on my way to the Jim Beam distillery I had to stop in for some water at a gas station and I am always looking for snus that is for sale. I ran across what I thought was some snus behind the counter and asked the clerk what that was. He said oh that is DIP stuff. So upon further questioning I found that it was SNUS. I bought two cans of Tourney. Not sure if anyone has tried it or not. I did and found it to be somewhat nice. Nothing compared to my regular can of General I use, but interesting to try something new.

    My point in writing this is to get the point out that we as a snus community who seem to be very passionate about our product need to help educate those around us about, what snus REALLY is. It is NOT DIP. Please lets get that across to those we come across like in this situation. I did my part now I challenge you all to do yours.

    I had a lengthy meeting with Markus from Swedish Match on Thanksgiving day. Yes I gave up my Thanksgiving to meet with them when they came all the way from Sweden to meet me. We as a community need to help get the word out and address the misconceptions of what SNUS really is. After many hours of conversation we have come to the agreement that the typical forms of marketing and advertising may not work at this time with SNUS. We need to be the front runners of promoting this product and in turn will create some brand awareness and help out the cause. Be an ambassador for this product and you will see the public begin to catch on. This can only help us out. Drive competition which will drive prices down and also create a demand for more products. Please Please I challenge you all to talk to the smokers, dippers and all tobacco users about this product and explain what it really is and the awesome benefits it has vs. smoking or Chewing tobacco.
  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Excellent points and I agree 100%. It would be a pleasure to see the '50' flavors of Skoal lined up in the gas stations replaced with some 'swedish snus' variety.


    • jtwh20
      • Nov 2009
      • 833

      Originally posted by LaZeR
      It would be a pleasure to see the '50' flavors of Skoal lined up in the gas stations replaced with some 'swedish snus' variety.
      That would be AWESOME!!!!


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I have often said I disagreed with the way snus has been marketed in the US. I't not designed to succeed IMO. I also think keeping snus to select specialty tobacco stores is not good. I really think it would not be hard to package snus to not require refrigeration, my idea is sealed foil bags dropped in the cans, and get them on the dip shelf. Yes, I also know because it's oral tobacco in a round can, it will be in the catagory as "dip", but when you consider the stores, the "dip rack" really is the only place to put them, that would not involve extra expense and accomodations. I think a big company like Swedish Match that makes Redman dip, could use what they have to get some General or something on the racks, and also free can coupons, and some educational info on the cans of what snus is and how it's used.

        Tourney Snus, IMO, is the best "real" snus sold by an American company at gas stations. I know some places have Triumph, which may be better, but I think it's very limited in availablity, and I have some in the freezer, but haven't gotten around to them yet. But back to Tourney, their main negative, to me, is they are bone dry. Taste and price was OK, plus these are actually made in Sweden. But I would use these before US Camel.


        • RedMacGregor
          • Dec 2009
          • 554

          i'm with you... my wife's first reaction was "you're DIPPING???" no, not the same thing at all... she's gradually coming around..

          i like it because i don't desire alcohol or smoke or even sweets when i'm snussing.. weight is dropping off me FAST because i'm not snacking on stuff during the day, and i'm not drinking (much) alcohol. still go for a drink every once in a while, but definitely not daily like i was before i started snussing..

          smoking and alcohol go hand in hand... snussing keeps me from doing alcohol, i prefer a sparkling mineral water while snussing...


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            I have lost weight since using snus, maybe about 15-20 lbs. As I do not eat when I snus. So, when I'd used to be shoving Doritos in, I have a snus in now. I do snus and drink beer, but I don't drink all the time.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Trust me, I advertise and educate all of the time! Snus marketing in America mostly consists of Camel telling people you can "smoke anywhere" and hide it. I want people to know I quit smoking with snus, not I use snus when I can't smoke.


              • clubsnus
                Banned Users
                • Aug 2009
                • 142

                Snus Misconception

                Exactly this is not a substitute it is something new. However, no matter how or why people try snus they will soon learn the positive benefits it offers to those who use tobacco. Its something we all need to be more aware of. I know that my involvement is much greater than most. But I challenge those who have friends who smoke or use dip to try and covert them to SNUS. They will thank you later. And of course it will add more people to our awesome community of snusers. We all know the more that use this product will only give us many more benefits in the future.

                Keep the positive momentum going and if any one needs free samples to get out to their friends and potential users let me know. I will send as many free samples as you need for the purpose of getting the word out. I hope that people who request samples are supporting the cause and not cheating me out of free snus. I know that will not be the case and hope we all can help those who are looking to get away from smoking or using dip.


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  I've given a bunch of the samples you sent me to a smoker I work with. So far the Dry Mini Mint is the only one she likes. My wife has a friend who is curious, so I'm gonna put together a care package of samples, some Discreet, and the information sheet Getsnus passes out to try and convert her. I also have a friend who uses Camel Frost, and the only other snus he liked was Triumph Mint, he got discouraged when he found out how hard it is to get it. I'm gonna give him some Thunder Frosted as he hasn't tried it yet.


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    I've gotten a couple people to try snus. The biggest problem is people smell it, and say it smells like "chew" or "cat piss". Not sure how to overcome that.


                    • RedMacGregor
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 554

                      Originally posted by RobsanX
                      I've gotten a couple people to try snus. The biggest problem is people smell it, and say it smells like "chew" or "cat piss". Not sure how to overcome that.
                      let 'em smell the dry mint... my wife thinks i just brushed my teeth or something


                      • clubsnus
                        Banned Users
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 142

                        Snus Misconception

                        Well I can understand that issue of smell, however, if that were the case then many of us would never eat cheese. So with that being said, use your knowledge and experience and explain how positive of an experience it was for you. People want to hear the truth and stories of why is works and not get force feed by corporate America like Camel of why this is something they should try. You are the best person to sell this new product or idea.

                        I would urge you to try and give them a challenge as to whey this is something they need to check out. If you need some free samples let me know as I have stated before. I am ready to help convert and get more people on the Snus bandwagon.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          After using snus for 3 years, I have long ago given up trying to evangelize for it. Most people are simply not interested, and don't want to listen. Hell, even my local tobacconists is against it, mostly because he is misinformed but was not really listening when I tried to correct him.

                          I just use what I use very publicly. Be it my pipe smoking, my snuff use, my snus use. Someone is interested enough, they ask.

                          but, at least in my experiences, most Americans are sheep, and have no interest in learning about new things that may help them. So I gave up, use what I use, am grateful I can still get it, and leave it at that.

                          BTW Jonathon, Tom is just wrong. Tourney is NOT the best American snus. Discreet is way better, triumph is way better, tourney just tastes like cardboard to me. But then again, Tom loves level, so take his reviews with that grain of salt. :wink:


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            It's not as good as Level. I do think it's better than Discreet, if we are talking about the flavored minis, but this is all personal tastes too. I do think a full sized Discreet Swedish would be better.


                            • clubsnus
                              Banned Users
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 142

                              Snus converts

                              Well I understand that position about evangelizing people on snus. However, I am as you know very involved and want to help the snus industry grow and expand. This will only help our cause.

                              To each his own I guess, but when someone is wrong about what Snus really is I would ask that you at least correct them and help get the truth out. No need to force this on people. Its like asking them to change religion. Not too often does it happen. But for those who don't know this is actually much safer for you and because of that I think the opportunity for many is there as long as they get the difference between that and dip. Thanks for the follow up though.

                              Yes we all have out opinion on flavors and brands. I just was making a statement about how my experience was.


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