So I was on a trip back east to KY and have been spreading the word about Snus. While on my way to the Jim Beam distillery I had to stop in for some water at a gas station and I am always looking for snus that is for sale. I ran across what I thought was some snus behind the counter and asked the clerk what that was. He said oh that is DIP stuff. So upon further questioning I found that it was SNUS. I bought two cans of Tourney. Not sure if anyone has tried it or not. I did and found it to be somewhat nice. Nothing compared to my regular can of General I use, but interesting to try something new.
My point in writing this is to get the point out that we as a snus community who seem to be very passionate about our product need to help educate those around us about, what snus REALLY is. It is NOT DIP. Please lets get that across to those we come across like in this situation. I did my part now I challenge you all to do yours.
I had a lengthy meeting with Markus from Swedish Match on Thanksgiving day. Yes I gave up my Thanksgiving to meet with them when they came all the way from Sweden to meet me. We as a community need to help get the word out and address the misconceptions of what SNUS really is. After many hours of conversation we have come to the agreement that the typical forms of marketing and advertising may not work at this time with SNUS. We need to be the front runners of promoting this product and in turn will create some brand awareness and help out the cause. Be an ambassador for this product and you will see the public begin to catch on. This can only help us out. Drive competition which will drive prices down and also create a demand for more products. Please Please I challenge you all to talk to the smokers, dippers and all tobacco users about this product and explain what it really is and the awesome benefits it has vs. smoking or Chewing tobacco.
My point in writing this is to get the point out that we as a snus community who seem to be very passionate about our product need to help educate those around us about, what snus REALLY is. It is NOT DIP. Please lets get that across to those we come across like in this situation. I did my part now I challenge you all to do yours.
I had a lengthy meeting with Markus from Swedish Match on Thanksgiving day. Yes I gave up my Thanksgiving to meet with them when they came all the way from Sweden to meet me. We as a community need to help get the word out and address the misconceptions of what SNUS really is. After many hours of conversation we have come to the agreement that the typical forms of marketing and advertising may not work at this time with SNUS. We need to be the front runners of promoting this product and in turn will create some brand awareness and help out the cause. Be an ambassador for this product and you will see the public begin to catch on. This can only help us out. Drive competition which will drive prices down and also create a demand for more products. Please Please I challenge you all to talk to the smokers, dippers and all tobacco users about this product and explain what it really is and the awesome benefits it has vs. smoking or Chewing tobacco.