Snus Misconception

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  • CultLeaderLettuce
    • Nov 2009
    • 97

    Originally posted by jtwh20
    If they (the politicians, and the i want to decide whats right for you folks) really wanted to "save the children" they would eliminate the Beer ads that make seem like having a Bud Light makes you somehow smarter and sexier that the guy drinking Papst...
    My god, yes! This!

    It just strikes me as a bit of an oxymoron when you hear the constant complaints from the anti-tobacco lobbies of "think about the children" when most of us can walk into a convenience store and see colorful packages of wine coolers with very nicely colored liquid in the bottles... right at a level where children could see them. Pornographic magazines are generally at a height where children could also see the covers (which don't leave much to the imagination), but tobacco products are way behind the counter out of the reach of children.

    At the same time those of us who have health insurance have to pay more because we use tobacco, but the guy who keeps alcohol in his thermos doesn't have to pay extra because he doesn't smoke... and the people who work on the night stocking crew who do meth also don't have to worry about paying more for their insurance. Go figure...

    I just feel that if so many Americans are going to go on anti-tobacco crusades, they probably should worry about things that have more immediate damage to people, and worry about things that children have easier access to before worrying about tobacco.


    • Mostar
      New Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 10

      At least you can get it in service stations.

      In Aus it's been banned since the late 80s. Mail order is way more convenient anyway ( I keep telling myself)


      • Mostar
        New Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 10

        Originally posted by CultLeaderLettuce
        Originally posted by jtwh20
        If they (the politicians, and the i want to decide whats right for you folks) really wanted to "save the children" they would eliminate the Beer ads that make seem like having a Bud Light makes you somehow smarter and sexier that the guy drinking Papst...
        My god, yes! This!

        It just strikes me as a bit of an oxymoron when you hear the constant complaints from the anti-tobacco lobbies of "think about the children" when most of us can walk into a convenience store and see colorful packages of wine coolers with very nicely colored liquid in the bottles... right at a level where children could see them. Pornographic magazines are generally at a height where children could also see the covers (which don't leave much to the imagination), but tobacco products are way behind the counter out of the reach of children.

        At the same time those of us who have health insurance have to pay more because we use tobacco, but the guy who keeps alcohol in his thermos doesn't have to pay extra because he doesn't smoke... and the people who work on the night stocking crew who do meth also don't have to worry about paying more for their insurance. Go figure...

        I just feel that if so many Americans are going to go on anti-tobacco crusades, they probably should worry about things that have more immediate damage to people, and worry about things that children have easier access to before worrying about tobacco.

        Porno mags don't damage your health, unless you get the shit kicked out of you at school by a bully who wanted it.

        I agree 110% regarding the alcohol advertising and while we are at it, how about all those ****ing McDonald's adds that come on in the middle of Thommas The Tank Engine before I take my daughter to pre-school in the morning.

        I think that alcohol (a product that in my opinion is far more destructive, health and community wise) and junk food are what they should be focusing more of their energy on.

        There's probably no point getting worked up over this.


        • sheilalynn
          • May 2009
          • 1103

          I've given snus to both my brother in law and son in law with not much luck. The bro in law just said something about how it burns and that my sister won't let him use it for some reason but I guess she's ok with him smoking and they have an almost 2-year old and another on the way in a few months. The son in law is just plain stubborn I think. I did get him to try a Camel Frost, which he did say tasted good, and he stole a pack of my Discreet Strawberry, but that's been it. I didn't push the stuff on them of course, just said it was something that could tide them over when they can't smoke....little psychology there that failed to work. Just figured that would be the thing that would maybe make them discover that the stuff is pretty good.

          As far as others go, I get either an awkward silence when I explain it or a collective "ewwwwww" from them or get asked if I'm using dip. You'd think people would've found it actually a little more on the amazing side since I'm the one that nobody ever thought would quit smoking for any reason (2 packs a day for around 30 years). Even surprised myself actually. :wink: Just seems like that should be enough advertising right there! I'm even still debating on whether or not to tell the doc since I have an appointment with her next week.

          But I guess I should take the plunge...maybe if a few docs (or even dentists for that matter) started checking it out and giving the info to their patients it might help get the ball rolling. Maybe they're just too into giving out the Chantix...


          • Redbeard
            • Sep 2009
            • 390

            Originally posted by sheilalynn
            But I guess I should take the plunge...maybe if a few docs (or even dentists for that matter) started checking it out and giving the info to their patients it might help get the ball rolling. Maybe they're just too into giving out the Chantix...
            Gotta love those kickbacks from Big Pharma, Regardless, you probably should tell your doctor, but if you do, you should probably also be prepared for some lecturing. It seems as if the "All tobacco is evil" mantra is very ingrained into the American health system.


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