Trist- you are right. I was making a joke, as Old Millwaukee is a "cheap" beer, and so is Tourney Snus a "cheap" snus. But combining the two names was an oversight on my part. Old Mill, and Millwaukee's Best are indeed 2 different beers, and 2 I used to drink alot of back in the day.
beast ice is killer. hands down the best cheap beer there is. i always hear people getting a "dirty thirty" and coming back with high life, and im just like what the hell man, you got my hopes up.
This is the opposite answer to your question, but I think brown ales go really well with snus. The bitterness and sweetness goes well with any regular flavored snus.
I typically use starks exclusively when I'm drinking, the exception being a gots green with a beer w/ high Ibu's (flying dog snake dog) for a biterness explosion of taste
I just read in another thread of people liking this sort of beer yet getting hangovers (I've gotten those too from Hoegaarden white beer but they were...
Include all beers if you like but I normally drink Pilsner (standard U.S. macro beers). Although I do have a taste for the home brew and a good Sierra...