ATTN: Anyone who hasn't tried Kardus 2009

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  • Liandri
    • Jul 2009
    • 604

    ATTN: Anyone who hasn't tried Kardus 2009

    I have 10 of those little toque baggies here and I'm about half way into my 100g's of Kardus. It has been stored in the fridge since I got it, but personally anything other than Ettan, even the fancy crap, is still just... well not Ettan! But don't take my word for it, Kardus is a very wonderful snus.

    So I was thinking that if any of you big wigs haven't tried Kardus 09 yet, I can throw 2-3 prismaster's worth of snus in one of these baggies, seal it up and let you try it. If anyone is interested PM me or announce yourself here and I'll PM you for address and such.

    Must be 18 or over and 19 in the states who deem you to be 19 in order to have tobacco products. Kardus is completely untampered with aside from moved to 2 emptied, cleaned, and etc skruf cans.
  • PsychoHazard
    • Oct 2009
    • 267

    I'd definitely be interested in getting to try it.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      PMing you my address. Hell, maybe kardus will be the los that finally does it for me. Scary thought!! :lol: :lol:

      Seriously, I would love to at least try it.


      • Liandri
        • Jul 2009
        • 604

        As a quick BTW I work Thursday and Friday and am off Sat-Mon. So I'll probably mail them saturday. ANd because it Christmas season I'd expect any packages/letters to be a little later than expected (And I'm using the cheepest form of postages, so don't expect same day UPS royal air or anything.

        I'm just saying 10 for the toque bags. I can always find something else to use if a few more are interested.


        • Dgtl Dvnt
          • Apr 2009
          • 101

          PM sent!

          I'd love to give it a try.


          • cyrax777
            • Jun 2009
            • 290

            thank you


            • elespectrol
              • Mar 2009
              • 45

              Pm sent !!!! Thanks you are awesome for doing this.


              • DoomiteAsh
                • Dec 2009
                • 31

                Just sent my PM, if you haven't "sold out," as it were. *laughs* Thanks man!


                • Owens187
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 1547

                  PM sent. You are absolutely freakin' unselfishly awesome!!

                  PS. Do you like any of the Discreet flavors? Id be willing to send you a couple packs for your generosity if so. I have all the flavors, even the unreleased ones like grape, rootbeer, etc.

                  Just a thought. :wink:


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Originally posted by DoomiteAsh
                    Just sent my PM, if you haven't "sold out," as it were. *laughs* Thanks man!

                    1st snusify, now DoomiteAsh, it's a YouTube invasion :!: Welcome.
                    P.S. love your videos.


                    • Liandri
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 604

                      Couple more it looks by it. A good mix of newer and older people. Holding off/reserving for a couple of people. But other than that, I'll get portions ready and see whats up.

                      But just to let you know that any more PM's will result in a hit or miss. As much as I'd like to give as much as I can, know now that after this post I might have to say no/hold on/lemme figure something out/whatever. But still suggest to push your luck!


                      • Redbeard
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 390

                        I'm interested for sure, if there's any left that is.

                        Whether I get any or not, that's pretty effin cool of you.


                        • wadetheblade
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 572

                          I have my own, but want to give you props for your generous offer to those who did not buy it.


                          • cj
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 1563

                            very interested pm sent


                            • Liandri
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 604

                              In no particular order and going on a *first serve* basis I have who provided an address instead of a PM that just said "Interested! Gimme!":

                              Jamey-Poo LawLson
                              Michael Hall-erino
                              E (Enema?) Owens
                              Rob Vozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                              Ted Bundy Taylor
                              Josh Goldeneye
                              Jodi Karn- WTF a girl on the internet?!?!?!
                              Josh HEY ARNOLLLLLLLD
                              Tony whatwouldyoudofora Klein-Dike bar?
                              Ronald McDonald Lambert

                              I'll try to get them out by Saturday morning, using the cheapest and slowest mail possible. About 2 prismasters worth, maybe more, maybe less enough to get a phat bake out of.

                              Tis the season if you have Kardus and am feeling a wee bit generous go ahead and give a pris or two out. Just don't give it to the suckers mentioned above because then they're just being greedy! I sincerely apologize for not being able to give to all But if for whatever reason I find more envelops lying around the house. Then I might be able to spare a couple more.

                              And for the no bullshitting seal of no bullshit:


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