Lucky Strike - if you could buy?

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  • fedora
    • Aug 2008
    • 251

    Lucky Strike - if you could buy?

    I have 2 cans of Lucky Strike both overdue by a year - but sealed with the airtight foil under the lid - what would you be willing to pay for them?

    This is just a poll/survey - I'm not planning on selling them - but want honest answers on just how much people like this snus and how far they would be willing to go. (my bid - 20$ total, including shipping).

    I'm very curious. Thanks!
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    It's not that good, to me at least. That said, I do think it's a good snus, I still have 3 cans of the Original. But there is way more snus I like just as well, or more. I like it, but can live without it.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      For the old style tins, I'd pay $10 a tin shipped. That's assuming I really used portions. As it is, I wouldn't buy them at all. I traded off 2.5 rolls of Luckys this year because I wasn't using them.


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        Nothing. I didn't care for Lucky Strike. Now Camel on the other hand....


        • eyephantom
          • Jul 2009
          • 333

          I have 3 cans left. Every time I open one it reaffirms my belief that's it's the snus of the gods. If they could re brand this and use 01,02 portion sizes, I would never buy another portion snus again. I find alternating between grov and 01 to be a fine replacement. That said, $2.99 for both.


          • ethere
            New Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 5

            Originally posted by Veganpunk
            Nothing. I didn't care for Lucky Strike. Now Camel on the other hand....
            I hated Camel. Funny, it was the brand I used to smoke, but the snus... just can't stand it.


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              Originally posted by ethere
              Originally posted by Veganpunk
              Nothing. I didn't care for Lucky Strike. Now Camel on the other hand....
              I hated Camel. Funny, it was the brand I used to smoke, but the snus... just can't stand it.
              You know there are two Camels.

              The one from RJ Reynolds and the Swedish one from JTI/Gallaher.

              I think Vegsnpunk was talking about the Swedish Camel.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I liked the Lucky Strikes, both OP and WP, more than Camel(Svensk), though Camel was pretty good to me.


                • ethere
                  New Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 5

                  Justin, I'm talking about the swedish Camel.


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Originally posted by ethere
                    Justin, I'm talking about the swedish Camel.
                    :shock: Hate Swedish Camel :?:

                    I love the stuff. I reserve my hate for the RJ Reynolds version.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      It's the way of the snus my friend, just no accounting for some people's tastes. i mean, there are a few strange birds that actually like level so anything is possible. :twisted:


                      • cj
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 1563

                        but sage we all know that level is the snus of the gods luckystrike is second to that i love the luckys i am lucky to have around 22 cans left and 2 cans of camel(JTI)


                        • fedora
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 251

                          So ...... cj, tom, justin, sage: what would be your asking price for the LS? again, just curious!


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Not sure, I love it but have already moved on, found my replacements. I just actually traded away 3 cans of LS, still have maybe 4 more left.

                            I'm just not sure there is much of a premium for it. Yes, it is good, but there is lots of other good snus out there.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by fedora
                              So ...... cj, tom, justin, sage: what would be your asking price for the LS? again, just curious!
                              We're spoiled right now being able to buy Swedish snus without all the tobacco taxes so I don't think anymore than $3-4. There's just way too much cheap and good snus out there to choose from.


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