Why is it so...

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  • clubsnus
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2009
    • 142

    Why is it so...

    Something has been on my mind and I have been wondering about for a while now, so I thought I would address a couple things and see what others thought about this.

    Why is it that many of us use multiple brands and flavors of snus and rotate through out the day. When I was a smoker and people who still smoke don't do that with Cigarettes? Why no brand and flavor loyalty like with other tobacco products. People who dip stick to one mainly and smokers too.

    The second thing is regarding Wise Brand Snus through northerner. I have used it and find that I really like it. From reading many of the reviews online, most people hate it and don't like it at all. Personally I like it and the people whom I have shared it with are really into it as well. I just was curious about those two questions...
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    From my perspective, snus is exotic, interesting, and varied, and being most of us order online, you have such a variety to choose from, plus it keeps it interesting. To me, when I smoked, I just smoked, I didn't really have a brand, some I liked more than others. Now the Wise brands don't appeal to me, because I like full size, and "non-flavored".


    • clubsnus
      Banned Users
      • Aug 2009
      • 142

      Wise Brand Snus

      I understand that point. One thing I do notice is that many of my friends who try Snus and use the Wise are ex smokers and they don't necessarily like the flavor of Tobacco so the wise brand does not have that taste. That is just the perception I get from those who tell me what they think.

      Are there any smokers who actually like the tobacco taste. I used to do both smoke and dip so the flavor of tobacco is something I like but for a non dip users that might not be the case


      • PsychoHazard
        • Oct 2009
        • 267

        Personally, I find that I rotate through snus but I have my favorites and I tend to keep them handy, so there is some brand loyalty. There's just more variation than there is with cigarettes. Basically, there's only 2 flavors of cigarette and a few standard strengths, so it makes more sense to pick your flavor, pick your strength, and then pick the brand that does it the way you like best.

        As for the Wise/Oomph brand snus, I like it, but it's a little weaker than I usually prefer and the pouches are a little uncomfortable. I still use them, just not all the time.


        • NorSnuser
          • Sep 2009
          • 153

          Re: Wise Brand Snus

          Originally posted by clubsnus
          Are there any smokers who actually like the tobacco taste. I used to do both smoke and dip so the flavor of tobacco is something I like but for a non dip users that might not be the case
          I think it depends on what they smoke(d). I smoked high quality roll your own tobacco and I love the taste of good tobacco. I also still occasionally smoke a premium cigar. You haven't smoked a real cigarette until you've tried a tube freshly injected with something like D&R tobacco.

          Commercial cigarettes, in general, are garbage. American Spirits are about the only brand of premades I would have smoked in a pinch. I don't personally want to smoke floor sweepings.

          I don't smoke cigarettes anymore thanks to snus, but I went straight to the unflavored (or lightly flavored) snuses and only occasionally use flavored minis or anything that has so much flavor it masks the tobacco.

          The only reason I use so many is the current availability. Variety is the spice of life. If forced to I could use only one or two different snuses.


          • stubby2
            • Jun 2009
            • 436

            I use the 3 mg oomph on a regular basis. It's not a mainstay but it has it's uses. If I need a quick hit of nicotine and don't have much time it works well. I also have a can on my bed stand and if I wake up at night and can't get back to sleep I pop one in and I'm off to dream land. I don't seem to need it as much as when I first quit smoking but it still gets used.


            • skruf_mcgruff
              • Mar 2008
              • 267

              I was never a big smoker but I tried it a few times, and never really noticed a difference between brands, only between cloves/menthols/regulars. Maybe snus just offers a lot more variety, and the flavors are more important considering how the tobacco/juice does fit right into the gums of your mouth.

              Even my first time using each snus I could taste a big difference between ettan/general/skruf/goteborgs, and those aren't even heavily flavored compared to a lot of the newer brands.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I would call it "seasoned" more than "flavored".


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Because most cigarettes are crap. So the crap I am smoking is as good as any other crap.

                  Now that I have taken up pipe smoking, It is very similar as with snus, except there are at least 10,000 pipe tobacco blends to try. Although there are a few pipe smokers who only smoke one blend, that is very, very rare. I currently cycle through about 10 bends and will quickly come to dislike something if I smoked it every day.

                  So I don't think it is the snus that is special, just cigarettes <most> that are really crappy. It wasn't until I moved to snus that I discovered how wonderful tobacco really is.

                  Oh, and I use over 40 different snuffs as well.


                  • daruckis
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2277

                    i liked the oomph/wise at first, but it wore out its welcome quickly. it was probably the first can i killed, but i dont think ill ever buy another. i still have some licorice lemon, my girlfriend uses em sometimes, and i even use them when i realize i need a nic hit quick, but dont want a real snus, like scenario: zoned out all day playing dragon age and just realized im starving and having a nic fit, so ill pop an oomph and microwave some leftovers.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      I love Oomph and I am truly hoping that clubsnus will find a way to carry it in the future. The 3 mg. menthol/citrus Oomph has just enough nicotine to keep me going and I feel that it is a safer product to use. Also, my reason to use snus is to not smoke and also avoid any toxins from tobacco as much as possible. Oomph also has a nice clean taste to it and you can use it easily at work. I also like Oomph because they give you 24 portions and most other mini brands only give you 20. If I could just pick one brand of snus to buy, it would be Oomph. My second favorite is General Original mini portions. Don't get me wrong. The General or Granit 8 mgs are great for long drives but Oomph is the perfect all day snus.


                      • TBD
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 817

                        I think part of it is that cigs deaden one's tastebuds, so it all tastes like crap, why change much? Once we started snus and got away from smokes we started to taste again. Exploring a new sense, similar to a deaf person who just got hearing aids and wants to hear everything.
                        Almost 2 years into snus I could survive on 4 brands of snus, 1 lös , 1 8mg, 1 13 mg, 1 17mg, and be totally satisfied. I don't have to so I won't, but I could.
                        I use snuff for the scent, seldom for the nicotine anymore. I liek to think of it as aroma therapy with benefits.


                        • thatguyjeff
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 103

                          I'm thinking it has to with mass produced cigs in the US as being really close in flavor - sort of like how some have mentioned - they all taste like crap.

                          I'm a smoker (who has no desire to quit - smoke about 10 cigs a day tops). And I've tried a variety - still do to some extent.

                          The only real differences in cig flavors are your menthol and full-flavor vs. lights or what have you.

                          When I try other brands, there isn't quite enough difference to get me to really get into flavors. Marlboro vs. Camel for example - I'm a Marlboro smoker and when I have a Camel on occaision, it tastes different but I couldn't tell you how it tastes different. It's just a little off, not something I'm used to, etc.

                          With snus, there's a rainbow of flavors. That's what gets me trying different snus - they are all sooo different. With cigs, they are mostly the same - why would I switch up so often when I know there isn't much flavor difference? I just stick to what I'm used to and I know I will like.


                          • clubsnus
                            Banned Users
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 142

                            Smoker and snuser

                            Why both tobacco products. And why not desire to quit when you know the bad and dangerous effects it has on you? Whether you smoke 1, 10 or 20 a day it still can give you cancer and most likely will. There is no question about that.

                            Why not move to full time snusin... Just curious since I rarely hear some one say they have no desire to quit smoking. I think most people want to but are either to lazy or just don't have the will power to do it. Snus allows for people to get the nic and not have all the crazy side effects of quitting smoking cold turkey.

                            I do understand your point about the flavor and rotation between the different brands and flavors of snus. Smoking for me was the same way. All taste like $hit, but I just used the one that did the trick for me, until I found Snus. Now my lungs are thankful and so are all the people around me.


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              My wife uses the Oomph! 6mg brands almost exclusively. I like them, but I'm not really into mini's.


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