LOL, flying with snus is such a pleasure, I promise. Fly one time, you will NEVER want to go back to cigarettes.
That's the truth! I do a lot of long haul flights - just came back from Singapore on Friday in fact - and it's superb to be able to snus on a flight. You can get your nicotine hit without bothering anybody, plus I always get a little guilty pleasure out of it too! It's almost like "I'm secretly doing something that you don't want me to do...."
I also enjoy snussing in meetings and public places where you aren't meant to smoke. It feels a bit like "getting one over" on someone....
On the Nasal Snuff: If you decide to give it ago, I'd suggest Toque Menthol. Just based on the fact you smoke Newports and Kools.
On that same note, I think you should try a can of Catch Eucalyptus-Menthol. It's of average strength, but it has that menthol. Granted, it's still salty, but you can definitely taste/feel the menthol in it.
I smoked Menthols for quite awhile before my last quit attempt (1 year as of november), and getting that Menthol fix in helped a lot since it's not something you'll get from most any other brand, and it's something you won't fulfill through nicotine alone. Catch Menthol was my favorite snus at first, I think, because it hit the menthol fix and not just the nicotine fix. It's still one of my top flavors.
And don't worry about quitting the smokes right away. Last time I quit, I quit for a month, then started using some chewing tobacco because smokes (based on asthma and price) just weren't an option anymore. I found snus, and started switch-hitting a snus, then a dip, then a snus, then a dip. Gradually I grabbed nothing but snus and that's where I am now.
My friend
I smoked Camels for forty nine years. I never thought, nor wanted to quit. cigarettes were my friend. I watched my brother die from lung cancer. A miserable death. I have emphysema. Just the beginings. they discovered a spot on my lung.
Now down to what you want to know. One day after going to the VA. I came home and sat down and lit up. As I smoked I looked at my friend and thought what the hell is in this thing? I know it looks like tobacco. Is it really tobacco. Nope, its homoginized leaf. Rolled out and chopped up. Then the chemicals are added. When I was young if you took a cigarette apart, you could tell it was tobacco. Now, who knows. I smoke a pipe now. Sometimes I have the air to light it. But I want to say this. Snus saved whats left of my life. When things get tough., I put in some odens and I am good to go. No hicupping no sore throat. And I can breathe. My friend, and I call you that because I know what you are going thru. THERE IS NO SAFE CIGARETTE. My father in law smoked for fifty years and quit, he lived to be ninety. You can do it. Pick a snus and stay with it. I slept with it for awhile. Never left the house without it. Still don't.
sometimes just the thought of having it with me helps. I know I am a nico freak, One thing I find interesting is I don't inhale my pipe and sometimes I don't even feel like smoking. YOU CAN DO IT!
My friend
I smoked Camels for forty nine years. I never thought, nor wanted to quit. cigarettes were my friend. I watched my brother die from lung cancer. A miserable death. I have emphysema. Just the beginings. they discovered a spot on my lung.
Now down to what you want to know. One day after going to the VA. I came home and sat down and lit up. As I smoked I looked at my friend and thought what the hell is in this thing? I know it looks like tobacco. Is it really tobacco. Nope, its homoginized leaf. Rolled out and chopped up. Then the chemicals are added. When I was young if you took a cigarette apart, you could tell it was tobacco. Now, who knows. I smoke a pipe now. Sometimes I have the air to light it. But I want to say this. Snus saved whats left of my life. When things get tough., I put in some odens and I am good to go. No hicupping no sore throat. And I can breathe. My friend, and I call you that because I know what you are going thru. THERE IS NO SAFE CIGARETTE. My father in law smoked for fifty years and quit, he lived to be ninety. You can do it. Pick a snus and stay with it. I slept with it for awhile. Never left the house without it. Still don't.
sometimes just the thought of having it with me helps. I know I am a nico freak, One thing I find interesting is I don't inhale my pipe and sometimes I don't even feel like smoking. YOU CAN DO IT!
That's a really good story. I agree with the never leave house without it. My can of snus in my pocket has replaced my must have a pack of cigs. and lighter in my pocket feeling. Just knowing their in there comforts me.
My friend
I smoked Camels for forty nine years. I never thought, nor wanted to quit. cigarettes were my friend. I watched my brother die from lung cancer. A miserable death. I have emphysema. Just the beginings. they discovered a spot on my lung.
Now down to what you want to know. One day after going to the VA. I came home and sat down and lit up. As I smoked I looked at my friend and thought what the hell is in this thing? I know it looks like tobacco. Is it really tobacco. Nope, its homoginized leaf. Rolled out and chopped up. Then the chemicals are added. When I was young if you took a cigarette apart, you could tell it was tobacco. Now, who knows. I smoke a pipe now. Sometimes I have the air to light it. But I want to say this. Snus saved whats left of my life. When things get tough., I put in some odens and I am good to go. No hicupping no sore throat. And I can breathe. My friend, and I call you that because I know what you are going thru. THERE IS NO SAFE CIGARETTE. My father in law smoked for fifty years and quit, he lived to be ninety. You can do it. Pick a snus and stay with it. I slept with it for awhile. Never left the house without it. Still don't.
sometimes just the thought of having it with me helps. I know I am a nico freak, One thing I find interesting is I don't inhale my pipe and sometimes I don't even feel like smoking. YOU CAN DO IT!
That's a really good story.
I agree with the never leave house without it. My can of snus in my pocket has replaced my must have a pack of cigs. and lighter in my pocket feeling. Just knowing their in there comforts me.
it took me 2 months. I found that snus stopped my craving but i still needed that first cig of the day after waking. So for a month i had it down to 1 cig in the morning and 5 portions of snus for the day.
Then i just forced myself not have that first cig in morning, wake up put in the snus by the time i was making my coffee I was no longer thinking about smoking.
After 2 weeks i completely lost the desire to smoke. I have not found that I no longer wake up with that crazy nicotine craving its so much more relaxed.
Something I subsequently found out after quitting cigarettes that the act of burning produces another chemical that reinforces the addiction something that is not replaced with smokeless tobacco. This is why the final letting go of cigarettes still requires will power even when you have snus.
When I started Camel "SNUS" I wasn't trying to quit smoking. Well, I wanted to, and I was trying, but not trying, you know what I mean? I did Camel "SNUS" and smoked while i was doing that, and then switched to Swedish SNUS and it was like night and day. Without the effort to quit, the snus did the work itself. Whereas when I would snus, I would crave a cig after, eventually it got to where I would cig, and crave a snus after - eventually leading up to the point where I had the willpower to kick the cigs, and the snus took over as a better nicotine delivery system for me.
The HARDEST part was kicking the "habit" habit of smoking. IE - hand to mouth, and smoke breaks. That took a little while. But once both were replaced in my life by the snus just doing what it does, it all fell together and I kicked cigs.
Do I smoke now? Well, once a month or every other month I have a cig. But it's great that it's to the point where I don't have to, I can have one if I want one, but I don't NEED or CRAVE one. Cigs are an OPTION to me now, not a priority. And I thank snus for that.
I also found finding something to do with my hands helped; I flipped a can of mocca mini mandarin over and over again and it helped and I soon replaced it with a sweet Icetool portion tin when I moved up to full sized portions. I still do it when I am nervous or thinking.
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...