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  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    my 14 month old son loves playing with empty tins. and pretty much any empty container, lays stax cans, butter tubs you name it. we a cupboard full of cleaned out empty shit that he pulls out so he can act like hes doing something naughty.


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      Hope you heal quickly Christi! I have a USB fridge, a cheapie I got off ebay. It is ideal for storage for a few hours, but it doesn't keep my snus as cold as I like it. I have a nosy 9 y/o who opened the fridge once and exclaimed, "there's dip in here!!!" I could have killed him! Firstly for snooping and secondly for calling my snus 'dip!' He assumed it was dip because of the blasted round can!!! I now transfer my daily snus into a N&J rectangular tin! General came out with a tin-clock as seen on getsnus, maybe they'll come out with a combo-lock tin! I'd buy 2 rolls just for that! hahaha!


      • Christi
        • Dec 2009
        • 2104

        Originally posted by Dgtl Dvnt
        You could teach the 2 y/o to open the fridge grab you a tin and a beer. Then all you'd have to do is get her to open those pesky child proof pill bottles and you're set!! :lol:
        LOL! Well actually I request the non-child proof lids because I broke my wrist 2 years ago and have a hard time opening them, so if I could teach her all of that I would be set!!


        • Christi
          • Dec 2009
          • 2104

          Originally posted by Premium Parrots
          Originally posted by MojoQuestor
          Originally posted by Christi

          I decided my bra works out well...since I just lost 20+pound there is a little extra room in my D cup. Perfect place for a can
          Ha. That's the first place I thought of but didn't want to seem, well, indelicate. Glad you are, um, properly equipped for the solution.
          I will gladly give you my professional opinion if you would kindly post pics please.
          Not sure that would make the old hubster happy, hehe.


          • Christi
            • Dec 2009
            • 2104

            Originally posted by desirexe
            Hope you heal quickly Christi! I have a USB fridge, a cheapie I got off ebay. It is ideal for storage for a few hours, but it doesn't keep my snus as cold as I like it. I have a nosy 9 y/o who opened the fridge once and exclaimed, "there's dip in here!!!" I could have killed him! Firstly for snooping and secondly for calling my snus 'dip!' He assumed it was dip because of the blasted round can!!! I now transfer my daily snus into a N&J rectangular tin! General came out with a tin-clock as seen on getsnus, maybe they'll come out with a combo-lock tin! I'd buy 2 rolls just for that! hahaha!
            I totally agree w/ the combo-lock tin, awesome idea!!!!


            • RedMacGregor
              • Dec 2009
              • 554

              Originally posted by Christi
              Not sure that would make the old hubster happy, hehe.
              what? this is for... research.. science & stuff!


              • Christi
                • Dec 2009
                • 2104


                what? this is for... research.. science & stuff![/quote]

                LOL, well I will let him know and see what he says. I will tell him we are inventing a pocket inside the cup of a bra to hold snus and everyone has to see my boobs in my bra to figure out the exact design!


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by Christi
                  LOL, well I will let him know and see what he says. I will tell him we are inventing a pocket inside the cup of a bra to hold snus and everyone has to see my boobs in my bra to figure out the exact design!


                  • kreigle
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 144

                    Originally posted by Ulsterman
                    My 2 and a half year old can't open a tin of snus and he's pretty good at things like that. Even if he did manage to get one in his gob he'd 100% get it out again in quick time. What did used to worry me when he was a baby and I was on the nicorette inhalator that I'd leave a cartridge lying around by accident then he'd definately have it in his mouth.

                    We do keep all medicines in a combination cash box though - just to be damned sure.
                    Our 16mo old is getting good at getting to the computer desks and kitchen counter. I don't know how many times we have caught him with my snuff bullet, trying to sniff from it. I've also caught him with Toque tins, sniffing the edges and pretending to pinch from them. Last night he managed to get my can of Ettan of the kitchen counter and was trying to pry the lid off with his teeth, something he actually does quite well with other containers.


                    • RedMacGregor
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 554

                      Originally posted by Christi
                      Originally posted by RedMacGregor

                      what? this is for... research.. science & stuff!

                      LOL, well I will let him know and see what he says. I will tell him we are inventing a pocket inside the cup of a bra to hold snus and everyone has to see my boobs in my bra to figure out the exact design!
                      strictly in the interests of research and precision, it's important we model both with and without the bra so we can get a proper dimensional rendering of where said can(s) of snus might reside.


                      • Christi
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 2104

                        Originally posted by RedMacGregor
                        Originally posted by Christi
                        Originally posted by RedMacGregor

                        what? this is for... research.. science & stuff!

                        LOL, well I will let him know and see what he says. I will tell him we are inventing a pocket inside the cup of a bra to hold snus and everyone has to see my boobs in my bra to figure out the exact design!
                        strictly in the interests of research and precision, it's important we model both with and without the bra so we can get a proper dimensional rendering of where said can(s) of snus might reside.
               soon as I get my camera fixed I will be right on that RMG!!!


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Ahh SnusOn, you always entertain.


                          • Christi
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 2104

                            Originally posted by Veganpunk
                            Ahh SnusOn, you always entertain.
                            Other than the photography part of this topic, I am seriously thinking that someone should invent a special pocket on a bra for us lady snus'ers. The only issue I would have is the fact that my snus wouldn't be nice and chilled the way I prefer. It would be awfully handy though!


                            • MojoQuestor
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 2344

                              Originally posted by Christi
                              Originally posted by Veganpunk
                              Ahh SnusOn, you always entertain.
                              Other than the photography part of this topic, I am seriously thinking that someone should invent a special pocket on a bra for us lady snus'ers. The only issue I would have is the fact that my snus wouldn't be nice and chilled the way I prefer. It would be awfully handy though!
                              For some strange reason, I am suddenly wanting a snus with a nice glass of warm milk. I think there's another thread for that topic, however.


                              • RedMacGregor
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 554

                                Originally posted by Christi
                                Originally posted by Veganpunk
                                Ahh SnusOn, you always entertain.
                                Other than the photography part of this topic, I am seriously thinking that someone should invent a special pocket on a bra for us lady snus'ers. The only issue I would have is the fact that my snus wouldn't be nice and chilled the way I prefer. It would be awfully handy though!
                                my only concern would be one of body heat... you're storing that snus close to ferment temps.


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