First snus! And an introduction...

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  • justinp
    • Dec 2009
    • 33

    First snus! And an introduction...

    I'm currently snus-ing for the first time (at least for the first time with legit Swedish snus). I baked a small pris of General Los, and am enjoying it a good deal. I like the flavor, don't mind the burn, and am enjoying the nic hit. Pure curiosity, what were your first experiences with non-American-sickly-sweet snus like? Glad to be here!
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Welcome Justin.
    I was not a regular user of oral tobacco, and my 1st snus was the American Camel, and not having had snus before, I thought it tasted good, sweet, but good, and the nic knocked me out, and made me feel ill. Later I got some Swedish to try, and the 1st thing that hit me, aside from the nic, which still made me feel ill, was the saltiness of them. All portions mind you. I really could not tell one from other really, as all I got was high salt flavor. I actually quit snus, thinking it wasn't for me. Then I got into nasal snuff, which I really liked. Later I got really congested and could barely do snuff at all. I decided to give snus a try again. The snuff muct have gotten my body used to the nic, as I didn't feel ill the second time around, but was still getting overbearing salt. But I kept with it and about a week into it, the high salt taste has faded, and then I could really taste and enjoy the various snus.


    • sheilalynn
      • May 2009
      • 1103

      Hey, I'm the first to say welcome! :P

      My first besides the Camel stuff was some of the General Wintergreen...have several cans of it now since I do still like that one. The burn wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was alot better than the Camel stuff.

      Edit: D'oh...Tom hit the "submit" button while I was typing, hehe


      • gear.h34d.2012
        • Nov 2009
        • 72

        My first snus after Camel was Thunder Blue. Boy oh boy was that one WILD ride. Still can't go near it. aquired taste aversions ftl.


        • justinp
          • Dec 2009
          • 33

          Any advice on dealing with small mudslides? I had the pris going for about 40 minutes and then a small amount of tobacco wound up floating around my mouth; I ended up aborting the whole deal because I was indifferent to continuing nicotine ingestion (I'd had enough, just about) and didn't really know how to get rid of the gunk (which was on my teeth, etc.) without screwing up the remaining pris.

          Your help is obviously very much appreciated.


          • LaZeR
            • Oct 2009
            • 3994

            Originally posted by justinp
            Any advice on dealing with small mudslides? I had the pris going for about 40 minutes and then a small amount of tobacco wound up floating around my mouth; I ended up aborting the whole deal because I was indifferent to continuing nicotine ingestion (I'd had enough, just about) and didn't really know how to get rid of the gunk (which was on my teeth, etc.) without screwing up the remaining pris.

            Your help is obviously very much appreciated.
            Welcome and I've been sorta in the same boat you are atm with the los. Practice makes perfect 'I think', but meanwhile just spit or swallow the floaters. If you try to push em back up, you will get a more massive avalanche.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Welcome to Snus-On!


              • MojoQuestor
                • Sep 2009
                • 2344

                Re: First snus! And an introduction...

                Originally posted by justinp
                I'm currently snus-ing for the first time (at least for the first time with legit Swedish snus). I baked a small pris of General Los, and am enjoying it a good deal. I like the flavor, don't mind the burn, and am enjoying the nic hit. Pure curiosity, what were your first experiences with non-American-sickly-sweet snus like? Glad to be here!
                Welcome from me, too, justinp.

                My first Svenskt snus was General: OP, then Los, then WP, if I recall correctly. Mostly I remember a strong, kind of unpleasant smell (I love it now), and saltsaltsalt omg salt. It doesn't hit everyone quite that strongly, I don't think; it may have to do with how much salt one consumes. I have had a fairly low-salt diet in recent months. Well, except for all the snus.


                • beezle
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 36

                  My first experience was with Nick and Johnny los (yeah its been that long), the only thing that turned me off was the smell of amonia. After roughly 5 cans of los I gave up and went back to smoking for a year. Figured I'd try some portions this go round and it worked for me. Recently though about the past 2 months I've been liking los more and more and using a lot less portions.


                  • RedMacGregor
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 554

                    swedish snus is salty, but in a good way, kinda like the sweat that you lick off your lips after running your mouth over her neck 23 positions into a one-night stand.


                    • srhoades2talk
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 95

                      Originally posted by RedMacGregor
                      swedish snus is salty, but in a good way, kinda like the sweat that you lick off your lips after running your mouth over her neck 23 positions into a one-night stand.
                      I was wondering when this thread would take a turn in that direction :twisted:


                      • JaKe
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 80

                        I smoked for two years, it interfered with my fitness, so I started dipping, copenhagen LC mostly, and bought my first camel snus just for the hell of it. It was sweet but the nicotine wasn't anything compared to a lip of cope. I was intrigued tho, and ordered two or three cans of thunder frosted. When I got it I thought it smelled terrible, I still do, but it tastes good. The nicotine knocked me on my ass. I was hooked though. And have been expanding my tastes for snus ever since


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          Welcome to the site!!!

                          Sages computer must be broke.........or he ODd on nic. where the hell is he?
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            Welcome justinp,

                            I started on portions and was motivated to quit smoking, I had a variety and all I remember was the salt.


                            • Redbeard
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 390

                              Originally posted by justinp
                              Any advice on dealing with small mudslides? I had the pris going for about 40 minutes and then a small amount of tobacco wound up floating around my mouth; I ended up aborting the whole deal because I was indifferent to continuing nicotine ingestion (I'd had enough, just about) and didn't really know how to get rid of the gunk (which was on my teeth, etc.) without screwing up the remaining pris.

                              Your help is obviously very much appreciated.
                              By 40 minutes in, you've pretty much got all the nicotine you're going to get from it anyway. To answer your question, as your lip becomes accustomed to having a pris in, you'll get less and less mudslides. Any floaters that I get I typically ingest. After all, ingredients in Swedish snus are required to be food grade and I've never had any stomach problems from swallowing a pris of lossnus. Also, you may need to adjust your baking technique. If you're baking it too soft or too large, it'll slide more. One of the more experienced los users here could probably give better baking advice than I.


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