First snus! And an introduction...

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  • justinp
    • Dec 2009
    • 33

    Hey everyone, thanks for the welcome! I've been enjoying my can of General for a few days now, and have already gotten a good deal better at hand baking, avoiding mudslides, portion control (had a bit of the spins a day or two ago... reminded me of when I puff too fast on a bowl of strong British pipe tobacco... green around the gills and whatnot) and so forth.

    So, new question: Given that I like General Los a lot, where should I go from here? I'm not interested in higher-nic snuses (sneese?) yet, but I'd love to get a wider variety of flavors, perhaps some portions for when I'm around people who would judge me for having a big black wad of crap in my mouth when I smile at them, etc. Where should I go from here?

    Gotta say though, the girlfriend has been pretty good about all this (she knew I was a tobacco-lover when she got into all this... pipes and cigars are my mainstay, but with the frigid Massachusetts winter setting in I can't bring myself to go outside for that long). Once I showed her a few academic papers confirming my claim that it was basically just not bad for me, she went along fine, and appreciates the fact that I don't smell like a chimney...


    • LaZeR
      • Oct 2009
      • 3994

      Originally posted by justinp
      So, new question: Given that I like General Los a lot, where should I go from here? I'm not interested in higher-nic snuses (sneese?) yet, but I'd love to get a wider variety of flavors, perhaps some portions for when I'm around people who would judge me for having a big black wad of crap in my mouth when I smile at them, etc. Where should I go from here?
      General Portions. There is quite a selection to chose from within the General line-up itself. :wink:


      • MelangeMan
        • Mar 2008
        • 139

        I read about snus before I ever heard of Camel, maybe before Camel snus existed. So I was a true blue Swede from my first portion of Tre Ankare minis. I think I made the can last a whole week.

        I didn't know whether or not Tre represented a basic snus flavor (it doesn't) but I loved it. It was exactly what I imagined snus to be. A good solid earthy flavor that gave me a little boost of happiness, and didn't send me running to spit it out like with Red Man, Oliver Twists, or other american style snuff.
        I don't know how people can tolerate that BBQed nastiness but whatever.

        I didn't get any Tre in my last order of random snus. I think I'll get a roll next time.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Tre minis reminded me of iced tea.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Re: First snus! And an introduction...

            Welcome to the forum justinp. A while back I posted a thread all about los. It's called "A Dipper's Guide to Snus". Over time lots of folks have contributed their insights and tips. While it is geared towards ex dippers, there will still be a lot of helpful info there that I think you will find of interest. Rather than repeat it all here, I'll just provide the link. You can check it out if you would like.


            Again, welcome and enjoy the ride.

            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              Originally posted by justinp
              So, new question: Given that I like General Los a lot, where should I go from here? ....
              Well you started out with the #1 best seller...General.
              Ettan is #2...
              Then Grov?, Roda Lacket?, Skruf?.....
              All the top sellers come in lรถs and portions.


              • lofat
                • Sep 2006
                • 154

                I had gone from smoking to dipping before discovering snus. I was spending a lot of time with Copenhagen Black so naturally I went for the Probe Whiskey los which was a marginal disappointment... Fortunately I also ordered several other cans including Ettan. Once I tried the Ettan I fell in love with snus. The flavor was unlike anything I had experienced before it and it opened up a new door for me in tobacco appreciation. It was a while before I started trying different portions, which eventually became my preferred method of snusing. I still really enjoy los but it isn't as practical for me.

                There was something about the domestic dip that I was looking for and when it wasn't in the probe I was bummed out, but the Ettan, it made me realize that snus was its own animal entirely.

                I posted on several of the earlier snus forums asking what is "like Copenhagen" and some folks responded with recommendations but all the old schoolers all said the same thing... "Forget Copenhagen" I did and I have yet to look back.

                One of the things I remember is how much I liked my snus cold... instead of craving the 'burn' of the cope I started to crave the feeling of a cold bump under the lip.

                I would recommend you give Grov Snus a go if you like the General... I think it is better, but that is my taste.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  Ahhh. I remember my first snus...i was General Portion. I chose general because it was dubbed the most popular snus. I was hooked instantly. previous to that I dipped Grizzly Straight when Skoal got too expensive. I did this for more than four years and before that I smoked Camel Lights for probably 15 years (pack-a-day). I haven't looked back and have no intention of ever doing so.

                  My advice is to try as many as you can. Try them all. Find what you like then try them all again. Make some trades, etc.

                  I no longer get any sort of burn from snus. I miss that as I'm a glutton for that sort of punishment. I also miss the aroma that I used to get when the portion was in. I can't say that I don't get it anymore but I just haven't noticed it in years. Sometimes I try to puff out my lip and move the air around in my mouth to get the aroma but I'm rarely successful.

                  Welcome to the wonderful world of SNUS!


                  • justinp
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 33

                    Thanks for all the help, folks. Just posting an update: I've started tasting much more by way of flavor in the General; for the last few days it was just salt, but now it's salt + earthy, rich tobacco + a slight citrus... must be the bergamot?

                    Mmmm.... Got a larger-than-usual (for me) pris in while I work on final papers in a coffeeshop, and I'm loving it. Nothing like watching yuppies give me disapproving glares for what I'm sure they think is a can of dip on my table...

                    Though I consider being disapproved of by yuppies a moral imperative...


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