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  • Christi
    • Dec 2009
    • 2104

    I love the Thunder Frosted.

    I am sure I will love OR (just for you PP) but I have yet to try anything OR.

    The only snus I can say I absolutely HATE is anything manufactured in the US, it all tastes like the way vitamins smell to me. Otherwise, I haven't stuck anything in my mouth that I don't like at least a little.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      Originally posted by Christi
      Otherwise, I haven't stuck anything in my mouth that I don't like at least a little.
      REALLY!???!! :lol: :P


      • Christi
        • Dec 2009
        • 2104

        yup, totally the truth :twisted:


        • Ulsterman



          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            I'm not a flavored fan, but I like Offroad Original portions, I like Phantom Blue portions, I like Thunder Original portions, and if it's true V2 makes Odens, I like Odens ES OP, and if they make Elyxir, I like their OP. Some items I haven't tried, like the other Phantoms.


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              Wow. This got a lot of attention. It was a simple question really and I guess I never got the answer about the minty taste yet. It seems to be a common thread in my tasting w/ Offroad so far and I'm trying to be considerate to other snusers that enjoy it.

              @ Premium Parrots - FYI I've been snussing for years now, I'm just new to this forum. I was 100% snus for probably three years and just this past summer I got into nasal snuff (now, I AM new to that) I know my tastes for certain and I currently have a good rotation of 20-30 different snus. This is my first foray into Offroad and I was simply turned off. I enjoy Thunder and Phantom (some of them) but I hadn't tried Offroad because the packaging looked cheesy. I know that's not a good reason but there's plenty that I like. Since getting into nasal snuff I've found a renewed appreciation for snus and went on an ordering binge...some I haven't had in years and some were new. I've learned that if you go back to some after a time your tastes may have changed. That's always pleasant.

              Mint and menthol do that to me. They always have w/ cigarettes, dip, snus, and snuff. I can't stand the stuff. Heck I even buy Toms of Maine toothpaste because mint makes me want to hurl. I simply won't use it and that's that.

              Now I did have a look at the reviews and there wasn't much mention of this common taste. I'm guessing a vast majority of people like that flavor or flavor component.

              Name's Ed, by the way and I'd consider myself a well experienced snuser.


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Well glad you came back to snus and SnusOn. Sorry I took for granted that you were a nubee to snus. We get ALOT of new snusers here. I find it amazing that you hadn't tried OR products before if you have been snusing for years tho.

                I must agree that OR products probably aren't the highest quality but snus is a taste/flavor thing and a nicotine thing. Not a keep up with the Jones thing. We pick a brand because we like the taste or the nic hit. Btw, I think the coffe/van has a great nic hit.

                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • snupy
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 575

                  I have never purchased OR portions, due solely to the bad reviews from the users on this website. However, I LOVE the OR cranberry los, so much that I may well get a roll of it on my next order. The OR cranberry was so incredible (as far as taste and no mudslide-ability), that I will next purchase single cans of other OR los flavors to test them out as well.


                  • WickedKitchen
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 2528

                    Ok. I tried the OP and I like it.

                    I was very apprehensive about it fearing that it would have a mint attribute to it. To my elation it fits my taste. I get some fennel taste in there but that's cool...and something else that I cant' put my finger on. Grape soda comes to mind but that's probably not correct.

                    I'm a fan. It probably won't make all-day status but it's a keeper.


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      Originally posted by TBD
                      Like PP I don't get all the hate for V2. I can't stand Probe or Knox, but I don't spout my hate for the companies that produce them based on a couple snus I don't like. I could happily switch to using nothing but V2 products, if they ever come out with a clone of Tre Ankare I might.
                      i dont think this comparison is the same. probe is 1 snus, knox is 1 snus. offroad is like a thousand different flavors, and being one of like 3 things v2 makes, along with phantom and thunder. now i love phantom as a los snus, but the portions arent very good, thunder is too much nicotine for me, and i havent had ALL of the offroads, but none of them were rebuys for me, and aside from coffe/vanilla, the others i found downright repulsive. thus i said that i hate v2 portions, so did lxskllr. theoneandonly said clearly that he hates offroad. so i dont really think anyone is just spouting hate for v2 based on "a couple snus" (almost the entire product line.) as i said, the phantom los is my bag, and i will continue buying it because i love it, and as such, it would be very inconvenient for me to hate v2 with them producing some of my favorite snus. but as far the portions go, they are not good. maybe with no other companies portions to compare to, i wouldve liked them, but i doubt it. that is my opinion and i think thats mostly what a snus forum requires. opinions.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        I think Thunder Frosted and Odens ES have the best portion material on the market. For me, anyway, they are the most comfortable, and I love the high moisture content. So that's my 2 cents on V2 portions.

                        As for Offroad, it is not my bag. I'll admit I used to think V2 sucked in general because all I had tried from them was Offroad. But now I think they are a great company, and yeah if they are responsible for Odens, then in the past few months they have received 90% of my business.

                        To WickedKitchen, I detect a weird flavor in all of the Offroad products that I've tried, but it's definitley not minty to me. More Windexy, as if all of it was contaminated by Phantom Blue lol. I would buy a roll of this limited addition mix because I want to try half the flavors and I like how innovative they are, but I'm worried about wasting it in these times of super-tight snus budgeting. Lately I have not had the stamina I used to when it comes to finishing cans I don't like. I just throw em in the freezer. And my girlfriend would stright up kick my ass if I placed an order anytime in the next month. Just got a package the other day


                        • TBD
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 817

                          daruckis, I avoided Offroad for over a year of snussing. Simply because of all the bad reviews. Some of the flavors I like some I hate. The new limited edition is pretty good for a once in a while treat. The 10 cans I have will last most of a year. I probably won't buy any more, except maybe a couple extra cans of Moonshine.

                          What burns my butt is people who dislike Offroad saying "V2 sucks". If one wants to say "offroad sucks" I'm fine with it, but people who trash the whole company because of one group of products is not fair to the company. I don't like any of the Mocca flavors, but I would never say F&L sucks.


                          • sheilalynn
                            • May 2009
                            • 1103

                            As another user of several OR products (namely cranberry, strong cranberry, COFFEE VANILLA, and wintergreen), I wondered why so many say they hate OR snus. So I just sat here quietly...afraid to let the true feelings known. :wink:

                            I think most have caught on to how I go mainly for the flavored snus and even add flavorings to ones like General and Ettan, and OR has come through with many to choose from. The only Offroads that I really can't handle is the Liquorice. Not a big fan of the regular ones either, but the flavors are good both in los and portions.

                            Of course, they still don't have the flavor punch that Discreet has, but that's ok...both Discreet and Offroad have a permanent spot in my freezer/desk/mouth/purse/etc. 8)


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