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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528


    I've gotten a few of these too but I'm put off by all of them so far. I've tried Apple and Mandarin so far but they've both had this minty flavor that quickly became too much to handle and I had to spit them out after five minutes or so.

    Are they all like this? I haven't opened the Mango Cream and the Moonshine yet and I'd prefer to keep them sealed if they have that same characteristic and I'd give them for a trade. I cracked the seal on the original so I could smell them but I haven't tried one yet.
  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    I hate everything Offroad..


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I hate V2 portions. I like the lös ok. It still has a bit of an odd taste, but they range from tolerable to pretty damned good.


      • daruckis
        • Jul 2009
        • 2277

        i also hate v2 portions. i like phantom and nordstrommen los


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Whoa!! So you are all haters?!? Well there is NO snus manufacturer that will go out of their way to help their customers the way that V-2 will. Sure the distributors all give personal service but what other manufacturer does what V-2 does? [Citing the recent comeback of the coffe/vanilla flavor]. I emailed Patrik at V2 to find out the cost of having him make up a minimum batch of the coffe/van and how many rolls I needed to purchase, I think 25. The next thing I know I get an email from Patrik saying "Merry Christmas" and a link to the page at northerner with the product. Patrik made 300 rolls for us. Any other manufacturer do that for its customers?

          Secondly, a person new to snus, tries two flavors, comes in and says he hates the stuff and we all know that his tastes can change dramatically over the next few months and he probably hasn't tried a fraction of all the different brands yet. So what is his base of knowledge? I respect you seasoned snusers opinions cuz we all know that we have different tastes. If you don't like it fine at least I know you tried it, waited a few months then tried it again. Thats how snus seems to work.

          Offroad is the one brand that has made the leap to try and produce so many flavors that everyone should at least like one of them. Not everyone can like all flavors. Go ahead try them all that is the first comandment of snus. You won't know what you like untill you try it no matter if you like the producers other flavors or not. period.

          There should be plenty of members stepping up to say they like one OR product or another but all this hate just isn't right. I've tried about 95% of all the different snus made today and I'll tell you that my #1 snus is the coffe/van, my #2 is Triumph and my #3 would be the N&J Black. But everytime a new snus comes out I HAVE to try it. You just never might end up being your favorite.

          You seasoned snusers should have explained a few things to the new snuser so he understands rather than just stepping up and bashing the OR line. Shame on you. You are all going to hell now. God will surely get you for this!!

          end of rant.
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I think we were pretty balanced, and it reflects general opinion. Lös is pretty good, portions not so much. There is the occasional weirdo that really likes the portions, but I think they all live in Illinois :^P

            I definitely give V2 credit for customer feedback, and their willingness to push the envelope as far as flavoring goes. The odd flavors aren't really my thing, but there's certainly a demand for them, especially from Americans.


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              Yea I just went to the reviews and so far the reviews aren't bad at all for all the the OR products. I can see that the OR los is certainly more popular than the portions tho.

              Its kinda funny seems no one ever says they hate any other product other than OR, and the people that do like OR REALLY like it. I will tell you that from personal experiance that 95% of the snus I try I want to spit out after like 5 minutes. But I know I have to give it a chance so I keep it in for 30 minutes. And then try it again some time. The first thing to remember when trying snus is to give it a chance and don't assume other products from the same manufacturer will taste bad too. Try them all...........

              sorry I don't like the word hate and I saw it 3 times in a row in the previous posts and I couldn't help myself.
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • daruckis
                • Jul 2009
                • 2277

                ill grant you the coffe/vanillas not that bad.i liked the flavor decently but its not something id get more of. i havent tried any of the OR limited, though im tempted to try the sweet clove. im not a fan of the way their portions feel compared to that of swedish match or jti. i think they are my preferred los snus though. i love phantom brown and like phantom blue quite a bit. i really loved the nordstrommen brandy alexander, which is still probably my favorite los snus.


                • cj
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 1563

                  i really like the offroad cranberry stark need to try the los


                  • Tristik
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 654

                    I like Offroad for the risks they've taken in throwing new flavors out there. I like the Coffee/Vanilla, and I like their wintergreen too. Haven't liked any of the Limited flavors. That's not quite right. Some of the flavors are actually very good, but not what I like in my snus personally.


                    • cj
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1563

                      oh i forgot thunder blue its one of the best snus ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • Owens187
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 1547

                        Originally posted by TheOneandOnly
                        I hate everything Offroad..


                        I like the tobacco, just absolutely despise the portion material.
                        And, before PP jumps me, I do not hate V2, just Offroad. I routinely order rolls of the Thunder products. I just dont understand why the Thunder material doesn't suck like the Offroad. Why not use the Thunder material for both?

                        And others have said they changed the material, so I ordered some Cran Strong, and nope, still ultimate suckage.

                        Though, like PP said, their customer service is about the best you can hope for. No other company even comes close.


                        • Ulsterman



                          • TBD
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 817

                            I like a lot of V2 products. I love a few. Most of the Offroad flavors are not my thing. ( I detest Coffee/Vanilla) I love Cranberry Strong, Phantom and Thunder Original. I have tried them all except licorice, portions or lös it's all good by me. I prefer the Phantom lös but have a few cans of portions in the stash also.

                            Like PP I don't get all the hate for V2. I can't stand Probe or Knox, but I don't spout my hate for the companies that produce them based on a couple snus I don't like. I could happily switch to using nothing but V2 products, if they ever come out with a clone of Tre Ankare I might.

                            @Owens187, I see and feel no difference between the portion material in Offroad and Thunder.


                            • Ulsterman



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