Nicotine Pouches, passing fad or here to stay?

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  • uncleKipp
    New Member
    • Dec 2019
    • 11

    Nicotine Pouches, passing fad or here to stay?

    I've noticed as of late a lot of 'tobacco free' pouches.
    Brands such as Lyft, Nordic Spirit, I believe Skruf make a couple cans, seem to be popping up everywhere online..
    I've even found the Nordic Spirit pouches in the UK, where snus is almost entirely unheard of due to a sales ban..

    Will these spark interest & create new demand for smokeless products? Or is this a glimpse into a new era, the equivalent of what vaping is to smokers, which will see a gradual end to traditional tobacco?

    Anyone have an opinion on these things?
  • SnusOn.Com
    Super Moderators
    • Jun 2018
    • 427

    I think these products are being pushed quite hard at the moment as they have a much higher market penetration potential than traditional tobacco snus with them not being subject to the same prohibition and regulatory control. They also seem to appeal to those who want to go one stage further in their quitting tobacco journey and, whilst still wanting to keep nicotine on the table, don't want to use tobacco-based products at all anymore.

    I think you draw a good comparison there placing the nicotine portions alongside vaping. Kind of one step up from NRT in that they're more pleasant and deliver more nicotine.

    I'm not sure what the future might bring but I would really miss my tobacco snus if it wasn't there anymore.

    As an aside have you seen or are you aware of the 'Nordic Chew' products you can get from Denmark? They sort of sit between nicotine pouches and tobacco snus. Apparently the difference between traditional Swedish snus and Nordic Chew is all in the tobacco grind. I made an article on the products here if you're interested in a little more reading. You can order them from BuySnus EU


    • uncleKipp
      New Member
      • Dec 2019
      • 11

      Originally posted by SnusOn.Com View Post
      As an aside have you seen or are you aware of the 'Nordic Chew' products you can get from Denmark? They sort of sit between nicotine pouches and tobacco snus. Apparently the difference between traditional Swedish snus and Nordic Chew is all in the tobacco grind. I made an article on the products here if you're interested in a little more reading. You can order them from BuySnus EU
      Ah yes, the 'chew bags' as they're marketed usually..
      I tried the Thunder ones, they was pretty good, the ultra raspberry is actually in my top 5 rotation, still quite rare here though..

      I've seen them around on a few websites, my local tobacconist has the Chainsaw by V2 & the General 'Cut Titanium' but they are stored so badly that by time you get a can its more like a pouch of nasal snuff..

      Do they make any loose that you know of? I know V2 made Thunder 'chewing tobacco' a while back but never found any for sale where I could order from.


      • SnusOn.Com
        Super Moderators
        • Jun 2018
        • 427

        Originally posted by uncleKipp View Post
        I tried the Thunder ones, they was pretty good, the ultra raspberry is actually in my top 5 rotation, still quite rare here though..
        Yes, I thought the Ultra Raspberry had a good taste and gave a decent kick. I like it's snus counterpart too.

        Originally posted by uncleKipp View Post
        I've seen them around on a few websites, my local tobacconist has the Chainsaw by V2 & the General 'Cut Titanium' but they are stored so badly that by time you get a can its more like a pouch of nasal snuff..
        Yes, you're probably better buying them online from Denmark for freshness.
        I believe that's why most of the Chew Bag product is white or dry white to try and give it a longer shelf life if stored outside the fridge. Still better to store it in the fridge like snus though to keep it fresher for longer.

        Originally posted by uncleKipp View Post
        Do they make any loose that you know of? I know V2 made Thunder 'chewing tobacco' a while back but never found any for sale where I could order from.
        Alas that was the only lös version of the Nordic Chew product line I know of and it doesn't seem to be available now.

        I'd recommend the Rite Cool Mint White Large Chew if you haven't tried it. It has a real good burn and kick's like a mule :-)


        • uncleKipp
          New Member
          • Dec 2019
          • 11

          Originally posted by SnusOn.Com View Post

          Yes, I thought the Ultra Raspberry had a good taste and gave a decent kick. I like it's snus counterpart too.
          Unfortunately I can't currently get the proper snus version, I did really enjoy the chew though..
          I quite like all the Thunder products I've tried, if I'm using pouches then I like them to be on the moist side most of the time & Thunder seems to fit the bill..

          I'm strange I think in that I actually enjoy a bit of light drip, I like the temporary burst of flavour & it gives me a chance to dig out the trusty old spittoon for a small nostalgia trip though at the expense of annoying the missus XD

          The Rite sounds like it would go excellent after the morning coffee to get you going, may have to give that one a go sometime


          • Naswari
            • Feb 2012
            • 113

            So what do the nicotine pouches contain? Are they a tobacco product or is it some kind of synthetic nicotine.


            • SnusOn.Com
              Super Moderators
              • Jun 2018
              • 427

              Originally posted by Naswari View Post
              So what do the nicotine pouches contain? Are they a tobacco product or is it some kind of synthetic nicotine.
              Hi Naswari
              The nicotine pouch products don't contain tobacco at all. They get their nicotine from the pharmaceutical kind extracted from tobacco that you would get in NRT products and that is then mixed with plant fibre, water and flavourings. IMHO they are much more palatable than NRT products.

              Here's a link to some info about the popular Lyft brand.


              • Naswari
                • Feb 2012
                • 113

                Thanks for the explanation, that's interesting. I'll have to look into this further. I haven't been following the Snus scene for a while, but recently noticed that there were some ridiculously strong products on the market. I take it some of these crazy strong brands use pharmaceutical nicotine additives in their products?


                • SnusOn.Com
                  Super Moderators
                  • Jun 2018
                  • 427

                  Naswari I don't believe they add pharma nicotine to the traditional tobacco snus products. With these they switch up which types of tobacco used, the leaf (more nicotine)-stem ratio & how much they free-base the nicotine on offer through manipulation of the pH.


                  • Naswari
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 113

                    Originally posted by SnusOn.Com View Post
                    Naswari I don't believe they add pharma nicotine to the traditional tobacco snus products. With these they switch up which types of tobacco used, the leaf (more nicotine)-stem ratio & how much they free-base the nicotine on offer through manipulation of the pH.
                    OK it seems extraordinary that such high nicotine numbers can be achieved through using leaf and PH alone. I've tried the red siberia and that was horrendously strong at 43mg, some of the ones I've seen advertised recently claim to be over twice as strong.


                    • SnusOn.Com
                      Super Moderators
                      • Jun 2018
                      • 427

                      Originally posted by Naswari View Post
                      I've tried the red siberia and that was horrendously strong at 43mg, some of the ones I've seen advertised recently claim to be over twice as strong.
                      Would you mean the crazy high strength Russian Nicopods? Researching those a little seems to suggest they only contain pharma nicotine like nicotine pouches, just much more of it I guess.


                      • Naswari
                        • Feb 2012
                        • 113

                        Originally posted by SnusOn.Com View Post

                        Would you mean the crazy high strength Russian Nicopods? Researching those a little seems to suggest they only contain pharma nicotine like nicotine pouches, just much more of it I guess.
                        Yeah those are the type I've seen claiming astronomical levels of nicotine. I can't imagine how or why anyone would want to indulge in such A tobacco based snus with an absolute upper limit of about 22mg/g should be enough for anyone, if that level of strength isn't hitting the spot then I think an effort to reduce one's tolerance is needed rather than searching for ever increasing amounts of N.


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