In memoriam ... a tribute to the snus brands you knew & loved.

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    In memoriam ... a tribute to the snus brands you knew & loved.

    Let me start this off. People are asking ... "why don't people come on snus forums anymore?" ... well there was a lot of shouting and a lot of stressy politics which ended up drowning out the snus talk. But the real bona-fide reason nobody is on snus forums anymore is because the snus industry let us down big time. Back between 2007 when I first used snus and about 2011-12 there was an explosion in snus innovation ... brands, strengths and flavours being introduced on an almost weekly basis. That was my big thing ... for me snus was obviously about getting my fix of vitamin N in a way that was less damaging than smoking ... but it was more than that ... it was like a gastronomy thing ... like fine wine. It still is that for me ... but now I concentrate mainly on making my own snus and growing my own tobacco ... it's not about brands because the brands have stopped making quality product ... with a few notable exceptions. The move for all new portion varieties being white or dry-white have ruined any chance of real flavours.

    The classics are still there: General and it's genuine relation General Extra Strong is a behemoth of traditional flavour. Less appreciated but still amazing Goteborgs Prima Fint, Ettan and Röda Lacket still do the job. Skruf Stark lös and portion is a shadow of its former self since the takeover by Imperial Tobacco. A healthy nod to Siberia Extra Black which does a magnificent job of a traditional flavour at an eye-popping nicotine level.

    But it's really all gone wrong ... massive numbers of new all-white tobacco free fake-snus is on the market. Those that aren't just modern nicotine patches for the gums are still moisture and flavour poor dry-white and white portions. I'm here to commemorate all the real amazing snuses developed and then unceremonially ditched between 2007 and 2012. I hope you'll join me with your remeniscences of better times when people took an interest in making the amazing flavours of actual tobacco shine.

    RIP Götlandssnus Gul - both in lös and portion it was amazing ... think more a tobacco-ey lemon meringue pie than bergamot. Dark and light in perfect balance.

    RIP Nick & Johnny original - originally in lös and portion - I only tried the lös once before it was discontinued ... amazing stuff. Lighter than General with liquorice, cinnamon and ginger - amazing!

    RIP Blå - I don't know who even made this amazing snus ... short lived and only available in loose format - it was one of the purest and smoothest snuses made.

    RIP Claq Qui - released at the same time as General Ekstra Sterk (now General Extra Strong) ... before this the only snus that wasn't 8mg/g was Skruf Stark and Nick & Johnny at 12 mg/g ... Claq Qui was a darker form of Röda Lacket and was 14 mg/g ... it packed not only a nicotine punch but its fruity dark tobacco was something else ... died much too young.

    RIP Odens Extra Stark Kanel (original version made by Gajane) - my go to snus for a long time ... an amazing mix of rustic tobacco, ammonia and cinnamon ... got me through some incredible times ... strong as a bastard. Not even a lid that could take used portions! Delicious and much missed ... today's GN Tobacco comes nowhere near the satisfaction.

    I certainly have others ... but feel free to add your own RIP to this thread. Tell us why you loved it and tell us why we're all so much poorer for not having it available today.

    Much love from the UK



    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    I'm sure you just can't imagine what I'm about to say...……….RIP Offroad coffee/vanilla. Great post SJ
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Well, this is just the saddest truth! The RIP list is painful to contemplate. Nothing but a downhill slide for SNUS in general. It actually hurts to think about what great tasting snus have left us. Great Post Brother.

      And I really feel bad/enjoyed making Skell dance like a monkey for my last cans of Claq! My Bad. In case I don't get another chance, based on the cricket meter on here, and the amount of accumulated tumble weeds, i love all of you and miss all the bullshit we got into, please forgive my bouts of insanity, they were exquisitely enjoyable. Downright PRECIOUS....
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • Link
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2008
        • 400

        RIP Lucky, Retro, R&J and Montecristo.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Gotland Gul, my only true love. Well, all of the Gotland snus, they were all spectacular.


          • Monkey
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 3290

            After I posted last night, I was thinking and have a few more to add.

            Taboca Los
            Phantom Blue and Brown
            Original Skruf Sterk
            Thunder Frosted Minis


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