Christi......I'm beginning to think that you are "one of a kind" anyway. Not quite sure what kind tho.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Dang, I really thought I was the only one. I should have looked around before asking.
No, no...just wanted to show you that you weren't alone! When I first started with snus, the seam bothered my gum, so I always put in a portion seam side in. Must have been a limited time thing, because I don't seem to pay much attention to it any longer.
I do it as well Christi. I really don't know why but I can't stand having the seam against my gums, though in all reality it is not a bit different lol.
(yes I have experimented before to see if it felt doesn't)
This is a good thing to see. I too thought I was the only one and I was afraid to bring it up. I don't know any other snusers so there's nobody to talk to about these sorts of things if it weren't for forums like this.
I can safely say that I have NEVER used snus with the seam side in. In fact I try to get the tobacco in the portion weighted towards one side about 60/40 and put that side closer to the front of my mouth and closer to the side of the portion that actually has the smaller seam. Some of them are like that and it's random I think.
Is it comfort? is is OCD? Who's the way though. I even re-form the ones that are packed in the star pattern so they custom fit my mouth each time. Only once did I leave it shaped the way it came and it wasn't right.
I even re-form the ones that are packed in the star pattern so they custom fit my mouth each time. Only once did I leave it shaped the way it came and it wasn't right.
I too found the star pattern didn't feel right either - i fluffed til the tobacco is evenly distributed...
OK, guys, I apologize if these questions have been settled elsewhere on the forum, but I have a few inquiries about portion placement that has been somewhat...
I get a teabag, like the kind any mass-produces tea comes in. Cut off the tag, dump the tea(if you wanted to be efficient you could save it), pull it...
I have seen the review videos and tried to just pop A portion in like A stick of gum and shove it up with my tounge on the go and it just won't go into...
I've been snusing for almost a month and doing 10 portions a day. I'm pretty sure its due to portions but I'd like to ask you guys. Everydays from morning...
I am a teacher of English so I must talk a fair bit at work - leaving me no chance to use all the beautiful loose I bought so I started to make it into...