I recently bought a Prilla Master - I find the girth too much so I have been hand baking. Can anyone tell me what the girth is like on the X-tools and IceTools?
I recently bought a Prilla Master - I find the girth too much so I have been hand baking. Can anyone tell me what the girth is like on the X-tools and IceTools?
Here's a pic of of my Icetool. I have what I think is called the 3ml Icetool. Its diameter is about 5/16th of an inch, which would be almost 8mm I believe. So, have no idea why the refer to these in ml at all really. Maybe thats entire tools volume? Dunno. Either way, this makes good size pris and is marked with lines along the plunger so you can see how many "clicks" of snus you've loaded. I usually find 1-2 "clicks" being a good amount of snus based on diameter of this Icetool. If I had an extra, I'd ship it off to you, but this is the only one I have and use it regularly.
Thanks Link. They sound good - I will have a look on the IceTool website over the next few days. Hand baking is easy with the Skruf so far but is it normal to hand bake loose?
Thanks Link. They sound good - I will have a look on the IceTool website over the next few days. Hand baking is easy with the Skruf so far but is it normal to hand bake loose?
You're welcome. Probably normal for folks who came up with los before these little gadgets were created. I got one free one from Buysnus with purchase of 30 cans of Ettan los years back, or else I'd be handbaking myself as these tools while great are a little pricey imo. Or maybe I would have found a plastic plunger on the cheap somewhere with about the same diamter as the Icetool. Having said that, these tools are very well made and work great and I am grateful I caught a good deal from Buysnus. Makes it easy imo as some snus is easier to handbake than others. I notice for example, Roda practically handbakes itself. Same with Prima, while other brands of los are nowhere near as easy to handbake.
I find my 3ML ice tool is absolutely perfect. One click is great for me for Starks and two clicks for regular. I know back in the day they were because some comparisons about the size of the prilla that they make, And they get girthier the larger you go
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Looks like the cost of icetool cans and portioners are cheaper than they used to be. After checking around for them I see the stainless has a plastic plunger now. I suppose thats why they dropped the price. The tool used to be $50 to $55, now its about $28. My entire icetool is a shiny stainless steel. Its beautifull but I never use los snus.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I am pretty new to snus and have never tried los, but after seeing the Icetool I decided I should try to fabricate one. I am a machinist so I couldn't...
Hey everybody. Got a couple of 3ml Icetools, and the rubber O-rings are getting pretty dried out - had them around 10 years, so I'm not surprised. Anybody...