my first snus was in winter 07 and it was camel spice, from the test market time, before it was available near me, my friend picked me up a can in indiana. after that i had a few cans of tourney here and there throughout 08, until camel snus was available here in the beginning of this year, i started using that more and more, until about july when i made my first order with northerner.
How long have you snused for?How long have you been cig free
Smoked for 17 years, 1 to 1.5 packs per day. Quit smoking and started snusing on the same day: May 23, 2008. Had a cigarette a week or two ago, out of the blue. Tasted pretty good and the smoke went down like I had never quit. Frightening, but I didn't have an urge for another one, so I just popped in a snus and went on with my life. My lungs feel awesome.
Smoke free for one year
I used to smoke for about ten years, then reduced my smoking to only when I drank. Since finding snus I have quit entirely. Its been a total of about 13 months now and I have to say that my clothes don't stink. I don't stink of smoke and over all I feel much better and my lungs are very thankful for the change.
I could not say more positive things about snus and what it can do for those looking to quit smoking and still get the nicotine they need. And its much better for you. Can't beat it...
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