So I've officially quit usin starks now, and its quite difficult. I've got some RL los Granit los and thunder frosted minis to use up. Hopefully by the time these are gone starks will have that kick again...
quittin starks is hard
I try to keep it to two sterk portions per day. It's very easy to get hooked on them for me too. I almost need a sterk in the morning and I treat myself to one in the afternoon but I could easily get carried away too.
Try Grov, Ettan, or Tre and drink some extra water to keep your mouth wicked wet. The juices will flood your mouth with flavor. It won't help in the nic department but at least they'll be full flavor.
I can change them up easily for some reason. Sometimes like now I am on mainly starks, and other times I will be using mainly general op or roda lacket. I seem to keep the weaker ones in longer but I don't get any real withdrawal or use more portions per day. Strong flavor I think is what keeps me going back to starks.